Feb 7, 2011  •  In Blogging, Geek, Personal, Tutorials, Web, WordPress

WordPress for the Everyday Blogger:
Part 3 – The Header

Part 1: Setting Up

Part 2: Set the Bare Bones

Another great thing about the ET-Starter theme is that it allows you to easily set your header and background — whether it be an image, a color, or both. Just navigate to the “Appearance” menu on the left side of your WordPress admin page, and you can choose “Background” or “Header” and make the changes accordingly.

If you are happy with just uploading a header, you can stop right here.

If you want to know how I managed my header, read on…

My header is actually a combination of two images —

A background image that is 1px wide and 350px high, repeated horizontally:

And the actual header image that is 900px wide and 350px high, layered on top of the previous image:

Why the layering? It’s because I do not know the screen size, or the screen resolution that a visitor will be using. So if someone is looking at my blog from a 30″ screen set at the highest resolution possible, it is very likely that the header image will be cut off at the ends. By layering a repeated, 1px-wide image below it, the visitor will be under the impression that it is one, wide header image.

(You can also choose to make the header image 3,000px wide or another width that is similarly high. But generally, we try not to do this as it will create an image with a big file size.)

Now in order to do this we have to adjust the style.css file. Find the body element (line 16 in the original file), delete what’s already there and add this instead:

body {
height: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
background: #FFFFFF url('/images/header_bg.jpg') repeat-x;
border: 0;

And in the highlighted portion, insert the URL to your own 1px-wide background image.

Next, find the #container element (line 48 in the original file) and replace what’s there with the following:

#container {
width: 870px;
height: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0 50px;
background: url('/images/header.jpg') no-repeat top center;

Again, replace what’s in the highlighted portion with the URL to your own header image.

Note that what’s really important in these CSS snippets are the background attributes. You can substitute your own margin, padding, height, width, etc according to what your own theme calls for.

Now save your style.css file. Let’s see what your theme looks like now…

But wait — why is the old header image there?

You can see our intended header image peeking out from the bottom, so you’re on the right track. What we need to do is to remove the call to function in the header.php file that “calls” the ET-Starter theme’s header image.

Open the header.php file. If you are familiar with HTML, it shouldn’t be too difficult to figure out.

Take a look at the first few lines that come right after the <body> tag:

<div id="header">
<h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
<h2><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></h2>

<div id="headerimage">
<img src="<?php header_image(); ?>" width="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH; ?>" height="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT; ?>" alt="" />

The first section calls for your blog title (name) and tagline (description), while the second calls for the theme’s header image. Once again, if you know HTML, this shouldn’t be too difficult.

So in order to get rid of the theme’s call to header image, all we need to do is delete that second section. That’s it!

Save your header.php file, and your theme should now look like this:

While we’re at it, let’s get rid of the call to site title and tagline too, since I won’t need it for this theme. (But if you want to keep them for your theme, you can style it accordingly using CSS.) So delete the first part of the code snippet shown above from your header.php file.

Lastly, let’s move down the sidebar and blog content so that they’re not overlapping the header image. To do this, go back to your style.css file and edit your .content.content-two-columncontent-right and .primary-sidebar.content-two-columncontent-right elements (remember those from Part 2?). All you need to do is to add some margin to the top by adding the following line to each element:

margin-top: 300px;

Save your style.css file, and your theme should now look like this:

As you can see, we’re really starting to get there!

Next up: styling the rest of the header elements. Please let me know if you have any questions along the way!


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Feb 7, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Toys

Lego Letterpress Prints

Because regular letterpress isn’t enough for us geeks!

Get your own Lego letterpress prints at Physical Fiction.

Via Flavorwire.

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Feb 7, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Cute, Personal

Girl Talk, and Poop

I must have looked especially haggard yesterday morning, because as soon as J woke up he announced, “I’ll take over. Go sleep. NOW.”

(I love this man.)

Knowing that the baby was in good hands with her doting father, I gathered the dog into my arms and snuggled up in bed. I took a wonderful 2-hour nap, and when I emerged from our bedroom refreshed and energized and ready to relieve J from baby duty, he assured me that everything was under control and that I should go “do my own thing.”

(Have I mentioned that I love him?)

And so I did. Grocery shopping. Watching a couple of episodes of Veronica Mars on Netflix. Surfing the web.

By the time the baby’s bedtime rolled around, I realized that I missed my daughter and took over for her bedtime routine. And I guess the little booger missed me too, because as I gave her her nighttime bottle she drank for a couple of minutes, then stopped and looked up at me.

“What’s wrong, little girl? Not hungry?”

She gurgled, smiled, then launched into a five-minute long speech.

Alright, so what she was saying weren’t words, but a series of syllables, sighs, and various other baby sounds. But I played along just the same, because it really did seem like she was telling me all about her day with daddy!

“Really?….You don’t say….Wow!….Well then….”

When she finally finished, I waved the bottle in front of her face and she eagerly opened her mouth. She gulped down the rest hungrily, satisfied that she was able to tell mommy all that she had wanted.

J was to go through something similar this morning. He told me that as he gave Claire her morning bottle, she stopped drinking after a couple of minutes once again.

“So why did she stop?” I asked him.

“She needed to poop. As soon as she finished her business, she went back to drinking again.”

I laughed, and we agreed that the only things that would get in the way of our hungry baby must be the desire for girl talk with mommy, and the need to poop.

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Feb 7, 2011  •  In Comang, Funny

What Dogs See

I’m about to go pass out for the night, but I had to share this first:

(via haha.nu)

Completely, hilariously true for our household! (Although I must admit that our Miele doesn’t scare Comang nearly as much as our old Roomba did…)

Good night, and I hope no one is too hungover tomorrow!

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Links Roundup: Super Bowl XLV Edition

With just an hour before kickoff, I figured that there has to be some Americans (like us, who are stuck home with the baby) who will not be attending a Super Bowl party tonight and will be enjoying the game at home instead.

And I’m sure there are those who won’t be watching the game at all.

So this post is for us. Enjoy, and let’s go Packers!

Who’s rooting for whom? Go see if you’re in Steelers or Packers territory by inputting your zip code at this Super Bowl FanMap.

Still not sure who to root for? Check out this Super Bowl Flowchart:

Enjoy the commercials more than the game? Check out this Super Bowl commercial schedule, then make sure you haven’t missed a single one (or re-watch your favorites) at adblitz’s YouTube channel, which will have the commercials online right after they air. I already have a favorite: VW Passat’s “The Force” commercial.

And what major event wouldn’t be complete without an infographic? Check out Super Bowl XLV Facts and Figures.

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Feb 5, 2011  •  In Blogging, Geek, Personal, Tutorials, Web, WordPress

WordPress for the Everyday Blogger:
Part 2 – Set the Bare Bones

Part 1: Setting Up

Let’s run through a checklist of things you should’ve done by now:

  • installed WordPress in a web or local host
  • imported content (whether from another blog or dummy content downloaded from the web) to your new blog
  • chosen, downloaded, and installed a blank WP theme
  • went through the PHP and CSS files in your blank theme to familiarize yourself with its setup

If you have done these things, you should now have a blog that looks similar to this:

Our new blog running the ET-Starter theme with the WP .XML Test Data Import dummy content

Remember when I said in Part 1 of this series that one of the great things about the ET-Starter theme is that you can easily toggle between single, 2, and 3-column layouts? As you can see above the default layout is 3-column with the main content in the middle. We want to change to a two-column with the content on the right.

To do this log into your WordPress admin, and click on “Theme Options” under the “Appearance” menu on the left. Check “Yes” next to Would you like a two column theme? and select “content-right” for the Main Content Order option.

Save changes, and your blog should now look like this:

Now, let’s set the dimensions using CSS. Let’s first look at the dimensions of the ET-Starter template. To do this, open the theme’s style.css file and compare it with the theme itself using Firefox’s nifty Firebug extension or using Chrome’s “Inspect Element” feature.

(For this tutorial I will be using Chrome’s “Inspect Element” feature rather than Firebug because I prefer Chrome over Firefox. Chrome’s “Inspect Element” feature is similar to Firebug, but with less options. However, Firebug is an indispensable tool for any web developer/designer and I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it!)

Right-click/control-click on your theme while viewing it in Chrome, and click on “Inspect Element” on the little pop-up menu. A window should slide out from the bottom of the page. While you are in the “Elements” mode (which I believe is the default), run your pointer over the different lines in the lines of code on the left and you should see that the different parts of the window get highlighted while you’re doing this.

By now, you have probably figured out that when you mouseover the different CSS elements, the element on the page that it corresponds to gets highlighted.

You can choose to go more or less detailed into each element and its sub-elements
by clicking on the little arrows at the left of each line.

With this handy feature, we can now see that the content of this blog theme has the CSS class of .content.content-two-columncontent-right while the sidebar has the class of .primary-sidebar.content-two-columncontent-right.

Now take a look at the style.css file. You will see that .content.content-two-columncontent-right has a width of 73% (line 112 on the original file) and that .primary-sidebar.content-two-columncontent-right has a width of 24% (line 178).

We can also see that the “container” ID, which acts like a “wrapper” around the entire the blog, has a width of 940px (line 49).

Now, the way that I want the theme to look is as follows:

So all we need to do is replace those numbers with the new in style.css:

#container should now have a width of 870px (line 49)

.content.content-two-columncontent-right should now have a width of 600px (line 112)

.primary-sidebar.content-two-columncontent-right should now have a width of 240px (line 178)

Save the file. Your theme should now look like this:

Not much of a change, I know. But we’re slowly but surely getting there!

Next up: the header!

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Feb 5, 2011  •  In Geek, Photography, Star Wars, Toys

Mesmerizing Star Wars Toy Photography

Oh my gawd. No words can describe how this Star Wars geek (and lover of toys) feels while looking through these photos by photographer extraordinaire Avanaut.

Go check out his Flickr page to see more…and don’t miss out on his Indiana Jones set!

Via Bit Rebels.

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Feb 4, 2011  •  In Cute, Funny, Photography, Touching, Web

Kristin & Kayla: Creative Kids Photography

Last October, photographer Jason Lee’s über-creative pictures of his two daughters became viral. I was quick to share the item on my Google Reader and tweet about it, but I don’t believe I ever blogged about the father, his camera, and his two adorable girls.

Jason Lee is a wedding photographer by trade, but when his mother became ill with non-hodgkins lymphoma in 2006, he set up a website called http://kristinandkayla.com to keep her up-to-date and cheer her up with whimsical pictures of her granddaughters.

Kristin and Kayla are incredibly adorable in their own right, but the way that their father poses each shot to give each scene a curiously playful spin is what makes these photos so unique and loved by many.

Why am I choosing to blog about Jason Lee when it’s been three months since his photos first gained popularity on the web? Because he just released a new photo — one that I know J (and millions of others) would love: one with an Angry Birds theme!

You can keep updated on Jason Lee’s latest projects via his Flickr stream.

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Feb 3, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal, Relationships

Motherhood for the Introvert

Just in case you weren’t aware, today marks an important holiday for the Asian community: lunar new year. This year is the year of the rabbit, and while I hardly pay attention to astrology (western or eastern), I can’t help but share this awesomely cute picture with you:

(image source)

Because today is such an important day in the Chinese culture, J took the day off from work. And he gave me the best new year’s day present —

He took the baby out with him to dim sum and left me all by myself.

For three, GLORIOUS hours.

(Well, the dog was home too but let’s just pretend he wasn’t there for the sake of the story.)

You guys, I can’t tell you how happy this made me. How refreshed and recharged I felt afterwards. How — and this will irk some of my readers, I’m sure — it made me miss the days before the baby.

Look, I love Claire. I really do! I would lay down my life for her and I would do anything for her happiness.

But motherhood is tough. And only recently have I come to realize that it is especially difficult for introverts like myself.

Contrary to common belief, being an introvert does not equate being shy. You can be an introvert and be outgoing, just as there exist shy extroverts. The true definition of an introvert is someone who derives his/her energy from within. An extrovert, on the other hand, derives energy from other people.

J is an extrovert through and through. He gets cranky and depressed when he is alone for long periods of time. And only after he has been around others that he is “recharged” and becomes himself again.

I have always been an introvert. My parents tell me that even as a child, I much preferred to be alone, reading in a corner somewhere rather than play with the other kids. And while I had my extremely social, outgoing days in my early twenties, I have found that I am becoming more and more introverted as I grow older.

This causes a huge problem for me, because being a mother is a 24-hour job which requires me to be with someone else at all times.

I know that taking care of a baby does not require much interaction. But you can’t deny that a baby is still a human being — another person an introvert like myself can find extremely draining.

And while I have been very blessed to have others help take care of the baby while I was out running errands, or even the couple of times when J and I have been out on dates, today was the very first time since the baby was born that I was able to be home — a place of peace and rest and comfort — all by myself.

Right before J left with the baby, he said to me, “Don’t call me in 10 minutes crying about how much you miss her!” to which I replied, “I would only call to tell you guys to take your time!”

I was only joking with him, but the complete and honest truth was that I didn’t miss them. And I feel like a horrible wife and mother for feeling this way, but it’s the truth. I really, really needed those three hours to be home by myself and I am so thankful that J was able to give it to me.

And you know what? I feel like I was able to be a better, more energized and happier mother after taking some time alone.

J immediately noticed the change in attitude and energy and suggested that he start doing this more often. It was his very first time taking the baby out by himself and while she wasn’t a complete angel, I could tell how proud of himself he was when he described how he was able to calm her down from a bout of crying.

And I’m sure they had fun. Because you can’t be taking pictures like this when you’re not having fun.

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Feb 3, 2011  •  In Blogging, Geek, Personal, Tutorials, Web, WordPress

WordPress for the Everyday Blogger:
Part 1 – Setting Up

Now we get to the nitty gritty fun: developing your own WordPress theme! To make things a bit easier on myself — and for my readers so that they can see a live sample — I will detail how I built the theme I am currently using:

(From now on I am going to assume that you have some knowledge of HTML and CSS. If you do not, I really, REALLY recommend that you learn! I truly believe that even a BASIC understanding of HTML and CSS will help you out tremendously as a blogger. Go check out W3Schools for some great tutorials.

What about PHP — the language that WordPress is based on? You do not need to know PHP to build your own theme, but it does make things a lot easier. Go see PHP 101: PHP for the Absolute Beginner if you’re interested.)

There are tons of free tutorials on the web that teach you how to build your own WP theme from scratch, and I invite you to check those out instead if you want a more in-depth, detailed lesson on WP theme development. But since the purpose of this series is to help the everyday blogger, I will try my best to keep things as simple and easy as possible.

First, you need to set up a testing environment where you make whatever changes you want to your new blog theme without your readers wondering what the heck is going on.

If you have an account with a web hosting company, you can easily create a new database and set up a new WP installation in a subdomain (e.g., demo.geekinheels.com) or a new directory (e.g., geekinheels.com/demo).

However, the easier option is to set up a local test server — off the web and on your own computer. You can do that by using XAMPP (Windows) or MAMP (Mac).

Next, download the latest version of WP at http://wordpress.org/download/.

If you’re using XAMPP follow these instruction for installing WordPress on your local test server.

If you’re using MAMP follow these instructions for installing WordPress on your local test server.

You will also want some content to see what your blog will look like once it’s filled with posts, pages, comments, etc. You can choose to upload an export file from your existing blog, or you can download dummy content. See here for a list of downloadable dummy content (I am partial to the WP .XML Test Data Import).

Now we can finally get crackin’ at the theme! You can choose to start from scratch…but why do so when working from a blank theme is so much easier?

Look through the list at 10 Blank/Naked WordPress Themes Perfect for Development to find a theme that is perfect for your needs.

For my theme, I chose to go with ET-Starter. It’s not entirely a blank theme, per se, but it gives you the option of easily toggling between single, 2, and 3-column layouts and includes a built-in jQuery drop down menu.

(Note: the ET-Starter website is no longer up, but you can download the theme at http://code.google.com/p/wordpresstemplates/downloads/detail?name=et-starter-1-4.zip)

Now that you have downloaded your blank theme, go ahead and open the different PHP and CSS files using your favorite text editor. As mentioned in the last post in this series, my favorite is TextWrangler, but Notepad++ is another great option.

Take some time to look over the files and familiarize yourself with them. My personal preference is to organize the lines of code while doing this step so that it will be easier to work with as I am customizing the theme. Because isn’t this —

Easier to work with than this?

Next up: preparing the bare-bones layout of your theme!

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