Feb 1, 2023  •  In Aerin, Blogging, Claire, Personal

It’s Been a Minute

So it’s been more than five years since I’ve last written here. I debated even keeping this blog up every time I got a bill for web hosting or a received a renewal notice for the domain name. But I had written here since 2006 and there are 2,156 posts on this blog (2,157 now). I […]

Jun 3, 2017  •  In Food, Home, Parenting, Personal

Jenny the Cook

I used to love cooking. I was pretty damn good at it too. (If you haven’t visited my profile yet, yes it’s true that I make the best 갈비찜 — galbijiim, or Korean braised short ribs — in the world and anyone who’s tasted it will attest to it. People have even suggested that I open […]

May 12, 2017  •  In Beauty, Personal, Reviews

Ten Beauty Products I’ve Been Loving Lately

I’m happy to say that right now, at the age of 36, my skin is still clear of any lines or wrinkles. A friend paid me a great compliment the other day by exclaiming I had to have gotten Botox or fillers (I haven’t).  😳  I know that I should credit some of this to […]

May 2, 2017  •  In Depression, Personal

A Bizarre Side Effect

Over the course of my history with mental illness, I’ve tried a myriad of drugs, and I’ve experienced a multitude of side effects. Dizziness. Tremors. Dry mouth. Insomnia. Sluggishness. Weight gain. Weight loss. One even gave me tics along the right side of my body! (I discontinued that one right away.) But none has produced a […]

Apr 24, 2017  •  In Depression, Personal

A Decade-Plus-Old Misdiagnosis

I was first diagnosed with major depression in college, at the age of 20. Since then, I have gotten better and I have gotten worse. I have been in and out of therapy. I have been on and off meds. But I have never been with the same therapist for more than a few months. […]

Apr 16, 2017  •  In Apple, Blogging, Personal, Relationships

More Technical Issues…

The good news is that I got my laptop back. Not only had Apple replaced my battery, they had also installed a new logic board, so my computer was running like new again.  🙂  The bad news is, this only lasted a few days. It began with a 1px-wide red vertical line along the right […]

Apr 5, 2017  •  In Aerin, Apple, Blogging, Gadgets, Geek, Personal

Power Issues

It’s been three days since I promised to blog regularly again. But have I written anything? No. You probably thought I disappeared again, didn’t you? I actually have a good reason for not writing… My laptop’s battery life has been less than stellar lately, so I took it into the local Apple Store. It’s never […]

Apr 2, 2017  •  In Aerin, Blogging, Claire, Depression, Personal, Relationships

Chirp, Chirp

It’s been a whooping 1 year and 2 months since I last wrote in this blog. …Is anyone still around? During my hiatus, I seriously contemplated shutting down the site. I was feeling uninspired and unmotivated. There were a lot of things going on in my life I did not feel comfortable sharing with the world […]

Jan 18, 2016  •  In Beauty, Blogging, Personal

The Official Launch of Jini Beauty

I’ve been keeping myself plenty busy these days with the start of my own business. Who’d have thunk it? Me, a co-founder to a successful company? And last week, we officially opened our doors. Jini Beauty. Korean beauty that is curated by us, and coveted by you. Personalized subscription boxes for each skin type. You […]

Oct 20, 2015  •  In Asian, Beauty, Korean, Personal

Announcing Jini Beauty

Remember when I imagined curating my own Asian beauty box? Well, that dream has become a reality! Shortly after publishing that post, my friend Sunny reached out to me with a proposal: why not form a Korean beauty subscription box service? At first, I wanted to laugh. This had to be a joke, right? But the more […]