Sep 21, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

So I Guess This Is My Version of a Birth Plan…

I never intended on writing out a birth plan. I know some women go all-out and prepare pages-long documents full of their wishes, desires, and “what-if” scenarios regarding the birth of their children (one doctor friend even told me about a birth plan that filled an entire binder, complete with a table of contents), but […]

Sep 19, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

38 Weeks

I think this is the first time in MONTHS that I’ve actually posted a weekly pregnancy update on time. Aren’t you proud of me? I may have cursed myself when I wrote about my belly remaining small. Because as soon as I compared this week’s picture to last week’s, and noticed how much larger I […]

Sep 17, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal

Our Baby, the Fashion Plate

I have never been one to play dress-up as a little girl, or even have dolls as a kid, so dressing up our baby girl is not something I anticipate with glee. (If anything, I think that J is looking forward to it much more than I. He is a full-on metrosexual who loves to […]

Sep 16, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

37 Weeks

Four days ago, I hit 37 weeks and reached a new milestone: I am now considered full-term! Aside from the episode of false labor yesterday, the baby seems content on staying inside my belly for the time being. I am still experiencing contractions, but they remain irregular and completely manageable. I feel as huge as […]

Sep 15, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

False Labor?

This morning started like any other. After a warm, refreshing shower, I was drying off and about to get dressed when I felt it. Sharp, excruciating pain in my groin. Regular readers know that I had been having pain in my groin area  — sorta like I was kicked repeatedly in the crotch — for months now. […]

Sep 13, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal, Relationships

An Emotional Weekend

Friday night. I picked up my phone to troubling news from my mother. “I debated the entire day whether I should tell you this. I don’t want you to worry too much — I know how you get — but I realized that you deserve to know because you’re family. Besides, you might become more […]

Sep 12, 2010  •  In Baby, Funny, Personal, Pregnancy

Baby Spirit Fingers

J and I always crack up whenever we see this advertisement for HALO SleepSacks: SPIRIT FINGERS, baby! Work those spirit fingers! Posting will continue to be light today, as we’re having one heckuva weekend (more on that in a later post). My baby shower is planned for later today — and although I’ve never really […]

Sep 11, 2010  •  In Asian, Infographics, Information, Personal

The Rise of China [Infographic]

I always joke that the reason I married a Chinese man is because China will take over the world in our lifetime and I want someone “on the inside” for my own protection. I’m not sure if J takes this seriously or not — sometimes I can swear that he agrees with me. Via Power […]

Sep 10, 2010  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web

Are You Interested in Guest-Blogging?

I have been thinking about what to do with this blog when I go into labor and during the precious few weeks following the birth of our baby. I know that my readers will completely understand a maternity break from blogging; but at the same time I am hesitant to put this site into hiatus […]

Sep 8, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

Preparing My Body for Labor

Last month, I stopped by our local Vitamin Shoppe and picked up a couple of items to help prepare my body for labor. The first up is red raspberry leaf tea (RRLT). RRLT is proven to strengthen the uterine and pelvic muscles, and is said to “focus” and improve your contractions when labor starts and help […]