A few of my readers — especially first-time parents — have recently asked me how I manage to find the time to blog. My answer? Schedule, schedule, schedule! Don’t get me wrong — I do not have a block of time I set aside every day to blog, because let’s face it: setting and sticking […]
Claire’s Favorite (Interactive) Books
Claire loves books. This bibliophile of a mother couldn’t be more proud, as our 11-month-old’s favorite “toys” are books…she “reads” in her stroller, she “reads” in the car, and she even “reads” during bathtime (we have some bath-safe, rubber books). In fact, I think it’s safe to say that Claire already has more books than her […]
Lessons My Mother Taught Me
Isn’t it funny how you resist and even resent your parents growing up, and only when you become an adult — and more so, when you become a parent yourself — that you realize how wonderful they are? Many of my readers may already be aware that Korea has deep roots in Buddhism. When I was […]
September 11, 2011
Today I woke up and remembered how a decade ago, I saw smoke rising from lower Manhattan as I drove along the New Jersey Turnpike. I remembered how I, along with other drivers, stopped our cars and turned our radios on full blast while we stared in horror at another plane crashing into the second […]
The Potential for Disaster
I think it’s safe to say that my body has been plagued with health issues throughout this pregnancy. In addition to the everyday stuff like vomiting (still!), migraines, insomnia, and major hip pains, I have had three more major issues since the first trimester: Two root canals An eye infection which required a visit to the […]
The Boob Juice Dilemma
I do not consider myself a breastfeeding failure. Yes, I struggled tremendously with breastfeeding. Yes, it is true that I was “only” able to provide my firstborn three months of breastmilk. And yes, Claire has been exclusively formula-fed ever since I decided to quit. But I do not consider myself a failure. Claire has never […]
Puke, and Moms
How is everyone’s Labor Day weekend going? For me, it looks like this: I’m not sure if it is food poisoning or just a bad case of pregnancy-induced nausea, but I have thrown up everything I’ve eaten for the past 48 hours. I feel so weak and — believe it or not — hungry, but […]
It’s September Already?
Thank you so, soooo much for all the supportive comments and messages regarding my last post. It really warmed my heart to know that so many people care. 🙂 I spent the past few days enjoying some extra time with family. I know that I must be extra vulnerable and emotional due to the pregnancy […]
So They *Do* Come in Threes…
I have received three pieces of bad news since the early hours of the morning, one of which involves a death in the family. I have spent the majority of the morning crying or cleaning (my brand of therapy)…luckily, Claire has been in a good mood and has allowed me to leave her alone for […]
Fears (When the Floor Drops Out From Beneath You)
I was never officially diagnosed with SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction, or excessive and/or painful separation of the two pubic bones at the front of the pelvis) with my last pregnancy, but the pain was bad enough that I could not exercise for all of my third trimester. This pregnancy is no different. And while I have […]