“You’re so huge!” is a common phrase I hear these days. Just what is it about the general public (especially old ladies) that makes them think they have the right to comment on just how fat a pregnant woman is getting? Well, I think I have given them more ammunition… Because holy growth spurt, Batman! Take […]
22 Weeks
Once again, I am late with this update as I am closer to 23 Weeks now. There have been some big (well, at least to me) developments between weeks 21-22, so I feel that this is long overdue. First, the obligatory belly shot: There isn’t much change there, but I did pack on a couple of […]
The Right to Live
My baby is now 1½ weeks away from being considered “viable” by the medical community. Once she hits that magical 24-weeks mark, she has a 50% chance of longtime survival outside my womb. And if anything were to happen to the pregnancy after this mark, a hospital will try its best to keep her alive. […]
Wii Fit Should Have a “Pregnant” Option
I never really liked our country’s obsession with BMI for the obvious reasons: it doesn’t take into account your bone structure, muscle vs fat ratio, or fitness level. I’m probably biased against the BMI system because I have thick bones — my wrist circumference is 6″, which is in the thick range for my height. […]
19, 20, and 21 Weeks
I’ve been majorly slacking on my weekly pregnancy updates. I have no excuse other than the fact that I got lazy. Sorry! Remember that nasty case of round ligament pains? Well, they certainly contributed to a major belly growth spurt — just look at the difference between weeks 18 and 19! …but then again, my […]
Ultrasound Pictures on Facebook: Creepy and Inappropriate?
It has recently come to my attention that many people think using an ultrasound picture as your Facebook profile picture is creepy. “I cringe whenever I see one. I don’t want to see a picture of your uterus or your fetus. TMI!” A random Facebook profile using an ultrasound picture as the profile picture. All […]
POP! Goes the Baby…
A big “con” of having an anterior placenta is that I will not feel the baby move as early, or as often as other mothers. Luckily, I first felt the sensation of fluttering butterflies at 16 weeks…but not much since. The big exception was when we went on our babymoon and I felt her swimming […]
5 Months
It’s amazing what can happen in that time. a little seahorse at 2 months a BABY at 5 months You may also like: Three Notes of Superficiality Wherein I Discover Another By-Product of Pregnancy…Two Weeks After Giving Birth Introducing Aerin Isabel… 7 Centimeters
The Lemon Clot Essay
I know that I have a good 4 months to go before baby girl is ready to come sliding out of my hoo-ha, but this topic has been weighing heavily on my mind. The essay below is a popular one in the BabyCenter boards, has been posted in numerous threads and is a topic of […]
3D Ultrasound Pictures!
Earlier today, we went in for our second 3D ultrasound (we got a free repeat session because the baby was in an unfavorable position the first time). While the baby cooperated a bit better this time around, she still had her hands in front of her face for most of the session, causing much poking […]