Jan 16, 2012  •  In Baby, Parenting, Personal, Relationships

Daddy Woes

As much as I b*tch and moan about how difficult it is being a mother, I know that I am not in this alone. And I know that it must be just as difficult for him…if not worse at times. Because I can’t fathom how frustrating and upsetting it must be when you have been […]

Jan 13, 2012  •  In Personal, Relationships

Beneficial Friendships

My parents have always said that everyone needs the following three people in their social circle: a doctor friend, a lawyer friend, and an auto mechanic friend. The reasoning for this is simple, and it is so that you have someone you trust to give you advice and consultations on matters that could otherwise screw […]

Jan 10, 2012  •  In Claire, Personal, Relationships

More Family Resemblances

A couple of weeks ago, J’s relatives in China found this old photograph and sent it over: Can you guess who the little girl is? It’s J’s mother when she was about 3 years old! Everyone immediately noticed how remarkably Claire resembles her grandmother in this picture. Here’s a recent picture of Claire for comparison: […]

Jan 6, 2012  •  In Finance, Personal

More Thoughts on Money, and Small Steps Forward

As stated in an earlier post, 2011 was not the best year — financially — for my family. This does not only apply to my parents. While J and I are by no means poor, we have been on a very tight budget. Yes, we were able to hire a part-time nanny for a few […]

Jan 5, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Personal, Pregnancy

Aerin’s Birth Story

I realized the other day that I had never posted Aerin’s birth story. There is reasoning behind the madness: it just isn’t that exciting. 🙁  And by this, I mean that while the birth of our second daughter was thrilling for us, it was short and easy and free of drama — not stuff that non-family […]

Jan 4, 2012  •  In Claire, Personal

Christmas 2011

I know I’m a bit late, but how could I not share this picture of Claire on Christmas morning? I can confidently say that this Christmas was the first where I did not care if I received anything at all — the wonderful and generous presents that Claire and Aerin received were more than worth […]

Jan 3, 2012  •  In Aerin, Baby, Personal

At the Risk of Jinxing Myself…

The last time I wrote about Aerin, I had talked of switching from breastmilk to formula. This is going splendidly. Aerin has not spit up even once since we made the switch. She still has a bit of cradle cap, but aside from that her skin is smooth and clear. And at the risk of jinxing […]

Jan 1, 2012  •  In Personal


I couldn’t have said it better myself. Wishing you all the best in 2012! You may also like: Life Update, 1 Year Later The Neverending Period My Top 7 Foundations Happy Father’s Day