Oct 1, 2015  •  In Depression, Geek, Personal, Relationships

The Evolution of Happiness (And an Announcement)

We all know that what made us happy as children may no longer apply. But is it just a matter of our tastes changing? Social psychologist Jennifer Aaker, PhD, theorizes that your happiness is not based on your likes and dislikes, but rather, the motivating forces that drive you. Our definition of happiness tends to shift every 5 or 10 years, […]

Sep 30, 2015  •  In Claire, Personal

Happy 5th Birthday, Claire!

My Claire Bear turns five years old today. FIVE. …I still can’t believe I’ve kept a human being alive for this long. Happy birthday, my dear Claire. I wish for you a fun, memorable birthday filled with love and excitement. May you never lose your curiosity, sense of wonder, and zest for life. Umma loves […]

Sep 7, 2015  •  In Baby, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal, Relationships

Baby Fever

If you’re friends with me on Facebook, you may have noticed that I’d had a bit of baby fever lately. Say what? Me? The girl who hates the baby years and never looks back on her children’s infancies with nostalgia? What happened? Well, for one, my friends and relatives keep having ridiculously cute babies and I […]

Aug 18, 2015  •  In Asian, Beauty, Korean, Personal, Reviews

If I Could Curate My Own AB Boxes…

Yesterday, my friend Jacinda joked that she needs a Geek in Heels beauty subscription box. I was super flattered to receive the comment, and it got me thinking about what I’d include in a box if I could curate one… The problem lies in the fact that I’d include too much! The box would cost […]

Aug 13, 2015  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal

Lazy Days of Summer

Aerin is still at an age where the things she says can sometimes be difficult to understand. “Umma, can yoo be the peejun and I be the pellekrin falkon?” “Huh? Can you say that again?” Luckily, Claire can understand her little sister better than anyone else. “Umma, I know what she said! She said, ‘Can […]

Aug 4, 2015  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Geek, Personal

Late to the Mobile Game

I may be a technology- and gadget-loving geek, but there are some topics that cause me to be bullheaded in my old-fashioned ways. Physical books over e-books/e-readers. Text over videos. (I hate it when I click over to a promising article to discover that I would need to watch a video to see what it’s about. Also, no vlogging or […]

Jul 20, 2015  •  In Asian, Beauty, Korean, Personal, Reviews

Some More Product Raves

Let’s start the week off with some product reviews, shall we? Whamisa Organic Flowers Creamy Foam Cleanser I had been eyeing this item for a while because I ❤ Whamisa products and I had read some especially good things about the cleanser. I picked up a bottle when Glow Recipe was having their July 4th weekend sale, and WOW […]

Jul 18, 2015  •  In Personal, Web

What’s Your Shade of Introversion?

How many times have you seen one of the numerous “how to understand introverts” cartoons floating around online? Or came across another article extolling the secret power of introverts? Intentional or not, we introverts have been receiving some extra attention in the past few years. Society is finally starting to understand that introversion is not just about […]

Jul 16, 2015  •  In Beauty, Funny, Geek, Personal, Reviews

Will Rohan Answer?

This webstrip made me LOL today because I can relate all to well! You know you’re pale when a friend makes a remark about your pale legs and you show them your tan lines to prove that this is your tan skin. In all seriousness though, I’ve learned to accept my pale skin and now wear […]

Jul 13, 2015  •  In Aerin, Art/Design, Claire, Personal

5-Minute Pencil Studies

Once upon a time, I considered myself an artist. I attended studio art classes twice weekly. I even considered attending an art college — and in preparation, I devoted the summer vacation before my senior year in high school with 5-hour portfolio classes every weekday. I was accepted to some of the best art schools in the […]