Jun 25, 2012  •  In Depression, Personal

Experimenting with Drugs

One of the most frustrating factors in dealing with depression — at least for me — is finding the best medication (or combination of meds) for yourself. Back in my early twenties, I had tried various meds before finding the combination that worked best for me: Prozac and Wellbutrin. This time around, since it had […]

Jun 19, 2012  •  In Gadgets, Geek, Personal

Intrigued by the Microsoft Surface…

So this was announced yesterday: (image source) As someone who vastly prefers physical keyboards to those on touchscreens, I can’t help but show some interest in the new Microsoft Surface. And as much as J and I love Apple computers, we aren’t fans of iOS due to its restrictive platform. Both of us own Android […]

Jun 16, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Personal

New Layout!

I know many of you read this blog through an RSS reader, but if you have a moment, click on through to see my new layout! (If you view the site via Internet Explorer, you might miss out on some CSS hover transition effects!) Some of the new features I have implemented include: Front page […]

Jun 13, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Depression, Motherhood, Personal

Depression and Motherhood

The thing about depression is that nobody can really understand how you feel unless they have been through it themselves. And even then, their experiences could be completely different from yours. When I first wrote of my current struggle with depression, I got the feeling that a few commenters believed the condition to have suddenly […]

Jun 11, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

A Semi-Lazy Post [An Update in Pictures]

Our family is exhausted. Little Aerin is teething — and has been for the past 1.5 months — and she has been extra cranky, in addition to waking up 4-6x a night. Claire’s first teeth sprouted just before she turned 7 months old; Aerin is now 7.5 months old and those pearly whites have yet […]

Jun 4, 2012  •  In Funny, Personal, Web

How I Got on Huffington Post (No, Not the Way You Think)

Earlier today a friend sent me the following screenshot: I have blacked out his company name from the screenshot to respect his privacy. Can you see the problem? Let’s try zooming in a bit further… I couldn’t see anything wrong with the ad either, until I read the information on the picture of the NJ […]

Jun 3, 2012  •  In Entertainment, Funny, Personal

‘Mad Men’ Prototype Barbie Dolls

I confess that when I watched the first season of Mad Men, I couldn’t understand what the big hype was about. Sure, the costumes were spectacular and nostalgia for this era was understandable, but I believed the plot and storyline were a bit too dry for my taste. But I kept watching, and boy, am […]

May 22, 2012  •  In Personal, Reviews

Hot Yoga: 10 lbs in 6 Classes!

One of the steps I am taking on my road to recovery is to exercise — not only for the physical benefits, but for the added endorphines as well. As mentioned in a previous post, my doctors have recommended yoga to help my neck heal and as a way to help me relax. I also […]