Dear Baby, I am a few days late posting the weekly update, and I hope that this doesn’t turn into a habit! I am definitely starting to get a bump and my pants are getting tight around the waist. Ever since seeing you (and hearing you!) your father has become a bit more affectionate — […]
How We Spent Valentine’s Day at the ER
…or at least the first hour of February 14. On the night of Friday, February 12, I started having abdominal pains. Not cramps, mind you, but sharp, shooting pains that kept me up through the night. I decided to suck it up and went into work the next day because Saturdays are the busiest days at […]
The Big News
Yes, I am pregnant again. And yes, I started this blog as soon as I found out last month. Please feel free to browse the archives. In the meantime, I’ve decided to answer any questions you might have… * * * When did you find out? I found out on the morning of J’s birthday, […]
New Due Date
We had our first appointment with my OB this morning, and everything looks perfect. That’s our baby — the squiggly thing that looks like a seahorse. The circle to the left of it is the yolk sac, which provides nutrients for the baby until the placenta is fully formed. We were even able to see […]
Week 7
Dear Baby, Our first OB appointment is tomorrow, but we have confirmed the pregnancy with a medical professional, saw you on screen — including your beating heart — and heard the thu-thump thu-thump of your heartbeat last Saturday at the ER. They confirmed that our EDD (estimated due date) is October 7. Fertility Friend was […]
Week 6
Dear Baby, We still have one more week until the doctor so I’m still not sure how old you are. But in my mind, you turn 6 weeks old today. You are now the size of a snow pea. Your heart is beating — almost twice as fast as mine — and you are starting […]
I confess that I still stalk the “Due in April 2010” message boards. I confess that I still feel more comfortable in the “Trying to Get Pregnant” and “Miscarriage Support” groups. I confess that I still get upset when I hear of acquaintances’ pregnancies — because I’m positive that they will go on to have […]
Due Date and Fetal Development Calendar
Earlier today I happened upon this link which I’m finding to be tremendously helpful. The calculator is aimed that women who are opting to go the IVF route, but it the data it provides can be handy for any pregnant woman who knows her ovulation date. You may also like: Three Notes of Superficiality Wherein […]
Boy or Girl?
With my last pregnancy I had a feeling that it was a girl. This time, I have a feeling that it’s a boy. If I did ovulate on the 1/14 as Fertility Friend says, our chances of conceiving a boy are slim according to the Shettles Method. However, I just have this feeling that I’m […]