This week’s update is a few days late, but I’ve had good reason to postpone. There isn’t anything new or exciting on the pregnancy front aside from my severe round ligament pain. I still feel some aching, but it seems like the pain is gradually getting better. Praise God! I’m happy that I can now […]
Our Second Trip to the ER
Sunday night. (Or Monday morning, if you prefer.) I woke up at around 2 a.m. with some pain in my lower right abdomen. I got up to pee — which is not unusual these days — and went back to bed. “The pain will subside,” I told myself. “You’ve been having tons of pregnancy-related twinges, […]
The Gender Reveal
It’s a GIRL! After the NT scan, I thought that we had a bold and outgoing child on our hands. But this ultrasound certainly made me change my mind — she was a shy one, constantly covering her face with her hands and keeping her legs tightly crossed. It took quite some pokes from the […]
Do I Look Like a Mom Yet?
Sometimes, when Comang is lying on his back, I like to grab him and hold him in my arms like he’s a baby. When Comang is tired he lets us do whatever we want to him, so he can lie in this position quite comfortably for a while. Just before J snapped this photo, he […]
17 Weeks
I spent last week at my parents’ house where my mother proceeded to spoil me rotten with homecooked Korean food and whatever else I was craving. “Don’t ever ignore your cravings or your baby will come out with crooked eyes!” she repeatedly told me. (Now that’s one old wives’ tale I can get behind!) I […]
My Calendar is Marked for Next Wednesday
J and I are not patient people. So when we learned yesterday that we would need to wait 4 more weeks — as opposed to the 2 as we had originally believed — to find out the gender of our baby, we both looked like this: (I know, I know. I can imagine all the […]
16 Weeks
Early this morning I went in to have my blood drawn for my AFP. I had been told at my last appointment that today would be just the blood draw, and that I will come in two weeks later for a regular check-up. Well, imagine my surprise when the visit turned into a full check-up! […]
Fluttering Butterflies
Today, I felt my baby move for the very first time. I was sitting in a beautiful church at the wedding of J’s cousin (congrats, Suzanne & Lou!). They were in the midst of reciting their wedding vows when I felt it — Butterflies fluttering in my lower abdomen. The moment lasted barely a second, […]
Aiming for Pentalingual
I read a fascinating article titled Science Question from a Toddler: Life Before Birth last week. I highly recommend the full article for any new/expectant mothers; heck, it’s a good read in general even if you’re not into this stuff! The reason I bring up this article is due to a particular passage: Newborns prefer […]
Crunchy vs. Silky
I have found that pregnancy and mothering boards can be some of the most heated on the web. Everyone has different parenting styles, and they all seem to think that their way is the best. They fight tooth and nail to prove their point, and soon the debates become nothing short of nasty catfights. There […]