Today I’ve decided to regale my readers with another post-partum mega update…complete with stretch mark pictures! Baby care has definitely gotten easier. Don’t get me wrong — it’s still pretty tough, but the horrendous first six weeks have passed and gone with them are first-time parent jitters (and idiocracy), in addition to the zombie state […]
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
A few weeks ago, the American Atheists caused quite a stir in the NY/NJ area by placing this billboard at the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel in New Jersey: The Catholic League soon countered with its own billboard, aptly placed at the New York entrance to the tunnel: Now it is no secret that I […]
I Do Not Have PPD
In response to my last post, many people have suggested that I go see a doctor and be screened for PPD (post partum depression). And reading each one of those comments made me angry. I couldn’t quite pinpoint the reason. They are just trying to be supportive — why the hate? Did my anger stem […]
Today is my thirtieth birthday. And it is turning out to be the worst birthday that I can remember. Actually, the past couple of weeks have been pretty horrible overall. This past Friday, I discovered that J was planning a surprise party for later that night and I became furious at him. How dare he plan a […]
Last Week, I…
Quit breastfeeding. Had to choose between quitting cold turkey and gradually quitting (by cutting out one pumping/nursing session every couple of days). Decided that engorgement pain is preferable to the razor-sharp pain from thrush I get every time my right breast is emptied. Smelled like cabbage soup as I stuffed my bra with cold cabbage leaves […]
Happy Turkey Day
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. This picture of Turkzilla was too good to pass up. Courtesy of Boing Boing. There are many, many things to be thankful for this year. But right now, at this moment, at 6:14am on Thanksgiving Day morning, I am most thankful for our cradle swing that calmed down my daughter who suffered […]
My Goth Baby (And More Breastfeeding Woes)
In my last post I asked if anyone could guess why my breastmilk has turned purple. Well, kalen, mlwindc, and LatteLove got it right: it is due to gentian violet, which I am using to treat our latest bout of thrush. While gentian violet is proven to be one of the most effective remedies against thrush, I […]
Purple Breastmilk
And now for this week’s fun/gross (over)sharing post… Anyone care to venture a guess as to why my breastmilk has taken on a purple hue? I have not digitally altered this picture, except to up thesaturation a bit so that you can see the purple better. Just in case you’re wondering, I know why my […]
Wednesday. It’s On.
I am pretty sure that I do not need a lactation consultant. Claire has a perfectly good latch. I do not have any supply issues. I am comfortable in different breastfeeding positions. I have read La Leche League’s The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding front to back, and am always visiting breastfeeding support forums, so I am […]
Trying to Do What’s Best
Claire has had thrush on and off for about a month now, (I don’t know why doctors prescribe Nystatin when it only works in about 50% of thrush cases) and it looks like it’s spread to my boobs too. So now I am battling both thrush and mastitis. Perhaps I had thrush first which caused the […]