So the sweeping of the membranes seemed to have done something. I had some cramps after the procedure but ignored them (as I have been having cramps for the past couple of weeks) and took a short nap. When I woke up to pee, I noticed some blood on my underwear.
No reason to panic, since the doctor had warned that I might have some spotting. As as long as it’s not bright red and/or gushing, I had nothing to worry about.
It was only when I wiped that things got interesting. Was that…my MUCOUS PLUG? A bloody mucous plug at that.
Wait, I had read about this. Mucous plug + blood = bloody show.
I immediately turned to my pregnancy books and the powers of the interweb for their wisdom and advice about the bloody show. While some women lose their mucous plugs weeks before labor with no further progress, it seems that the bloody show is a slightly better indicator of things to come. 50% of women go into labor within 24 hours of passing their bloody show, “most” (whatever the heck that means) will go into labor within 3 days, while others can hang on for another week or two.
(And as if I needed more discouragement, OMGmom chimed in and told me that she went another two weeks after passing her bloody show. Thanks, Mandy!)

Needless to say I got pretty excited. I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but I’m sincerely hoping that I’ll be in the lucky 50% who goes into labor soon after passing their bloody show.
And to further entice my body, I vacuumed the house, prepared 순두부찌개 (soondubu jjigae, or Korean spicy tofu soup) for dinner and made it extra spicy, and even ignored my hip pains to go on a looooong walk, perhaps the most exercise I’ve gotten in months.
I will also be seducing my husband as we head to bed.
“But what if I don’t want to do it?”
“Too bad. I’ll rape you.”
“I’m scared.”
(To be completely honest, I have to give J mad props for continuing to have sex with me in my heavily pregnant state. I know it can’t be the most comfortable or reassuring thing in the world, nor can he be very much attracted to the whale that his wife has transformed into. So thanks, hubs!)
I will be sure to keep you all updated on my progress, or lack thereof. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that the baby will make her appearance soon!
P.S. — Isn’t it funny how just a year ago, Dooce blogged about losing her mucous plug and created such a “omg that was way too TMI” stir in the blogosphere? Now, here I sit, blogging about passing my bloody show. I’m sure people will find this offensive too.
P.P.S. — After I emailed my sister about what happened, she replied, “Bloody show? They really can’t think of a better name than that?”