In my introduction post, I revealed how Korean women can use 14-17 skincare products throughout a typical day. And if you’re anything like me, you’re probably wondering what you could possibly do to your skin aside from cleanse and moisturize! Luckily, for the clueless like myself, Charlotte Cho of Soko Glam has shared with us a wonderful […]
Korean Beauty Haul: Introduction
A few months ago, at the ripe ol’ age of 33, I purchased my very first eye cream. And I LOVED it. “Why have I never used eye cream before?!?” I exclaimed on Facebook. “I don’t have lines yet (knock on wood) but my eye area seems so much smoother and softer…and dark circles lighter. […]
Reflecting Back on Korea
I wanted to jot down some memories from my first-time-back-in-13-years trip to Korea before my aging brain locks everything away into the dark corners of obscurity. And since I love making lists, here are 10 things that are freshest on my mind from my trek back to the motherland! 1. First and foremost (in what is probably a […]
Back to Life, Back to Reality [Jetlag Edition]
The current time here, back home on the east coast of the U.S., is 2:47am and I am WIDE AWAKE. 😕 It figures — just as my body was finally becoming accustomed to the day-night reversal in Korea, my vacation came to an abrupt end. When I was still planning this trip, J (who has taken 3 trips […]
Airplane Sleep Positions
I’m having a blast in Korea! I’ll write more about my trip in a future post, but for the moment I wanted to share with you this comic strip from Tastefully Offensive. I thought it especially appropriate considering that direct flights between JFK and Incheon International Airport are approximately 14 hours long. 🙂 […]
Yesterday was our last full day at home before I leave for Korea. 😎 The reason for my week-long (9 days with travel time) trip back to the motherland is a cousin’s wedding. I was actually supposed to visit Korea earlier this year for another cousin’s wedding, but decided to cancel the trip in light […]
3 Flowcharts [Sleep, GoT, and World Cup Edition]
My head is a royal mess right now. Packing. Cleaning. Making sure the girls don’t kill each other. Laundry. My 15th rendition of “Do-Re-Mi” (C&A’s favorite song at the moment) today. More cleaning (because I can’t leave for a trip without cleaning first). In case you have more free time than me today, here are three flowcharts you may […]
More Products I’ve Been Diggin’
You know me — whenever I come across an item that enriches my life, I want to tell everyone about it! So here it is: five more products I’ve been enjoying lately. 1. Jergens BB Body Perfecting Skin Cream I’ve been reading (and seeing great before-and-after photos) of this cream online, so I decided to […]
Green Meadows Farm
This past Memorial Day, we decided to visit Green Meadows Farm, a “petting farm” 45 mins from Manhattan. My daughters seem to be city girls. Aerin wasn’t too impressed with the farm animals, while Claire was scared of most of them. We weren’t able to get too many pictures because we had to keep holding the […]
Comfy Jeans Rave: Gap 1969 Sexy Boyfriend Jeans
We interrupt this self-imposed, life-is-damn-busy-and-hard blogging break to bring you an item of frivolity. (You can scroll down to the bottom of the post for a tiny update on my going-abouts.) Once again, I am waaayyyyy late to a fashion trend. I remember borrowing J’s jeans a few times when I was pregnant, when none of my […]