Oct 2, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

Claire’s Dol (First Birthday Party)

Last night, as I looked at the pictures from Claire’s dol (first birthday party), I started to cry. You see, in Korean culture, a dol is one of the most significant birthdays in a person’s life. It is, in fact, THE most important birthday in a young person’s life…all the way up until they reach the age […]

Sep 30, 2011  •  In Claire, Motherhood, Personal

Happy 1st Birthday, Claire Emmanuelle!

My firstborn daughter turns one year old today! What a difference a year makes… We will be spending the day preparing, and celebrating at her first birthday party where I hope to finally get some updated pictures of my big girl with her loving family. Claire, you know that I could write a novel describing […]

Sep 28, 2011  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

The Most Disgusting Thing About Childbirth

(I apologize to anyone who may be getting sick of all the pregnancy and baby-related posts as of late. With only five weeks left to go until BebeDeux’s due date — and just 2 days until Claire’s first birthday! — babies are naturally the #1 thing on my mind. I promise that this will subside…some […]

Sep 27, 2011  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

On Sleeping Positions [Pregnant Edition]

Most pregnant women — as well as BTDT (been there, done that) mothers — are well-aware that the recommended sleep position during pregnancy is “SOS” (sleep on side). The left side, in particular, is favored by doctors because it helps increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and the baby. Sleeping […]

Sep 26, 2011  •  In Parenting, Personal, Relationships

Loving One Child More

One of my biggest fears about becoming a parent to more than one kid is that I will, one day, find myself loving one child more. Is it possible to love all your children equally? Absolutely. But as today’s Motherlode article, titled “Do ALL Parents Love One Child More?” states, MOST parents end up preferring one […]

Sep 22, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal

On Being Happy

Whenever I have some extra time to spare (or when I am suffering from insomnia once again), I like to go through the archives of this blog. And going through some of the more controversial posts from the past year, one question that popped into my head was: when exactly did I get the reputation […]

Sep 20, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal, Relationships

Family Help

It has been exactly one week since J’s parents arrived from Hong Kong to help me with the last few weeks of my pregnancy. They will stay in the U.S. and continue to help out for the next few months which will undoubtedly be tremendously difficult with two babies that are only 13 months apart. I […]

Sep 18, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy

My Second Belly Button

Two months after my appendectomy, my incision scars still hurt. The largest — a 1.5″ cut about 4″ above my belly button — is the most painful and remains an angry red. My doctor tells me that this is what I should expect with a surgical scar on a growing, pregnant belly. He says that […]