Nov 15, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

The 2-Week Post-Partum Update

Weight Loss:Like my pregnancy with Claire, I had gained about 50 lbs with this pregnancy. I stepped on the scale for the first time this morning since my last OB appointment, and it looks like I’ve lost 25 lbs in the two weeks since giving birth. That leaves ~25 lbs left to go. I’m not […]

Nov 8, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

Life with Aerin: One Week In

Things have certainly gotten a bit easier on the homefront since my last update. Aerin has finally started to sleep in 2-hour stretches and my sore nipples are starting to toughen up some. Our new life — whilst typically difficult of ones with new babies — is admittedly easier than we had expected, so J […]

Nov 4, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Motherhood, Personal

Life with Aerin: Day Four

As a testament to how uncomfortable I was in the weeks leading up to the birth of my second child, I felt as light as a feather and wanted to do cartwheels down the maternity ward just hours after delivery. Even day two, when I felt my worst, was far better than my last month of […]

Nov 2, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Personal, Relationships

Claire Meets Aerin

She was not very amused. If anything, she seemed a bit scared and intimidated. And when she saw me holding her little sister for the first time, she started to cry. 🙁 Her grandfather had to take her away and distract her with some ballons so that she wouldn’t throw a fit right there in […]

Nov 1, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

Introducing Aerin Isabel…

Aerin Isabel was born 11/1/11 at 9:20am, weighing 6 lbs 11 oz and measuring 19.5″ long. Delivery was remarkably easy and complication-free (she was out in three pushes!); the baby very healthy and alert. I feel incredibly blessed that both Claire and Aerin made their entries into this world so smoothly. My first thought upon […]

Nov 1, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy

7 Centimeters

I continued to have mild contractions for the rest of yesterday, and tried my best to go to sleep despite the discomfort. At around 3am, the contractions started to become quite painful and I began to time them using a contractions app I had downloaded for my phone. About 45 minutes later, I finally woke […]

Oct 31, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Blogging, Claire, Personal

Happy Halloween!

Psst! I’m guest blogging over at She Likes Ruffles, He Likes Truffles today! Head on over and say hi! And be sure to check out rest of Katie’s blog, which is always filled with great anecdotes and eye candy in the way of food, fashion, and life in sunny Florida! Happy Halloween, everyone! Seeing as I’m about […]