We weren’t going to do a Christmas card this year because we kept missing the opportunity to take a family portrait…but wouldn’t you know it — we came across an extra 15 minutes on Christmas Eve to set up the tripod, make ourselves presentable, and snap some pictures of the four of us! Believe it […]
A Holiday Break and Another BB Cream Giveaway!
I have decided to take a holiday break from blogging. 🙂 So barring unforeseen circumstances, this will be my last entry until 2012. I won’t be completely offline though. You can still find me sporadically posting stuff on my Facebook Page, Pinterest, and Twitter. But because I didn’t want to keep you guys completely hanging for over […]
The Big Red Bow Event
We’ve all seen the commercials. A doting spouse surprises his or her significant other with a brand new car for Christmas, complete with a big red bow on top. A screenshot from this year’s “A December to Remember Sales Event” commercial And if you’re anything like me, you’re probably thinking, “Does anyone actually do that?” […]
The One Where I Felt Like I Was Poisoning My Baby
Last week, I wrote that breastfeeding Aerin was going splendidly. Well, this just goes to show that anything can happen in the wild, crazy journey we call motherhood, because I am no longer breastfeeding. So what happened? I had mentioned earlier that Aerin was suffering from 3 different types of skin ailments: eczema, baby acne, and […]
How Kim Jong Il’s Obituary Would Look If It Were Written by Kim Jong Il
In case you haven’t heard, Kim Jong Il has passed away. (And if you’re just reading about this now on this blog, I welcome you whilst you climb out from under that rock from which you’ve been living!) I had a brief conversation with my father about the late North Korean dictator’s death. He tells […]
Guest Post: Geek Chic Decor
Today, I am featuring a guest post by Kristin of Bien Living Design, an interior decorating service based out of Chicago. Kristin is a firm believer that great style can be had without breaking the bank, and that everyone can and should have access to an interior decorator, which is precisely why she launched her […]
My Apparent Lack of Separation Anxiety
Most of the moms I know can’t bear to be apart from their children. They tell stories of the bucketfuls of tears that were shed the first time they left their babies with a sitter, nanny, or at a daycare. They talk about how they refuse to spend more than an x amount of time away from […]
A Small But (Hopefully) Meaningful Gift
I just realized that I never shared Aerin’s Chinese and Korean names with you guys. Aerin’s Chinese name — 君靖 (Gwan Zing) — was chosen by J from a list of “pre-approved” names given to him by his parents. Claire’s Chinese name, 君婷 (Gwan Ting), was chosen this way too. In fact, J used the same list […]
Switching Up the Morning Routine
Since the moment I got pregnant with Aerin, J took over Claire’s night and morning duties so that I could get some extra rest. The routine has not changed with the birth of our second daughter. In fact, I think that J quite enjoys these moments alone with his eldest — despite the fact that […]
The State of the Milk Factory
They say that it usually takes about six weeks to establish a good breastfeeding relationship. Aerin turned six weeks old today. And aside from a couple of bottles of formula in the first week of her life, we have been exclusively breastfeeding her (about 60% straight from the boob, and the rest from pumped milk). […]