Jul 1, 2011  •  In Blogging, Giveaways, Personal

Celebrating 100k+ Visitors with an Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

Update: the giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered! I will post the winners shortly.

June 2011 was a big one for this blog.

We started the month with a site re-design and I began my efforts to monetize my site.

This has also been the biggest month ever in terms of traffic.

Back in April, I received a little over 95,000 unique visitors and so had set a short-term goal of 100,000 visitors per month by the summer’s end.

Well, as of 12:00am this morning, I had received…

105,785 visitors for the month of June 2011.


Thank you, thank you, thank you all so much for supporting this blog and continuing to spread the word about it!

And, as a token of my appreciation — as well as a celebratory gesture — I have decided to host a giveaway from my favorite online store: Amazon!

The best part?

I will be giving away not one…not two…but THREE gift cards!


ONE lucky winner will receive a $100 gift card:


A second winner will receive a $50 gift card:


And a third winner will receive a $25 gift card!


I must admit that I have an ulterior motive for hosting this giveaway.

You see, I have created a Facebook Page for this blog, and I would love to gain some new fans to the page.

So, as an added incentive, you will automatically be entered to the drawing three times if you “Like” the Geek in Heels Page on Facebook.

Of course, there are other ways to enter, but they only grant you one entry each.

Here are the four ways to enter this giveaway:

  1. Leave a comment here telling me how you would use your Amazon gift card (one entry)
  2. Tweet — and leave a comment here saying you did so — the following (one entry):
    I just entered for a chance to win a $100, $50, or $25 Amazon gift card via @geekinheels and you can too! http://bit.ly/lbUolr
  3. “Like” this post using the Facebook “Like” button at the bottom, and leave a comment here saying you did so (one entry)
  4. “Like” the Geek in Heels Facebook Page (three entries)

There is no need to leave a comment if you enter using method #4, as everyone who “Likes” the page will be automatically entered in the drawing. (But please note that if you are the winner, I may try to contact you via a Facebook private message.)

Obviously, you can increase your chances of winning by using all four methods.  😉

Please leave a valid email address (which will not be published or shared) when filling out the comment form so that I can contact you if you win.

The giveaway will end next Friday, July 8th, 2011 at 12:00pm EST. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator and be notified via email or a private Facebook message.

Thanks for reading, thanks for all the support, and good luck!

Edited to add, 7/2/11:

There have been quite a number of people who are commenting multiple times in hopes that this will increase their chances of winning. Since this is the largest giveaway I have run to date, I am being extra careful and have been keeping careful tabs on ALL entries (and yes, this includes IP addresses). Multiple/duplicate entries are immediately deleted, so these people are only wasting their time. And to those who are playing fair, thank you!

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447 Responses to “Celebrating 100k+ Visitors with an Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!”

  1. I also liked this giveaway!

  2. I liked you on facebook too!!

  3. Stephanie says:

    Congratulations on your blog success!

    What a fun giveaway. I’d use the Amazon gift card for books for the whole family!

    sunshine_poppy at yahoo dot com

  4. Kimberly says:

    hard to decide between books and baby stuff . . . maybe half and half!

  5. Margot says:

    Liked on Facebook!

  6. Debbie says:

    School is starting for me soon, so I’d probably use it to cover any books I can’t get from the library! If there was any left over I’d use it to purchase the 3D versions of Disney movies (like Beauty and the Beast)

  7. Margot says:

    Any of those gift cards would go right into the Kindle store! Husband got me mine for my birthday and I’m addicted to it. 🙂

  8. Margot says:

    And tweeted!

  9. Liesal says:

    Tweeted the contest!

  10. Debbie says:

    I “liked” this post on FB.

  11. Carla S says:

    I liked this post via the FB button. =)

  12. Debbie says:

    And I tweeted about the giveaway!

  13. PsyDSmithie says:

    If I won a gift card, I’d buy books for grad school! It might not be sexy, but it would help me out a lot! 🙂 Congrats on 100K visitors!

  14. Ashley says:

    Congratulations Jenny! What a wonderful accomplishment!

    If I won a gift card I would probably buy books because I spend an outrageous amount each month on books already!

  15. Carla S says:

    I would LOVE to get a set of pocket wizards for my camera! This would go a LONG way towards getting them.

  16. Nodakademic says:

    I would use the gift card on something for our house. (I have a running list!!)

  17. Emma says:

    I just tweeted your giveaway @bubblymuppet, I just liked your Facebook page and I liked this post! Phew!

    And if I won any of the gift cards, I’ve been eyeing this Papasan chair on Amazon that looks so comfy I could just curl up and take a nap! Or, ya know, books for school. . .

    Great giveaway Jenny! Congrats on 100k visitors!

  18. Carla S says:

    I retweeted your post (@techsavvybride).

    BTW congrats on hitting 100K!!!

  19. Kathleen says:

    Just discovered your blog last month and I’m loving it! I’d use the gift card toward some baby-related purchases that are still on my registry. 🙂

  20. Courtney says:

    Well, the first thing that popped into my head was- diapers! (Since I do the Amazon Mom thing- thanks to hearing about it on Geek in Heels). But that’s boring.

    I’d probably buy a trundle bed for our guest room!

  21. Tiffany says:

    Awesome giveaway! With the gift card I’d like to say it will go towards a new camera lens or something, but likely I’ll probably buy more diapers, haha! =)

  22. Courtney says:

    I “Liked” your post!

  23. Tiffany says:

    and I tweeted!

  24. Tiffany says:

    AND I liked this post!

  25. Kawai says:

    I would use it to either get travel accessories or household stuff!

  26. Jenn says:

    I would definitely use an Amazon gift card to make a dent in my wishlist – shoes or books or stuff for the house (or all of the above)!

  27. Laura says:

    AWESOME giveaway!! And the site looks fab 🙂

    I am DYING to get a new pair of awesome “look at me heels” for an upcoming trip to NYC!

  28. Alix says:

    Pick me!! I rescued a puppy about two months ago and have been on Amazon every week ordering new things for her. I could definitely use the gc to buy her some more toys and treats! She’s so spoiled!