Nov 11, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal


Yesterday I felt like crap. I was aching all over, I alternated between the chills and sweats, and I could barely walk in a straight line. (I had even failed to publish yesterday’s post on Jane Eyre. It was sitting there ready to go, and all I had to do was click on the “Published” […]

Nov 8, 2010  •  In Baby, Claire, Parenting, Personal

The Cutest Baby in the World

J is convinced that Claire is the cutest baby in the world. “How can you look at her and not think that she’s the cutest baby ever? I dare you to show me a cuter baby!” My parents and in-laws all agree with him and are always marveling over their grandchild. And once again, I […]

Nov 6, 2010  •  In Asian, Baby, Korean, Parenting, Personal, Relationships

I Am Not a Prisoner

A few days ago, I sent out the following tweet which caused quite a stir: I immediately received dozens of replies, which were soon followed by emails and private messages from those who were worried that I was being held prisoner in my own house. And as much as it warmed my heart to know […]

Nov 3, 2010  •  In Asian, Claire, Cute, Funny, Personal

Meet Cloudy

When my younger sister posted the first picture of herself holding her niece Claire on Facebook, she captioned it: “In the words of Phil Dunphy: ‘Claire? Isn’t that gonna be hard for her to say?’” (If you don’t get the joke, go watch the pilot episode of Modern Family. Hilarious! What a great show!) My sister’s […]

Nov 1, 2010  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

State of the Union, 4.5 Weeks

“Do you still want more kids, seeing how hard it’s been so far?” I asked J yesterday. “Of course,” he replied. “It may be hard now, but the rewards will be worth it.” “Well, I don’t want any more kids,” I told him. “I can’t imagine going through this again, especially if we have another […]

Oct 27, 2010  •  In Baby, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

The Birth Story, Part 3

Read Part 1 and Part 2… I’ve decided to go a slightly different direction for this final post in Claire’s Birth Story series: a timeline with descriptions. I’m so glad that I wrote down the times and details when it was still fresh in my mind, because I can hardly remember any specifics now! 10:00am — Admitted […]

Oct 26, 2010  •  In Baby, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

The Birth Story, Part 2

Read Part 1… We finally made it through the torrential rain and rush-hour traffic to the hospital. During our hospital tour, we had been instructed to go through the Emergency Room entrance — no matter the time of day — so that is what we had done the night before and it is where we headed […]

Oct 23, 2010  •  In Baby, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

The Birth Story, Part 1

If you recall, we had gone to the hospital on the evening of September 29, only to be sent back home because I was only 1cm dilated and showed no signs of progress. And while I had been getting regular contractions, they tapered off by about 4am on the morning on September 30, leading me […]