Feb 2, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Geek, Personal, Relationships, Web

Meet Mr. Geek in Heels…

I always have a gazillion projects en queue in my head, am usually in the middle of several at once in real life. A couple of weeks ago, when J mentioned that he was thinking about blogging again (he was quite an avid blogger when we first became friends), I enthusiastically endorsed the idea and […]

Jan 31, 2011  •  In Beauty, Claire, Korean, Parenting, Personal

I’m Not Fat; I Just Have a Big Head

Last week we took Claire in for her 4-month checkup. Our pediatrician declared the baby perfectly normal and healthy for her age…but voiced her concern at Claire’s weight gain. When Claire was born, she weighed 6.7 lbs (23rd percentile) and was 19 inches long (33rd percentile). Currently, Claire weighs 14.6 lbs and is 22.75 inches […]

Jan 28, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Parenting, Personal

Sleep Regression

Ever since Claire hit 15 weeks of age (she is now 17 weeks old), she has been becoming increasingly difficult to deal with each passing day. I had read about the dreaded 4-month sleep regression and realized that our child was a classic case: instead of waking up only once or twice in the night, […]

Jan 27, 2011  •  In Personal

Bon Anniversaire!

My favorite person in the whole wide world turns 33 today. Happy birthday to a wonderful husband, father and friend! (Today also marks another special day for us. Exactly one year ago, I found out that I was pregnant with Claire. J’s reaction? “The baby’s not even born yet and it’s already stealing my thunder!” […]

Jan 22, 2011  •  In Asian, Funny, Personal

The Aging Process of Asian Women

One of the biggest stereotypes about Asian women (aside from the notion that we are meek, timid creatures who are sexual slaves in the bedroom) is that we never seem to age, or age at a much slower rate than the rest of the population. And wouldn’t you know it — here is a funny […]

Jan 21, 2011  •  In Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Milestones, Schmilestones

I have a love/hate relationship with weekly emails from BabyCenter. If you are pregnant, or are a parent, you know exactly what I’m talking about. By this week your baby is… And you read on to feel smug if your baby has already reached that milestone/developmental stage, or you are ashamed and feel like the […]

Jan 19, 2011  •  In Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

Conception Date

Last week I was talking to a friend about her efforts to get pregnant. When she mentioned that she might start taking her basal body temperature, I strongly urged her to sign up for a Fertility Friend account. After all, I myself had gotten pregnant with the help of Fertility Friend (and got to know […]