There have been a lot of good stuff showing up on my Feedly this week, but I haven’t had the chance have been too busy playing with my new phone to share it with y’all. So as any lazy blogger would do, I have decided to a roundup…
Terrible-Tweet Score
What is your Terrible-Tweet Score? I got 6, which fits into the “Tone it back a bit buddy” category. 😳
(via The Doghouse Diaries)
Pretty IP
This simple website generates a color palette based on your IP address. I’m not too crazy about the colors produced by my IP address, but you may have better luck. Go give it a try!
(via Laughing Squid)
Star Wars Family Tree
No explanation needed. (I am très excitée about JJ Abrams directing Episode VII! And did you hear that Harrison Ford may reprise his role as Han?)
(via Chart Geek)
Emoji Dick
Did you know that in 2009, a Kickstarter project commissioned an emoji translation of Moby Dick? And that this week, the Library of Congress acquired it as the first emoji book in its collection?
(via Gizmodo)