Sep 19, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

38 Weeks

I think this is the first time in MONTHS that I’ve actually posted a weekly pregnancy update on time. Aren’t you proud of me?

I may have cursed myself when I wrote about my belly remaining small. Because as soon as I compared this week’s picture to last week’s, and noticed how much larger I look, I whipped our the measuring tape and found my stomach a full 1″ wider. Maybe it’s because I had an extra-large brunch today? I’m not sure — all I know is that my belly has seemed to have gained a full inch in just a week.

(Yes, I know I am wearing a Baltimore Ravens jersey in this picture and I am well aware that they played horribly today, especially considering Flacco’s four interceptions. Please don’t rub salt in an open wound.)

I continue to remain extremely uncomfortable and I wish there was a (non-medical, healthy) way for me to fall asleep and not wake up until it’s time for the baby to come. Lately the little booger has taken to hurting me…I mean REALLY hurt, and I have taken to yelp at my belly, “If you want more room to move around, come out already!” Sometimes I can swear that she is pinching my lower organs — is this even possible from within the embryonic sac?

My contractions still come and go at irregular intervals. I am most definitely in early labor, but this doesn’t mean much because this stage can last anywhere from hours to weeks. I’m not sure what I would do if I end up going over my due date — after all, some babies seem content to stay inside the womb and placental deterioration won’t start until 42 weeks. I really don’t want to be induced, but I may be singing a different tune if the baby ends up being late.

According to experts, the baby now weighs about 6¾ lbs and is 20″ long. And if she looks anything like the BabyCenter picture below, she is starting to become pleasantly plump and adorably chubby.

J always jokes that he wants an “Eriksen baby” (à la How I Met Your Mother) and while I protest, “I do not have Eriksen-bearing hips, nor do I want a 15 lb baby coming out of there,” I have to admit that I want a cute chubby baby too.

I can’t believe there are only TWO WEEKS left until my due date! It’s really coming down to the wire!

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Sep 18, 2010  •  In Baby, Finance, Shopping, Web

Amazon Mom

I only just heard about Amazon Mom, which is “a free membership program aimed at helping parents and caregivers, from the prenatal days through the toddler years, use Amazon to find all the products their family needs.”

Although the special discounts on diapers, wipes, and other recommended products are certainly enticing, what draws me to this program most is the FREE 3-month membership to Amazon Prime. I have been an Amazon Prime member for 1½ years now, and I LOVE the unlimited two-day shipping and the fact that you can share your membership with four other people.

With Amazon Mom, you get an additional month of Amazon Prime for every $25 you spend within a single order in the Baby Store (up to one year from the date you join Amazon Mom). And if you are already an Amazon Prime member, you can choose to receive a prorated refund for the remaining unused months left on your subscription, which is what I did.

The best part? Despite the name, anyone who is interested in receiving these benefits can sign up for an Amazon Mom membership.

I love mommy deals such as this! Does anyone have any other websites and/or programs that will help our family save?

***I did not receive any payments, gifts, or services for writing about Amazon Mom. I simply heard about it and thought it to be a great program.

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Sep 17, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal

Our Baby, the Fashion Plate

I have never been one to play dress-up as a little girl, or even have dolls as a kid, so dressing up our baby girl is not something I anticipate with glee.

(If anything, I think that J is looking forward to it much more than I. He is a full-on metrosexual who loves to shop while I hate the mere idea of clothes shopping.)

And while I have given J full permission to turn our daughter into a tomboy, I still sometimes feel sorry for our little girl whose mother despises shopping. Sure, there have been times when I spot a particularly cute/geeky outfit (like the Star Wars “My Dad Is Awesome” onesie I purchased for the baby early in the pregnancy) and I become tempted to buy it. But more often than not, I will end up balking at the price as I wonder to myself, ‘Just how many outfits does a baby really NEED? Don’t they grow out of everything really fast?’ and pass it over.

Luckily, we have been blessed by wonderful family members and friends who have been purchasing adorable clothes for our girl since day one. One of J’s friends even donated a HUGE box of very gently-worn baby clothes. So earlier this week, as I started to wash all the clothes in preparation for the baby’s arrival, I couldn’t believe that I had to do FOUR FULL loads of laundry. (And keep in mind that these are baby clothes, so they take up considerably less volume than adult items.) The large six-drawer dresser in the nursery is now filled to the brim, and the closet is half-full with teeny tiny dresses, jumpers, and jackets.

I’m pretty sure that the baby now has more clothes than me.

And thankfully, we won’t need to buy any clothes for the little one for at least the first six months of her life.

That being said, I could not pass up this outfit I stumbled upon during our last trip to BuyBuyBaby:

Many moms make big deals out of their babies’ take-home outfits (the outfit that the child will wear as you bring him/her home from the hospital) and I had just figured that I can grab one of the many items that people had bought for us. However, seeing this outfit out on display, touching the softness of the fabric and the quality of the materials, I knew that I had to have it as our baby’s take-home outfit.

J loves it too — he laughed when he first saw it and said that it looks like a kung fu ensemble. My mother was concerned that the trim may be too scratchy, but touching the soft material eased her qualms. And while the label may state the size as “3 months,” it seems to run very small and is comparable to the newborn sizes we have in our possession.

This take-home outside completes our hospital bag. When it’s time to head to the hospital, all we need to do is grab the few items we still use every day (such as toiletries), throw them into the bag and head off.

We’re all ready for you, baby. Come out whenever you’re ready…

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Sep 17, 2010  •  In Books, Funny, Web

The Baby-Sitters Club: Where Are They Now?

I saw this link on my Facebook feed yesterday and I knew I had to share it with my readers (who are obvious Baby-Sitters Club fans).

Huffington Post’s The Frenemy writes, “By the time the series ended in 2000, the girls had graduated from middle school at 13. This would make them around 23 now. I decided to catch up with the ladies to see what they had been up to since then….”

Stacey is now a model-slash-actress. Mary Anne dabbles in beauty pageants before moving down to Nashville to focus on her overly-conservative and right-wing life. Claudia continues to embrace the hipster lifestyle. Dawn remains as hippie as ever. Kristy resides in DC where she is working on a political career. Mallory works in publishing. And Jessie? She is clearly ashamed of her past: “Refused to take place in update. Cannot believe she ever lived in Connecticut and worked with a bunch of crazy privileged bitches.”

As funny and relevant to today’s society as these updates are, I couldn’t help but be a bit saddened to see what has become of the group. Yes, I know it is all fictional and meant to be funny, but I am also aware that today’s teenage girls will relate to these updated versions of the BSC more than the original, innocent group that kept so many of us entertained for years.

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Sep 16, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

37 Weeks

Four days ago, I hit 37 weeks and reached a new milestone: I am now considered full-term!

Aside from the episode of false labor yesterday, the baby seems content on staying inside my belly for the time being. I am still experiencing contractions, but they remain irregular and completely manageable.

I feel as huge as ever, but whenever I tell people how far along I am they’re almost always shocked. “You look like you’re only 6 or 7 months along!” they exclaim. I think that the fact that I am a first-time mom has to do a lot with my belly (seemingly) looking relatively small. I’ve read that women are more likely to “pop” a lot sooner and their bellies more likely to grow a lot bigger with subsequent pregnancies.

When I mentioned the “you look so small” comments to J, he agreed that my belly growth seems to have slowed down considerably within the past month. And comparing the pictures above (34 weeks vs 37 weeks), there really doesn’t seem to be that much of a difference. What I can say is that my belly definitely seems a lot harder and tighter than before, so I can only conclude that the baby continues to grow while my belly growth has plateaued.

Curious to see just how much my tummy has grown since I last measured it at 28 weeks, I took a measurement this morning. Can you guess how much wider my stomach has gotten by looking at the pictures below?

The answer: one inch. That’s it. Seriously. At 28 weeks, I was dismayed to find that my waist was already measuring 40″. Well, at 37 weeks and 5 days, almost a full ten weeks later, my waist has only widened by one inch and now measures 41″. I couldn’t believe it myself, especially when you compare the photos above. Maybe I lost some back fat?

That being said, my weight gain is at…drumroll please…50 lbs now.  Luckily, when I informed my friends of this number at my baby shower, they all agreed that I certainly do not look like I gained 50 lbs. I think that perhaps I don’t look as if I gained that much weight because the weight gain is so evenly distributed through my body. In addition, all the extra water — amniotic fluid (my doctor tells me I have extra), blood (the blood volume of pregnant women increase by 45-50%), and water retention (I’m very susceptible to water retention) has to count for some of the weight, right?

According to experts, the baby now weighs about 6½ lbs and measures about 20″ long. Now that she is full-term, there is a very good chance that her lungs are mature enough to adjust to life outside the womb if she were to be born right now.

My OB visits are now weekly, but I have yet to receive a cervical check so I have no idea if I am dilated or effaced. I did, however, receive my last series of tests on Monday — bloodwork in addition to swabs to check for any diseases/infections that may be passed down to the baby such as Group B strep.

So with those tests out of the way and already having pre-registered at the hospital, we are well on our way to have this baby! Please keep us in your prayers as we approach the final stages of pregnancy!

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Sep 16, 2010  •  In Asian, Cute, Wishlist

Dim Sum Buttons

I’m not a big fan of dim sum (J thinks it’s an atrocity that I prefer Chinese take-out to authentic Chinese cuisine), but I find these dim sum buttons by Mark Wu of One Inch Punch adorable. I would get the set, affix some magnets to their backs, and use them on my refrigerator.

Via Neatorama.

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Sep 15, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

False Labor?

This morning started like any other. After a warm, refreshing shower, I was drying off and about to get dressed when I felt it.

Sharp, excruciating pain in my groin.

Regular readers know that I had been having pain in my groin area  — sorta like I was kicked repeatedly in the crotch — for months now. However, this was a lot worse than usual. I gasped for air and grabbed the bedpost for support. Every time I moved the pain would intensify, leaving me standing yet crouched over in agony, praying for relief. 

After about five minutes the pain lessened somewhat and I was able to move again. It was then that I noticed the aching in my lower back and abdomen.


I sat down and took deep breaths. After about a minute the aching subsided…only to return again in a few minutes. I tried my best to time the pains in fear that they might be contractions. Luckily, they did not seem regular and the level of pain remained manageable.

Still, I was worried. I had been experiencing braxton-hicks contractions for months now, some of them painful, but never had I experienced this level of pain. I decided to call my doctor’s office.

After listening to my story, the doctor on call advised me to stay put for now. He told me to drink lots of water and pay close attention to the pain to see if they intensify or become more regular. He also advised me to keep watch for any bleeding and/or leaking fluids. If any of these were to happen, I was to head on over to labor & delivery.

It has been about three hours since I spoke to the doctor. The pain continues to come and go, but not at regular intervals. It also continues to stay manageable — I am still able to talk through the pain and walk around, albeit at a slower, more deliberate pace.

However, I have been noticing other symptoms of impending labor:

  • Nausea
  • Loose bowels
  • The need to pee every half hour (even just yesterday I was able to hold off on peeing for hours at a time)
  • Increased pressure “down there.” It almost feels like something’s about to pop, if that makes any sense.
  • Increased fetal movement. Although some women report decreased fetal movement as a sign that labor is imminent, this is still out of the ordinary for me.
  • Walking around or changing positions seems to intensify the pain. Braxton-hicks contractions would have the opposite effect.

Despite these symptoms, I’m pretty sure that I am NOT in labor, at least not just yet.

I have been keeping myself busy by re-reading all the sections in my pregnancy books and websites on preparing for labor and what to expect. I have also started to wash all the baby’s clothes and blankets (four loads!) just in case she is planning to make her appearance soon.

I’m just a teeny bit nervous because J is at a conference for work today. Luckily, the conference is being held in Manhattan so he can hurry home if needed, but I’m scared that I may not be able to reach him quickly if the real contractions do start.

I remain surprisingly calm. Even if these contractions progress into full-blown labor, I plan to labor at home for as long as possible in order to avoid unnecessary interventions at the hospital. I know that we are ready for this baby — it’s just a matter of when she will get here. It may be as early as today, or she may want to stay put for another four weeks. All I can do is pray that she will be healthy when she arrives.

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Sep 15, 2010  •  In Funny, Twitter, Web

The Twelve Types of Twitter Users

I confess: I am guilty of every one of these with the sole exception of the “One Tweet Wonder.” What about you?

Via The Joy of Tech.

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Sep 15, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Asian, Geek

How to Draw an Anime Character

Via Geekosystem.

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Sep 14, 2010  •  In Relationships, Touching

Danny and Annie

My sister sent me this video along with a note that read, “I know you’re already hormonal, but this is guaranteed to make anyone cry…”

And you know what? I totally bawled like a baby watching this video. It reminds me of the first ten minutes of Up, except this is a true-life story as told to by an actual couple. So take 6 minutes out of your life and watch. And be prepared to be moved. (You might also want to have tissues handy.)

I can only wish that J and I will share this kind of love and sweetness 25 years down the road.

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