I happened upon this hilarious post over at CompSci.ca Blog. It has certainly led to some great comments as well as some friendly debating among CS nerds…
Turing would definitely be a kayak. It’s small. It’s human powered. It’s often used as a beginner “boat.” And it’s also very Canadian.
photo by naokomc
Java is a cargo ship. It’s very bulky. It’s very enterprise~y. Though it can also carry a lot of weight. Will carry a project, but not very fun to drive.
photo by cfarivar
Perl is a tugboat. Powerful enough to tug Java around, in 80 characters or less.
photo by xeeliz
Ruby is difficult to describe. It’s sleek, sexy, and very fun to drive. Here’s a picture. Very trendy.
photo by Tony Falcon
C is a nuclear submarine. The instructions are probably in a foreign language, but all of the hardware itself is optimized for performance.
photo by Ryan C. McGinley
HTML isn’t really a programming language boat.
photo by ascendeddaniel
Personally, I was surprised that Python was left off the list. But I was delighted to see what commenter “jpc” wrote:
Python would be a catamaran. Light and functional, with conspicuous spacing.
What kind of boat would your favorite programming language be?
I would’ve characterized Perl as an amphicar: loved by enthusiasts that see it as something that can do everything, seen for its leaks and unfriendliness by everyone else.
C#: see Java, named U.S.S. Microsoft.
What about assembly? I think that assembly could be the swimming 🙂
And PHP ????
Php is a junk… It seems to do the job but you dont know what anything is named
APL is a like a Guitar boat. It’s strange but you’ll get there.