Aug 18, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web

Do With It What You Will

I checked my blog stats this morning to discover a plethora of traffic from an unfamiliar site. As I am always excited to encounter new readers and see how and why they chose to visit, I excitedly clicked on the source link… …only to discover the blog of an extremely racist expat who is currently […]

Aug 16, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

A Short Update on Our 10-Month-Old

In the past 24 hours… As I took both Claire and Comang for a short stroll, some neighborhood dogs noticed our shy shih tzu and started barking at him. Claire seemed to want to defend him, because she started barking back! (Or at least tried her best to mimic barking sounds.) When I “attacked” her […]

Aug 15, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Personal, Wishlist

Letterpress Utility Cards [Wishlist]

A few years ago for my birthday, I received a set of blank cards. They were beautiful, no doubt, but I couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed, thinking, “What an unoriginal gift!” Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong, because I am still using those cards, for everything from “Thank You” cards to birthday cards […]

Aug 14, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal

Updated: My Favorite Sites!

I spent a good portion of this rainy, dreary day updating the three pages of links on this blog (accessible through the top menubar). The biggest change comes with Bee Friends, which has been updated with the personal blogs of the newer — and by that, I mean within the last year — Weddingbee bloggers. […]

Aug 13, 2011  •  In Blogging, Gadgets, Geek, Giveaways, Personal

iPad 2 Giveaway!

Update: A big congratulations to CH, who entered via the Facebook giveaway page! I will be contacting you shortly so that you can claim your prize! Yesterday, I wrote about the new Time to Call™ app from Vonage. This free-to-download app for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch allows you to make calls of up to […]

Aug 12, 2011  •  In Gadgets, Geek, Personal, Reviews

Vonage Time to Call™ Review and an iPad 2 Giveaway!

Last week, Vonage released a new VoIP app for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch called Time to Call™. This pay-per-call international calling app allows users to make short, 15-minute calls to 190 countries with competitive rates ranging from 99 cents to $9.99 per call. It is FREE to download with no monthly charges and no commitments.  […]

Aug 11, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy

Third Trimester

I am 28 weeks pregnant with BebeDeux today, which means that I am officially in my third trimester. I wish I had a belly shot to share with you, but I still don’t have a functioning laptop with which to transfer photos from my camera and my cell phone camera isn’t working. So here’s what I looked […]

Aug 8, 2011  •  In Funny, Personal, Relationships

Home Is… [TMI]

So true. (via Reddit) On a related note, I have trouble pooping when I am away from home. Seriously. For example, I pooped once during our 10-day honeymoon. I thought I was going to die. Does anyone else have this problem? Also, I believe that having two full bathrooms is a HUGE contributing factor to my […]