Apr 13, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

The Obligatory TMI Post

Note: Due to reader requests (and some confusion on both me and my readers’ sides), I have decided to combine all posts from baby.geekinheels.com to my main blog here at geekinheels.com. I apologize in advance to anyone who feels put off by the plethora of pregnancy posts, and for any inconvenience this may cause anyone. […]

Apr 12, 2010  •  In Pregnancy

Week 15

Dear Baby, I had a minor scare last night when I couldn’t find your heartbeat immediately on the fetal doppler. I had forgotten to check that you were still doing okay in my tummy before I left for Homecoming…and I was worried that the weekend’s festivities (in addition to being around all those smokers!) had […]

Apr 9, 2010  •  In Pregnancy

Week 14

At my last OB appointment, the doctor wrote on the prescription for the 19-week anatomy scan (which will be May 13) that I am due 10/10. My first thought was to wonder if my chart had been switched with someone else’s. Then I realized that she was taking the last early measurement of the baby, […]

Apr 4, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

Porn Star Boobs

I am not as worried about my weight gain anymore. While the great majority of women I know seem to have lost weight in their first trimesters (which I find discouraging because that makes me feel like a fatty in comparison), I have come to realize that not every woman handles pregnancy the same way. […]

Apr 1, 2010  •  In Pregnancy

Weeks 12 & 13

I have been avoiding my weekly updates for two reasons: We found out that we had lost our first baby at 12 weeks, so I wanted to make sure that “the jinxed week” would go by without a problem. As April approaches, I have been getting more and more depressed. I’ve been experiencing overwhelming guilt […]

Mar 31, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

As “That Month” Approaches…

I am officially in my second trimester and feeling great. I check my baby’s heartbeat with a fetal doppler every few days and know that it’s doing okay. But as “that month” approaches, I can’t help but be depressed. The nursery would be almost fully prepared. I should be waddling around with my stomach “out […]

Mar 22, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal, Pregnancy

Hello Baby!

This morning J and I made a trip to Holy Name Medical Center — where I plan on giving birth — to have our nuchal translucency (NT) scan. The NT scan, otherwise known as the first trimester screening, is a combination of a sonogram and blood tests to identify risks of chromosomal abnormalities (e.g. Down’s […]

Mar 21, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

Ashamed of My Weight Gain

I have not written anything about weight gain so far…because I am so ashamed of it. Although I had morning sickness with my last pregnancy, I still had a tremendous appetite and ate everything in sight. So when I lost the baby at 12 weeks, I was already 5 lbs over my normal weight. The […]

Mar 18, 2010  •  In Christianity, Personal, Pregnancy, Touching

Weeping Tears of Joy for the Pipers

This morning, as I checked my Google Reader in usual fashion, I happened upon an update from Molly Piper. And I couldn’t. Stop. Crying. Some background… If you are a Protestant Christian living in America, there is a very good chance that you are familiar with John Piper. One of the most respected preachers and […]

Mar 18, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy, Relationships

Pregnant Buddies

With my last pregnancy, I was especially excited that so many people I knew were due within 3 months of each other. We shared our pregnancy symptoms, progresses, and worries with each other…and we were all certain that our babies would all become fast friends when they were born. Then I lost the baby. Sometimes […]