Late last year J and I made the decision to cancel our cable. Not because we had stopped watching TV, but because we were no longer watching our favorite shows as they air. Sure, the DVR that our cable company had provided was getting a lot of mileage, but we couldn’t ignore the fact that […]
A Half-Assed Update
Claire woke up no less than nine times last night. Each time with an agonizing scream that pierced my heart. Needless to say, I got very, very little sleep. I decided to take her to the doctor this morning in order to ensure that there was nothing physically wrong with her. I was particularly concerned […]
Education Regrets
With the increasing number of studies and articles questioning the value of college degrees, in addition to the declining rates of employment and starting salaries among new graduates, it is no wonder that today’s young adults are fraught with regrets about their college choices. According to a recent study by Rutgers University’s Heldrich Center for Workforce […]
Growing Pains
About a month ago, Claire’s first two teeth popped out. And the very next day, she no longer started screaming for (seemingly) no reason and resumed waking up only once per night. And within days of that, she *magically* started sleeping a full 12-13 hours through the night. And taking at least one 1-hour nap […]
One… Holy crap can you believe this is a cupcake??!?? Via This Isn’t Happiness. Two… The difference a year makes: Via Young Me/Now Me. Three… Age verification win: Via The Fail Blog. Four… The Legion of Super-Groomsmen: Via Wired: Geek Dad. Five… And just because I can: P.S. — Someone […]
Rethinking My Role as a SAHM
I am no longer on bedrest. I still need to take it easy (ie, no heavy lifting, getting as much rest as possible, etc) until my next OB appt in two weeks — when hopefully we will find out BebeDeux’s gender! — but I am no longer confined to the bed. Thank you all for […]
I woke up this morning to some cramping and bleeding. A visit to the doctor showed that BebeDeux is doing fine and that my cervix is still closed, but I have been diagnosed with marginal placenta previa which may have caused the bleeding. Nonetheless, I have been put on bedrest for a few days. Needless […]
Blog Announcement
I have stated in the past that I do not make money from blogging. Actually, I make some money from linking via Amazon Associates. But that doesn’t amount to much at all…$10 a month on the good months. I have gotten inquiries about advertising on Geek in Heels, but I always brushed them off because […]
I have a friend whose 2-year-old girl has looked exactly the same since birth. Of course, there are telltale signs of growth such a longer hair and the presence of teeth, but every time I see the little girl she just looks like a bigger and longer version of herself as an infant. (And her […]
Learn SLR Photography Online with Camerasim
I have owned my DSLR for over a year now, but I still don’t feel completely comfortable with its myriad of settings and options. Sure, I have it set to manual mode most of the time, but I’m forever questioning my choices due to the fact that I’m a casual shooter with limited time (and […]