Feb 1, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Personal

Cubicleism: Amazing Office Whiteboard Art

At my very first full-time job, I had a huge whiteboard hanging in my cubicle. I used this whiteboard to mostly write reminders for myself and coworkers, but sometimes we would leave messages for each other (à la whiteboards on the doors of college dormrooms), and once in a while they would become spaces for […]

Jan 27, 2012  •  In Personal

Happy Birthday to My Best Friend!

J turns 34 today. I see no reason to hide his age, because he becomes more handsome, more delightful, and more lovable to me with each passing year.  A snapshot of my handsome husband as he waits for me on our wedding day.(Photo by Danny Weiss) Circa 1997. We look SO young here! Our bodies […]

Jan 23, 2012  •  In Christianity, Personal

My First Night as a Volunteer at the Homeless Shelter

This past Saturday, I left the girls with J and his parents and joined a small group of volunteers from our church to lend our hand at the local homeless shelter. It was tiring. It was heartbreaking. And it was totally worth it. Prior to joining this church, I had never even considered the possibility […]

Jan 18, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

Walking Without Support

I am happy to announce that, at 15 months of age, Claire has finally started walking. Let me rephrase that. She has finally started walking without support. Because she has been walking with one hand against the wall or along some furniture, or one hand holding someone’s hand, for over a month now. We all knew […]