I don’t know about the rest of the country, but we are absolutely SWELTERING here in the NYC area. Our nanny actually got a call from her son earlier today because all the local schools were closing early due to the intense heat. As I vastly prefer the cold over the heat, I usually stay […]
Working With Nature
A few weeks ago, I was shocked to discover some tan spots on Claire’s scalp. They varied in size from a eighth of an inch to half an inch in diameter. The coloring looked similar to how one’s skin looks as a cut/scrape heals, so I immediately checked to see if they were results of […]
Our Very Own Mary Poppins
Weeks after placing “part-time nanny wanted” ads, I was still getting tons of applications and found myself only lazily skimming through them. It wasn’t that I didn’t want the help. Rather, I was literally receiving hundreds of applications, most of which I knew to be were from people I wouldn’t trust to prepare my coffee, […]
The Preggo Chop
Being pregnant, it is not uncommon to have days when you feel utterly unattractive. Even if you have been through it before like I have, the insane amount of changes to your body makes you feel out of control and continually self-conscious. Perhaps that is why so many pregnant women choose to make drastic changes […]
It’s a…
Girl! …but we’re not certain. BebeDeux was moving around so much that the doc had a hard time getting a good look at the goods. He thinks it’s a girl, but he says he wouldn’t bet on it. We’ll just have to wait until the 14th to find out for sure. (Sigh.) I know that […]
Let the Guessing Begin!
I am now 18 weeks pregnant with BebeDeux. Since babies’ genitalia start to become distinguishable via ultrasound starting at 16 weeks, you know what that means… It’s time to start the gender-guessing game! I waited until today to post this, because I have an OB appointment tomorrow morning. If BebeDeux cooperates, we will be able […]
The 5 Greatest NBA Finals Moments, ‘Legoized’
After an embarrassing performance by my beloved Knicks in this year’s NBA Playoffs (way to celebrate your first playoff appearance in 7 years!), I must admit that I haven’t been quite as into the rest of the playoffs, or even the finals. But even I couldn’t ignore Dallas’ spectacular sweep of last year’s champions, or […]
Site Redesign (Geek in Heels 6.0)
It’s done. After working all last week and through the long weekend, my site redesign is finally complete. Introducing Geek in Heels 6.0 — I know that when adding a place for ads, I could’ve just easily done so with my last design. But I had been itching for a redesign for ages — so […]
Enjoying a Lazy Weekend
While Claire’s nighttime sleep has somewhat returned to normal, her naps are still a mess. All week I had been dealing with 15-30 minute naps…and she only takes two per day! I try to make up for her lack of sleep with early bedtimes, but keeping a cranky, teething (no top teeth yet), sleep-deprived baby […]
The (Incorrect) Western Interpretation of Asian Plastic Surgery
A few days ago, CNN Asia posted a video and an accompanying article titled “Plastic surgery boom as Asians seek ‘western’ look” which tells the story of Lee Min Kyong, who opted to have Asian blepharoplasty — otherwise known as double eyelid surgery — at the age of 12 in order to “westernize her eyes.” […]