Feb 13, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

T-Minus Two Weeks

One of my ex-boyfriends is just 15 months younger than his older sister. When we started dating, he told me how, shortly after he was born, his parents sent his sister to go live with the grandparents for a year because taking care of two very young kids — one of whom was extremely colicky […]

Feb 11, 2012  •  In NYC, Personal, Sports

Anyone Else Going LINsane?

Having grown up in New York, I have been a New York Knicks fan since (my generation’s version of) the Knicks’s glory days in the 1990s. I cried when they lost the 1999 NBA Finals. Meeting Allan Houston was one of the high points of my life. And, I remained true to my boys in […]

Feb 8, 2012  •  In Claire, Cute, Parenting, Personal

Toddlers and Tiaras: Claire Edition

We do our best not to push our girls into stereotypical gender roles or characteristics. And while we would secretly love it if they turn into tomboys, we never force them to play (or not play) with certain toys and encourage them to allow their own preferences to develop. As it turns out, our 16-month-old […]

Feb 6, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Geek, Personal, Web

New Directions, and A Call for Help

A few years ago, J casually said to me, “You know, you should really make your blog more mobile device friendly.” “But that might ruin the design! And you know how hard I worked on it. Besides, less than 1% of my visitors are using a mobile device when they browse on over.” Did I […]

Feb 5, 2012  •  In Christianity, Personal, Reverent Sundays

Reverent Sundays: Food for Thought

Welcome to today’s installment of Reverent Sundays, where I write about an aspect of my faith. This can deal with recent books I have read on Christianity, my thoughts on religion and current issues, as well as particular messages I find touching and/or powerful. I am aware that most of my readers are not religious, and […]

Feb 3, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Parenting, Personal


Last night, I noticed that Aerin’s tongue was green.  😯 Okay, so it wasn’t that bad. She has always had a white patch on her tongue, which is common in many babies due to their milk/forumla-only diet. But last night, when she happily stuck her tongue out at me during her bath, I noticed that the […]