Mar 5, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Baby, Books, Claire, Geek, Parenting, Personal

Goodnight Dune

I try to read to Claire every day but I must admit that I still feel a bit silly reading to an infant whose neverending drool threatens to soak the book with each turn of the page. And frankly, I find most books that are designed to be read to babies are…well, boring. Oh how I […]

Feb 26, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Parenting, Personal


Claire seems to be teething.  🙁 She has been extra fussy and irritable the past couple of days. While she doesn’t seem to be drooling more than usual (but then again, she’s been a drooling machine for the past month), she ALWAYS has her fingers in her mouth. She is not eating as much — […]

Feb 25, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Sleep Training: How We Did It

As promised, here is my follow-up post to Sleep Training Progress. Before continuing to read, please be advised that in no way am I a sleep expert, and that you should always do your own research and make an educated decision based on your baby and your family’s unique and specific needs. This post only […]

Feb 24, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy

An Unexpected Surprise

I have been especially exhausted and cranky as of late. I just chalked it off to the side effects of sleep-training Claire — I was stressed out and mentally drained. Then last week, I felt it. Nausea. Once again I brushed it off as a consequence of exhaustion. But it didn’t go away. And on […]

Feb 24, 2011  •  In Entertainment, Funny, Geek, Personal

No Need to Worry About a Robot Apocalypse (Yet)

Last week, IBM’s supercomputer software Watson made headlines when it competed against two humans on the popular trivia gameshow Jeopardy!…and won. My first thought immediately turned to the famous line from the 1984 film Terminator: They say it got smart. In other words, OH NOES! A PENDING ROBOT APOCALYPSE!!! But before I could start stockpiling weapons, […]

Feb 22, 2011  •  In Korean, Music, Personal

KPop is Now a Legitimate Global Force

SeoulBeats writes: There was a great story about Kpop and how it is becoming a legitimate global force in the music industry on Monocle, an hour long show about international news, culture, and design run by the same team that runs the magazine of the same name for Bloomberg.  Based in London, the show’s hosts talked to […]

Feb 21, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Sleep Training Progress

It has now been exactly one week since we started sleep-training Claire. Although we haven’t made any miraculous changes to her sleeping habits, her sleeping has certainly gotten better. Starting Friday, she has started to take at least 1+ hour nap per day and only protests napping in her crib about 20% of the time. […]

Feb 17, 2011  •  In Claire, Motherhood, Personal

No Matter What

No matter how angry, upset, or frustrated she makes me, I can never stay mad at her for too long. Especially when I catch her sleeping like this. (I am currently lying in bed, about to doze off myself. Nap-training doesn’t seem to be getting much better, but I have renewed hope after reading a […]

Feb 16, 2011  •  In Baby, Blogging, Claire, Personal

Another Break

We’ve having more issues on the baby front. I’m too stressed and drained to blog. I’ll be back when things get better. (And if anyone has any recommendations on how to get a baby to nap more than 30 mins at a time so that she’s not tired and cranky the entire day, I’d love […]