Mar 25, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web


Ahh, giveaways. I know for a fact that the net is full of people who trawl sites just for giveaways and contests, as well as those who manage to enter single drawings numerous times under various pseudonyms without getting caught. Because who doesn’t like free stuff? And as much as the blog is great on its own, […]

Mar 23, 2011  •  In Asian, Food, Personal, Recipes, Web

The 31st Way to Upgrade Your Ramen

Yesterday, the foodie site Serious Eats wrote about the 30+ Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Instant Noodles. And while I certainly wouldn’t call every method “easy” (just reading about the Ramepherd’s Pie gave me a headache), nor did all the modifications actually look that tasty in this blogger’s opinion (Ramacos and Ramac & Cheese look…interesting), I […]

Mar 22, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Geek, Personal

Historically Hardcore

Artist Jenny Burrows and her copywriter friend Matt Kappler created these mock ads during school for inclusion in their portfolio…and it went viral. The posters initially had the Smithsonian name and logo at the bottom, but the museum, who was none too pleased with the attention, asked for the association to be removed. (I personally […]

Mar 22, 2011  •  In Beauty, Korean, Personal

When “Healthy” Equals “Fat”

I myself have not been to Korea in a while, but I have plenty of friends and family members who visit regularly, and can confirm the fact that Korean girls hardly ever participate in sports, and would rather go on extreme diets than exercise to lose weight. In fact, aside from low-intensity workouts and stretches, […]

Mar 21, 2011  •  In Funny, Personal

Stupid Tongue

Spring may have officially begun, but it’s a miserable day today here in the NYC area (can you believe it snowed this morning?) Whenever the weather is like this I feel like an old lady. My joints ache and my eyelids feel like they’re made out of lead. My mind feels fuzzy and I can’t […]

Mar 21, 2011  •  In Asian, Funny, Gadgets, Personal, Relationships

Parents and Technology

Last month I received a phone call from my dad. This is how the conversation went: Dad: Jenny I want a smartphone. GiH: That’s great. What kind do you want? Dad: …the smartphone. GiH: Okay, but there are many different types of smartphones. Do you have a specific brand in mind? Dad: The one that my […]

Mar 20, 2011  •  In Claire, Entertainment, Movies, Parenting, Personal

The Evolution of Disney Princesses

I have a friend who swears that if she has a daughter, she will limit the girl’s exposure to fairy tales starring princesses and damsels in distress. She firmly believes that stories such as Snow White and Sleeping Beauty teach little girls to be submissive and weak, not be self-reliant and always be in wait […]

Mar 18, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Comang, Personal, Pregnancy

A Much-Deserved BebeDeux Update

I feel bad that I haven’t been blogging about this pregnancy. I guess I’ve fallen victim to the typical parent trap of documenting every step of the first kid and not doing much for the second. And for that, I apologize, BebeDeux. There are three things I want to say with this update: (1) I […]

Mar 18, 2011  •  In Beauty, Korean, Personal

Korean V-Line Product

Lately my mother has been obsessed with my appearance. She is a firm believer that having a baby ages a woman like no other, and constantly harangues me to continue to have a beauty routine despite my being a SAHM with practically no social life. A couple of weeks ago she gifted me a lotion […]

Mar 17, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Cute, Food, Korean, Personal

Leprechaun Trap Cake

Happy St. Pattie’s Day! It’s been a while since I downed any green beer or got pinched for not wearing green on this holiday. Thinking back to my younger, partying days makes me a bit nostalgic (didn’t you know that Koreans are the “Irish of the Orient”? ;-)), but considering my current level of fatigue […]