I wish this post could consist of more than three crappy cell phone pictures, but I have yet to get a new laptop and trying to process pictures from an actual camera is too much work. 😛 Today started with my sitting on a salon chair, getting a haircut (it is now just below my shoulders) […]
Wishing for Boredom
Thank you all very much for your kind comments regarding my father. I received word that he was discharged from the hospital about an hour ago, and is well on his way to recovery. I wanted so badly to be see him again today, but I could not as I had Claire to take care […]
How My Father Ended Up in the Hospital
Thank you to those who commented on today’s earlier, emotional post. My father is doing much better now — he was able to regain consciousness and was coherent by the time I was finally able to see him. The CAT scan did not reveal any serious damage, but they want to keep him at the […]
At the ER Again
My father was hit over the head with a chair. He has a bad cut and is drifting in and out of consciousness. I am currently at the ER waiting for news. Please keep him, and our family, in your prayers tonight… You may also like: Life Update, 1 Year Later The Neverending Period My […]
Restful Slumber…Or Not
I wish that baby monitors came with a screenshot function. (Any baby equipment companies reading this?) Then we wouldn’t have to deal with crappy cell phone photos like these: Five minutes later… And in case you’re wondering, YES she is deep asleep in both pictures. 🙂 I don’t know where she gets her sometimes-violent sleep […]
Worst Case Scenarios
Lately I have been plagued with awfully vivid nightmares — ones that jolt me from sleep and keep me up the rest of the night. Take the one from a couple of nights ago, for example: J is killed in a horrific accident. At his funeral, his parents and I get into an argument regarding […]
Custom T-Shirts Giveaway!
A couple of weeks ago, ooShirts contacted me about a possible sponsorship. After perusing their website, I couldn’t help but agree — not only is their custom design process simple and intuitive, their prices are some of the lowest I’ve come across on the web. Here’s what ooShirts is all about: ooShirts is an online […]
My Favorite Week of the Summer
…is Discovery Channel’s Shark Week. I don’t particularly like the ocean, nor am I a very good swimmer. In fact, I have a ridiculous fear of most fish (yes, even goldfish!). But these majestic creatures have always fascinated me. I remember taking out tons of books on sharks from the library when I was a little […]
Healing, and Thank Yous
This week has been one of the longest of my life. I know that an appendectomy — a laparoscopic appendectomy, no less — is considered a fairly common and simple procedure in modern medicine. But with the pregnancy having slowed my healing time in addition to lowering my threshold for pain (both very common pregnancy […]
I am currently writing this on my phone while lying in bed at the hospital. Early yesterday morning I woke up to excruciating abdominal pain, similar to the severe round ligament pain I had experienced during my pregnancy with Claire. With this pregnancy being so similar to the last, I had believed myself to have […]