Dec 18, 2012  •  In Blogging, Giveaways, Personal

Celebrate the Holidays With More Choices! [Win One of THREE Amazon Gift Cards!]

ETA, 12.24.2012:
Today’s the last day to enter this giveaway! As an extra bonus, you can gain THREE more entries by sharing this post with your Facebook friends! (The easiest way is to click on the Facebook share button a the bottom of the post.) Once you have shared the post, please indicate that you have done so via Rafflecopter (the last option) and enter the permalink to the share (see here to fine out how) so that I can verify the share.

Last week, I asked you, my readers, to choose what you would like me to offer for the 2012 Geek in Heels Holiday Giveaway. And in trying to be mysterious (did it work? 😉 ) I only provided clues for the three possibilities:

1.  More beauty,
2.  More cheers, or
3.  More choices

It was close…very close. But y’all have spoken, and you want more CHOICES this year. 

Although I know you would’ve loved the other two possible giveaways (scroll all the way down to see what they would’ve been), I am happy — nay, ecstatic — to announce that CHOICES was my favorite of the bunch.  :mrgreen:

So what exactly does “more choices” mean?

How about a gift card to my favorite online store, Amazon?

And because 1 is such a lonely number, let’s make that 3 instead.

That’s right — I’m giving away THREE Amazon gift cards!

ONE lucky winner will receive a $100 gift card:

A second winner will receive a $50 gift card:

And a third winner will receive a $25 gift card!

To enter this giveaway, simply use the Rafflecopter widget below. Not sure how to use Rafflecopter? Watch this 52 second video for a tutorial on how to enter a giveaway using Rafflecopter. There are 4 methods of entry, with the first method (commenting on this blog post telling me what you’d use the gift card for) being mandatory while the third method (Tweeting about the giveaway) can be used once per day:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will end on Tuesday, December 25th, 2012, at 12:01am, at which point a winner will be randomly chosen and announced here.

Please use a valid email address and/or Twitter handle so that I can contact you if you win!

This giveaway is open to ANYONE over the age of 13!

As for the other possibilities? If you had chosen “more beauty,” I would have given away a Clarisonic Mia 2. And “more cheers” would have been a holiday entertainment pack which includes some of the most beloved holiday movies and music.

But admit it — this one is soooo much better, right?  😀

Once again, thank you to all my readers for your love and support this past year. I hope you all end 2012 on a high note, and I hope to make 2013 Geek in Heels’ best year yet!

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190 Responses to “Celebrate the Holidays With More Choices! [Win One of THREE Amazon Gift Cards!]”

  1. ABCmrs says:

    Definitely the best of the three options! Thank you!

  2. ABCmrs says:

    Oh, and as for how I would use it: I really want to get the Bond books for my Kindle, so I’d purchase those!

  3. viktorija says:

    Where to begin? An Amazon gift card pretty much allows me to get anything! But I’d probably get books. 😉

  4. Sandy L says:

    Totally would use the Amazon giftcard for some books I’ve been eyeing and some ebooks for my brand new Kindle!

  5. Tina C. says:

    What an awesome giveaway! If I won I’d be buying some kindle ebooks. There are a few coming out this year that I can’t wait to read.

  6. Helen says:

    I would buy a travel guide for Europe and South East Asia as I’m planning to go backpacking for 6-months next year!!!

  7. raggedy-anne says:

    replace my now-dead ipod that i’ve had for 7 years.

  8. Amanda Sakovitz says:

    I would use it towards a laptop.

  9. Thomas Murphy says:

    I would buy books and DVD’s

  10. Allison says:

    I would buy books, books, and more books as well as something for my hubby!

  11. Nataly Carbonell says:

    I’d give it to my daughter, she’s been asking for some books


  12. Neal says:

    I would use it to buy books!

  13. Lilly says:

    I’d buy a Kindle.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. MarcieT says:

    Happy holidays to you and yours!

  15. Stephanie says:

    i’d buy a toy for my baby!

  16. melissa says:

    I’d love to say that I will use my gift card to end world hunger, but I’ll probably just buy some kick-ass music.

  17. Jackie Gee says:

    I would use the gift card to buy my newborn diapers. She goes through them like crazy! Any amount would help.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Elizabeth N. says:

    Hum…I would probably end up using it to buy baby items for my first child coming next year. Or maybe some books for my kindle. It’s hard to say.

  19. kiersley talbot says:

    I would by records for the record player I’m getting for Christmas:)

  20. Danielle says:

    I’d use it towards some new tall boots! Thanks!

  21. Jenny Shaw says:

    Totally cool giveaway. I just found your site and I think it’s great! I would love to buy some awesome new mom/new baby presents for my best friend and her new baby. Happy Holidays!

  22. Suzanne says:

    Hmm what to get,though we really need waterproof boots, my iPad also needs a new recharging cord. Thanks fr tge great giveaway!

  23. Leann lindeman says:

    I would buy breaking bad season three and four.

  24. heidi says:

    Probably some heels! 🙂

  25. I think I’d put it towards a new food processor! Awesome giveaway!

  26. di says:

    I would use it for cooking stuff!

  27. Christine Fong says:

    the backglass of my iphone broke so I’m going to use my amazon gift card to fix that up.. hopefully pick up a few other things for friends and family as well ! thanks for doing this !

  28. Erin J says:

    I would put it towards either an iPod Touch or a new camera lens 🙂

  29. Lara says:

    I would use it to buy some dvd’s of tv shows I’ve been eyeing!

  30. Amelia says:

    I’d put the card towards a brand new Canon 6D camera. 🙂

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