This is the scene outside our window right now: They say that we should be expecting up to 5 inches of snow tonight. With just a few days to go until my due date, I am a tad bit worried, to say the least. I know five women whose due dates were within a week […]
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark [Book Nostalgia]
With Halloween just around the corner, I recently developed a hankering for a scary book to re-read. (Notice I said “re-read” — this is because my pregnant brain can’t handle anything new at the moment…doh!) Sure, I could go for a classic like The Shining, or even my tried-and-true favorite horror novel, The Season of […]
“My Wife’s Purse” [Or, The Black Hole That Is My Purse]
I know for a fact that this is exactly how J feels about my purse. Via Fashionably Geek. You may also like: Will Rohan Answer? Sharing is Caring [Sick Edition] Doll Play Slacking Off [An Update in Facebook Posts]
“The Hunger Games” Character Posters
I can’t, I can’t, I CAN’T WAIT for The Hunger Games to be released in theaters next March! I have read that Gary Ross, the director of the first film of the trilogy, is a big fan of the books and that he truly wants the movie to be just as good as the book, to […]
Safe Deposit Boxes: The New Savings Method?
A few weeks ago I looked into procuring a larger safe deposit box to store our valuables and important documents, and I had a heckuva time finding one! All the bank branches within a 15-mile radius had waiting lists at least a year long. And the CitiBank in Chinatown where we had been guaranteed a […]
39 Weeks, And Claire’s Third Word
This morning I went in for what may be my last regular OB visit before BebeDeux arrives. Once again the exam went perfectly fine and the doctor tells me that there is no need for any worries. I declined an internal exam because heck, I was only 1cm dilated 12 hours before I went into […]
The Death of Yue Yue: Another Perspective
Last week, audiences all around the world were shocked by the viral video footage of a 2-year-old girl, Yue Yue, who was run over twice near a hardware market in Foshan, China, only to be ignored by as many as 18 passerbys before receiving help. (image source) Yue Yue remained in critical condition for the next […]
Because Apparently, We All Look Alike [Hulu Fail]
Dear Hulu, Thanks for even having a Korean Dramas section. I really appreciate it. And thank you for spotlighting the Korean Dramas genre on your front page today: But wait. Something isn’t quite right. Can it be that the first “Korean” drama you featured is The Legend of Bruce Lee? Just to make sure, I […]
Vanishing Fruitwash Labels [A “Why Didn’t I Think of That?” Invention]
One of my biggest pet peeves is the annoying labels that grocery stores stick on their produce. I get that there needs to be a way to label the items. But they just seem so wasteful and bothersome…and it’s the worst when they are difficult to remove, sometimes even leaving behind a sticky residue! Enter designer/inventor Scott […]
Another Discussion About My Boobs
So last night, after my freak-out, I tried my best to calm my nerves by doing what comes most natural to me at 2am: surfing the web. And by the dim light of my laptop, I noticed something interesting about my nipples. (I have been sleeping topless for the past month or so, because this is […]