I have been forced to take a short break from blogging due to the horrible migraines I have been experiencing in the past couple of days. I am almost certain that my migraines are hormonal, as I have never gotten one before I got pregnant but regularly suffered them through both pregnancies. And now that […]
Sleep-Training Aerin
I am by no means an expert on baby sleep, but the (very) general sleep pattern that my girls seemed to have followed is: 0 to 2 months old: sleeps most of the day, but also wakes up often. She is still getting used to being outside of the womb. 2 to 4 months old: the […]
Reverent Sundays: “The Intolerance of Tolerance”
Welcome to today’s installment of Reverent Sundays, where I write about an aspect of my faith. This can deal with recent books I have read on Christianity, my thoughts on religion and current issues, as well as particular messages I find touching and/or powerful. I am aware that most of my readers are not religious, and […]
Dollar Store Stickers
I love that there is a dollar store within walking distance to our home, because it is a great place to find cheap sources of entertainment for Claire (e.g., helium balloons). Earlier this week, I purchased a package of hearts stickers (pink GIRLY hearts that Claire herself chose…what else did you expect from her?) and […]
A Compilation of Claire’s Recent Funnies
The Nail Clipper: Claire hates, hates, HATES getting her toenails clipped. She’s okay with us clipping her fingernails, but she has a strong aversion to our clipping her toenails…she’ll even start crying when she sees us clipping Aerin’s toenails! (I’ve tried clipping my own in front of her, making it seem like it was THE most […]
Stay-In Date Nights
A couple of months ago, I was making conversation with a nice, elderly lady at church. And typical of mothers who do not know each other well, we defaulted to the topic of our children. “Just thirteen months apart? That must be tough!” she exclaimed when I told her about Claire and Aerin. “Yes, but […]
Goodbye, Comang
This is one of the most difficult posts I have ever written… 🙁 After much consideration and thought, we have decided to give away Comang, our beloved shih-tzu. When I first became pregnant with Claire, I swore to myself that I would never become “one of those people” that give away their dogs after having […]
1 to 2 Transition: Things We’re Doing Differently
Having a second child is not just twice the work. For me, and other mothers of multiple children I have spoken to, two children are triple, sometimes even quadruple the work of one kid! With my in-laws having returned to Hong Kong, I am finally on my own in being the caretaker of a 4-month-old […]
That Bastard Second Wind…
Any idiot can tell you that being a parent is tiring. Sometimes, I am so drained by the end of the day that every bone in my body seems to ache, every muscle sore, and I actually feel nauseous from the physical exhaustion. And at these moments, all that gets me through the next minute and […]
Reverent Sundays: Premarital Sex
Welcome to today’s installment of Reverent Sundays, where I write about an aspect of my faith. This can deal with recent books I have read on Christianity, my thoughts on religion and current issues, as well as particular messages I find touching and/or powerful. I am aware that most of my readers are not religious, and […]