After visiting Harry Potter: The Exhibition in person, AND knowing that the final movie is due to be released in theaters in just a couple of months, I have slowly started to re-read the entire series again (probably for about the sixth time). I don’t know what it is about J.K. Rowling, but that woman […]
The Gender Guessing Game
It is no secret that I would prefer BebeDeux to be a boy. If so we’d have one of each and we’d be done! Be that as it may, I wouldn’t be upset if BebeDeux turns out to be a girl. After all, dontcha know that two girls are the best? 😉 We were excited […]
A Chemistry Kit with No Chemicals
Last night, The Daily What featured a children’s chemistry set called Chemistry 60 which boasts “60 fun activities with no chemicals.” Sadly enough, I was not surprised. You already know my thoughts on this matter. It’s actually a pretty clever marketing technique when you think about it. Because most children’s chemistry kits available to consumers today are quite […]
Smashbox Perfectly Polished Lids Giveaway!
Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go your way? Well, today was like that for me. And because I always feel better when I can help brighten someone else’s day… I’m giving away a Smashbox Perfectly Polished Lids makeup set! (Disclaimer: I received this set for free by trading in 500 […]
Because She Loves Me Most
I once read that a baby will cry hardest to her mother (or the primary caretaker) because, just like adults, babies reserve their most passionate and deepest emotions for those they love most. Our household is a perfect example of this. When Claire is around me, she WILL make it known if she is displeased […]
April 21, 2011
I have not been a big fan of James Cameron’s latest films (I tried soooo hard to like Avatar. I really did! But, after three failed attempts at trying to watch the movie without falling asleep, I have called it quits.) but I remain a huge dorkus over his earlier masterpieces. Aliens. The Abyss. And […]
Introducing BebeDeux
Faithful readers would know that I’ve been having some health problems as of late. They would also recall that I had promised to describe these problems in further detail… Well, the secret’s out of the bag. I am currently 12 weeks pregnant with Claire’s little sister or brother! I know the first question that pops […]
3 Years, A Busy Weekend, and A Winner
Three years ago today, J and I said “I do” in front of 250 of our closest friends and family. We’ve certainly had our ups and downs along the way, but I wouldn’t trade what we have right now for anything in the world. The amount of love and respect I have for this man […]
16 Things You Didn’t Know About Sleep [Infographic]
I have been experiencing horrible insomnia lately. It got a bit better last month when I started taking sleeping pills, but now I almost feel like my body has become immune to them. Can this happen? Whenever my body is in dire need of sleep it responds with migraines. Needless to say I have not […]
Additional [Fictional] Reading for Harry Potter Nerds
J and my 3-year anniversary falls in five days. But since the actual date is a Monday, we will be celebrating this Saturday instead…in true nerd fashion. That’s right — we will be attending Harry Potter: The Exhibition at Discovery Times Square! (We also have reservations at my favorite steak house this side of the […]