Mar 9, 2012  •  In Claire, Cute, Motherhood, Personal

Cute Interactions with Claire’s Lovey

Soon after Claire was born, we received a package from our Canadian friend Girl on the Park — an adorable stuffed giraffe for Claire! We kept the giraffe in Claire’s crib through sleep training and teething, often placing it into her arms so that she could use it as a source of comfort. Before long, […]

Mar 7, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Personal

Aerin’s Eczema Treatments

Our younger daughter may be a happier and easier baby than Claire, but as with many things in life her merry temperament seems to have come with a tradeoff: her sensitive, eczema-prone skin. No one else in J or my immediate families suffer from eczema so this is brand-new territory for us. (Our pediatrician told […]

Mar 5, 2012  •  In Beauty, Motherhood, Personal, Pregnancy, Shopping

Three Notes of Superficiality

One… Last week, I got a haircut. I hadn’t gotten a cut in over six months, and with the post-partum hair loss I have been experiencing (it’s not as bad as last time, but it’s still pretty disgusting), my hair was in dire need of some servicing. I was about to go make an appointment […]

Mar 2, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

The Serious One vs The Happy One

At about this time last year, I would often wonder if I were doing something wrong with Claire. Yes, every new mother has her moments of doubt regarding childcare, but the type of worry that went through my mind was of a different sort — I was concerned because Claire was such a serious, intense baby. […]

Feb 29, 2012  •  In Entertainment, Personal

“Why do we continue to watch this?”

Being the parents of two young girls, J and I have very little time to watch TV. So when we do get the time to catch up on our favorite shows, it is not uncommon for one of us to ask the other, “Why do we continue to watch this show again?” Let me explain. […]

Feb 27, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Parenting, Personal

Hibachi FAIL

Yesterday, J suggested that we take both girls and — with the help of his parents — go have lunch at a Hibachi Steakhouse. Before I go on, I should state that I do not particularly like taking my kids to “adult” places. If the locale is specifically marketed as a family-friendly establishment? Sure, let’s […]

Feb 25, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

Motherhood, Summed Up in a Dream

Last night, I dreamt that J and I were childless. We dined out often. We frequently entertained, hosting epic game nights just like we used to. We traveled to places we have always wanted to visit together, but never got a chance to: Mexico, Hawaii, France, Italy, Germany…even Hong Kong and Korea! (Yes, we have […]

Feb 22, 2012  •  In Blogging, Personal

Sick, Sick, Sick!

The past few days have been utterly exhausting: My father being in the hospital (Fortunately, he is now discharged and surgery is not required. Thank you for your thoughts and support!) Claire got a throat infection I’m sick too Aerin is being extra, extra clingy towards me Blogging will resume when my life returns to a […]

Feb 20, 2012  •  In Personal

Asking for Some Prayers and Support…

Last night, my father was admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. It turns out that the walls of his gall bladder have thickened and hardened from his Hepatitis B. The doctors are still not sure if he will need surgery. They have given him some pain meds but he is still in some […]