Disclaimer: I love my children. I am not suffering from post-partum depression. I am well-aware that my current life circumstances all stem from choices I have made. I know that there are tons of families who would kill to have two healthy babies. But everyone needs a gripe session once in a while, don’t you agree? […]
Fashion Designers Imagine Katniss’s Fire Dress [Hunger Games Pr0n]
InStyle magazine has recently asked some of its favorite designers to sketch their visions of Katniss Everdeen’s fire dress from the first book of The Hunger Games trilogy. If you can recall, the dress represents Katniss’s transition from an outdoorsy tomboy to a powerful, kickass woman, and her appearance in the firy gown is when the […]
All Airports Should Have BannerXpress Kiosks
Last month, Amsterdam’s Schipol Airport became the first airport to install a BannerXpress kiosk and the banner printing machine couldn’t be more popular. Installed at the airport’s arrivals area, BannerXpress allows friends and families of passengers to create and print “welcome home” banners with custom fonts, graphics, messages and background images. The kiosk accepts debit and credit […]
Help Fund “Chink” — The First Asian American Serial Killer Movie!
The last time we visited LA, we stayed at the lovely home of our friend Marcia and her screenwriter husband, Koji. There are two things that stand out to me most about that week-long trip: (1) it rained almost the entire time we were there, further adding credence to the theory that I bring bad weather […]
The First Kiss
I always have a television show on queue to watch whenever I get some downtime and need to zone out, or when I am having trouble falling asleep. And these days, that show has been The Wonder Years. (image source) (Never watched The Wonder Years? Go do it now. It’s on Netflix streaming!) I have […]
On the eve of my thirty-first birthday, I wished that Aerin would go to bed easily for the night and stay asleep for at least three hours. But her witching hour had seemed to shift forward by about 3 hours. For at around 9pm, she became a whiny, crying, cranky mess… And stayed that way […]
Letting Go of Control
Yesterday, I had noted that Aerin generally seems to be an easier baby than Claire. I now have another theory as to why may be so: it’s because as second-time parents, we are much more relaxed about EVERYTHING. For example, for the first few months of Claire’s life we religiously tracked her every breath with […]
The State of the Union, 1 Month
Today, our Aerin Isabel turns one month old. And because I know my sister — who is currently living in Paris(!!!) for 3 months — is always begging me for pictures of her nieces, here is the latest of Aerin: One of the most common questions I hear these days is: how is everything going? In other […]
anniegurumi: My SIL’s New Blog!
As previously mentioned on this blog, J’s brother and his wife recently moved from living just 20 blocks away to all the way to the other side of the world…to Shanghai, China. Ever since I became a mother, I came to value my family more and more, and my BIL and SIL are no exception. […]
Gobble, Gobble
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for the 3 F’s: family, food, and football. What more can a girl ask for? 😉 (image source) Guest posts will resume tomorrow, and I hope to be back to my regular blogging schedule within a week. In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek at a project I’ve […]