via Neatorama. You may also like: The Knight’s Tour [Animated GIF] Visual Proof of Pi Skincare Device Reviews: NuFACE, Light Salon, & Medicube 5 feet 9 inches, 172 pounds
Genetic Diagram
And this, kids, is how genetics work. Can you believe J and I have made many a such diagrams in order to work out the probability traits of our future kids? Yep, because we’re a geekily fabulous couple like that. Via You may also like: YOU SHALL NOT PASS! How Scientists See Each Other […]
Eclipse Shadow on Earth
This photograph of Wednesday’s solar eclipse is hauntingly beautiful. I was sad that the eclipse could only be seen from the eastern hemisphere, but felt lucky to have friends in Asia who uploaded pictures to Facebook and Flickr. Ahh the power of the internet and social media! Via Wired Science. You may also like: 5 […]
BJs May Prevent Breast Cancer
Men all over the world are rejoicing at this news: Study: Fellatio may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women Now they have a valid excuse to say, “But honey, it’s good for you!” You may also like: Website of the Day: Sad Animal Facts YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Mathematical Dance Moves How […]
Beer…It’s Good for You!
A couple of nights ago, I found a frozen, exploded beer in the freezer. This isn’t a picture of our beer, but it is close (image via eBaum’s World). And luckily, no glass was broken – it was just the cap that popped open in our case. While cleaning up the mess and grumbling at […]
Japanese Goblin Shark
I am deathly afraid of most fish (and birds…shudder) but have always had a fascination with sharks. Swimming with sharks, or at least being shoved into a shark cage, is on my list of things to do before I die. Here is a video of the Japanese goblin shark, once thought to be prehistoric and extinct, that was discovered […]