Jul 7, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Gadgets, Geek, Infographics, Personal, Photography

Canon vs Nikon [Infographic]

Digital Photography School has sparked another Canon vs Nikon debate by posting the following infographic earlier today: As much as I would’ve liked to see more technical data, I can only assume that the resulting infographic would be about 5x larger due to the wide range of products each company provides! On a more personal […]

Jun 16, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Photography

Rosa de Agua

Your eyes aren’t deceiving you — the picture below really is a water rose. Photographer Fer Gregory describes how he created the stunning image: To take this picture I made a basic “rose” shape out of a plastic bottle, I taped it to a twig and then I placed them upside down to pour the water […]

May 11, 2011  •  In Geek, Personal, Photography, Web

Learn SLR Photography Online with Camerasim

I have owned my DSLR for over a year now, but I still don’t feel completely comfortable with its myriad of settings and options. Sure, I have it set to manual mode most of the time, but I’m forever questioning my choices due to the fact that I’m a casual shooter with limited time (and […]

Apr 18, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Books, Home, Photography

Child’s Play: A Book Bed

In the East, it is not uncommon for people to use thin mattresses in lieu of a bed. The mattresses are folded/rolled and stored away during the day to save space. (This is, in fact, how my family slept when we lived in Korea.) Creative photographer Yusuke Suzuki has taken this concept and transformed it to […]

Apr 10, 2011  •  In Cute, Funny, Marketing/Advertising, Photography

“You know when you’re ready.”

This funny ad for the Canon 40D was published in Digital Photographer magazine back in 2008. …Sometimes, I fear that J is thinking the same thing when he looks at me. Via PetaPixel. You may also like: The Secret Lives of Superhero Toys Kids Recreate Best Looks from the Golden Globes Disney’s Hollywood Studios Star […]

Feb 20, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Photography, Travel

Photo Opportunities: Hundreds of Tourist Photos as One

Conducting online keyword searches for world-famous monuments and tourist hotspots, visual artist Corinne Vionnet culled thousands of tourists’ snapshots for her series Photo Opportunities. Each image in the series was created by superimposing hundreds of pictures of the monuments — the effect is quite haunting and ethereal, and inevitably wistful. Saint Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow Tiananmen […]

Feb 13, 2011  •  In Beauty, NYC, Photography


I don’t follow fashion, so the only reason I was even aware that New York Fashion Week is currently underway is due to the Facebook feeds of my fashion-forward friends. That being said, I stumbled upon a series of posts from the NYTimes Magazine Blog called Model-Morphosis and I couldn’t help but be intrigued. Because […]