The internet has a tendency to dramatize certain mundane life events, wouldn’t you say? 😉 And if you’re reading this, it probably means that you’re familiar with the trends and memes of the popular web which also leads me to believe you’ve heard of the “stepping on a LEGO piece while barefoot” mania. (source) Yes, […]
Sharing the Love: Fantasy, Action, and Kiddie Edition
Did I mention that J’s currently away on vacation? He’s back to his motherland — Hong Kong — and with travel time, he’ll be away for TEN WHOLE DAYS. 😯 This is the longest we’ve been apart since we got married (even when I stayed at my parents’ for 2 months last summer, we still […]
Sisterly Love, or Lack Thereof
They say that the average age difference between siblings is 2-3 years. And wouldn’t you know it — now that Claire is 28 months old, many of my mommy friends whose first children are around her age have steadily been giving birth to their seconds in these past few months. I’m happy for my friends […]
Things That Makes Me Sweat and Shake
There are 3 things that make me unnecessarily nervous: 1. The “icy” warning in my car’s dashboard whenever the temperature dips below freezing. Do car manufacturers think we’re idiots? Isn’t it obvious that the roads may be icy when it’s this cold? I know that the warning is meant to be just that: a warning. But it […]
That Moment When…
We both knew it would happen one day. We just didn’t think it would be so soon. Yesterday, at 28 months old, our Claire Emmanuelle outsmarted us. Okay, not exactly “outsmart” in the veritable definition of the word. ( out·smart : to get the better of; especially : outwit ) More accurately, she performed a mental feat […]
The Hidden Meaning Behind Peeling an Apple
When I was a little girl still living in Korea, I overheard that a good “test” to conduct on a future daughter-in-law is to have her peel an apple for you. If she is able to peel the apple so that the skin remains in one piece, this indicates that she is not only adept […]
Happy Lunar New Year!
May you have a wonderful year of the snake! (image source) You may also like: Announcing Jini Beauty If I Could Curate My Own AB Boxes… Some More Product Raves Shangpree Mega-Review
Negative Nancy vs Positive Polly
Gawd, having two toddlers is tough. And trying to be a good mom is the hardest thing I’ve ever done (and I imagine it will continue to be so for the remainder of my life). These past couple of weeks have been especially trying with J’s parents and my own mother all on vacation (the […]
NFL Quarterbacks on Facebook: Super Bowl XLVII Edition
You guys, the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl. My team was crowned the 2012-2013 NFL Champions. This may not seem like much to most people, but it’s a BIG FREAKING DEAL to someone whose two favorite teams (the Knicks and the Ravens) have yielded countless disappointments and heartaches for more than a decade. So […]
Google Translate: Star Wars Edition
The last one is the best. 😉 Via Comfortably Awkward. P.S. — Life in the Geek in Heels household has been pretty chaotic, and will probably remain so for the next week or two. Posts may continue to be light and/or unintelligent. The upside? There’s another giveaway in works. (Have you entered my circle lens […]