Dec 25, 2011  •  In Personal

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas…

We weren’t going to do a Christmas card this year because we kept missing the opportunity to take a family portrait…but wouldn’t you know it — we came across an extra 15 minutes on Christmas Eve to set up the tripod, make ourselves presentable, and snap some pictures of the four of us! Believe it […]

Dec 23, 2011  •  In Beauty, Blogging, Giveaways, Personal

A Holiday Break and Another BB Cream Giveaway!

I have decided to take a holiday break from blogging. 🙂 So barring unforeseen circumstances, this will be my last entry until 2012. I won’t be completely offline though. You can still find me sporadically posting stuff on my Facebook Page, Pinterest, and Twitter. But because I didn’t want to keep you guys completely hanging for over […]

The Big Red Bow Event

We’ve all seen the commercials. A doting spouse surprises his or her significant other with a brand new car for Christmas, complete with a big red bow on top. A screenshot from this year’s “A December to Remember Sales Event” commercial And if you’re anything like me, you’re probably thinking, “Does anyone actually do that?” […]

Dec 15, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Personal, Relationships

A Small But (Hopefully) Meaningful Gift

I just realized that I never shared Aerin’s Chinese and Korean names with you guys. Aerin’s Chinese name — 君靖 (Gwan Zing) — was chosen by J from a list of “pre-approved” names given to him by his parents. Claire’s Chinese name, 君婷 (Gwan Ting), was chosen this way too. In fact, J used the same list […]

Dec 14, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Parenting, Personal

Switching Up the Morning Routine

Since the moment I got pregnant with Aerin, J took over Claire’s night and morning duties so that I could get some extra rest. The routine has not changed with the birth of our second daughter. In fact, I think that J quite enjoys these moments alone with his eldest — despite the fact that […]

Dec 13, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Motherhood, Personal

The State of the Milk Factory

They say that it usually takes about six weeks to establish a good breastfeeding relationship. Aerin turned six weeks old today. And aside from a couple of bottles of formula in the first week of her life, we have been exclusively breastfeeding her (about 60% straight from the boob, and the rest from pumped milk). […]