I’ve been battling a slight cold the past couple of days. Like my sister said to me over an email, “Only YOU would get a cold in the middle of this heat wave.” 🙄 Seeing as I’m still not feeling 100%, and that it is a Friday — in addition to being perhaps the hottest […]
I have never been the type of person who proclaims “Genius!” whenever a child learns or picks up new skills. While I would smile warmly at the parents who had just bragged about how their kid is already reading at the age of 3, I would think inside my head, “Pssh. Lots of people know […]
Mr. Jay Cutler
On the first day of fifth grade, Mr. Jay Cutler introduced himself as our English teacher for the rest of the school year. He then promised us that he would walk across the classroom on his hands whenever the entire class completed their homework. “You may think I’m lying, but I’m not,” he told us. […]
How to Instantly Cool Down a Car
Here in the NYC area, we are currently experiencing what may become the hottest week of the year. 🙁 Summer has always been my least favorite season because I loathe the heat, humidity, and yes, even the longer days. As anyone who has traveled in a vehicle during the peak of summer can attest, one of […]
Discontinued! (Farewell, MAC Liquidlast Eyeliner)
I like trying on new makeup and beauty products, but I actually do not use many items on a regular basis. (And since becoming a mother, I don’t even wash my face regularly anymore.) I am also very particular and picky when it comes to the stuff I put on my face. As such, there are […]
Claire’s Baptism
Yesterday, our daughter Claire Emmanuelle was baptized. 🙂 I know that many babies usually get baptized a lot earlier than our daughter’s 9 months. And the main reason for the delay was due to our church’s serious stance on baptism — we, as parents, had to take several classes to prepare, to decide whether we […]
Someone is WRONG on the Internet
I have been blogging for over a decade now, and in that time I have certainly received hurtful and/or hateful comments. I have had my share of trolls, personal messages from particularly irate readers, as well as (empty) threats. At first they used to bother me. A lot. But now, I find them quite amusing. Does something […]
Got PMS? New Milk Ads May or May Not Be Offensive
The California Milk Processor Board along with ad agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners have launched a new “Got Milk?” ad campaign touting the benefits of the white stuff in reducing the symptoms of PMS. The problem? Many women — as well as men! — are finding the ads humorless and offensive. Take a look: As someone who […]
Approaching Toddlerhood, and 24 Weeks
Remember how I said that we were working on transitioning Claire from 3 naps down to 2? She continued to hover back and forth between 2 and 3 naps for over a month. But in the end, it took a traumatic visit to the pediatrician’s office to officially push her over to the 2 nap schedule. […]
Discipline Styles
J and I grew up in a culture and generation that was all for physical discipline. In fact, it was rare to find a household that did not spank/cane their children. Our homes were not the only places for punishments either — I still remember how, having attending up to the 2nd grade in Korea, all […]