Sep 6, 2010  •  In Books, Geek, Personal

How to Open a New Book

I would just like to preface this by saying that I have been doing this with all my new books ever since I could remember. Surely I can’t be the only weirdo…right?

Via Boing Boing.

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Sep 6, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

36 Weeks (Mega Update)

I am now officially in my 9th month of pregnancy. Only ~4 weeks left to go!

I have a friend who gave birth at 36 weeks and I keep thinking back to visiting her and the baby at the hospital. Sure, the baby was tiny (about 5¾ lbs) but he was still pretty darn cute with chubby rosy cheeks, and was able to breathe on his own with no complications. All I can do is smile, knowing that at this point, our baby is at a similar stage and that even if I were to give birth right now there would most likely be no complications to her health.

I also learned something new yesterday while reading Baby 411 — if the baby were to be born right now, she would not be considered a premie, but a late pre-term baby. The label “pre-term” is designated for those who are born before 34 weeks; 34-36 weeks is considered late pre-term, and 37 weeks onwards is full term. Which means that I only have a week to go before I’m full-term!!!

I continue to become more and more uncomfortable as the days go by. Here is a run-down of my current condition…

Breathing has become especially difficult in the past couple of weeks as the baby continues to grow and presses up against my lungs. I’m actually looking forward to her dropping so that I will have more room to breathe…but then again, I know that my hip pains will worsen when this happens.

Hip/Crotch Pains
Still there, and growing worse with each day. My right hip especially likes to act up and it feels like my hip joints are about to disconnect with each step that I take. And I like to compare the crotch pain to getting repeatedly kicked in the groin. Sometimes I like to massage the area because it helps with the swelling and pain; I know that I look ridiculously pervy in the process but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Innie or Outie?
My belly button has stretched out considerably over the past 9 months, but it still clearly remains an innie and shows no signs of inverting. I’m actually a bit disappointed, because I used to joke at the beginning of the pregnancy that my belly button will “pop” like a pop-up timer on a turkey when the baby is “cooked” and ready to come out.

J told me that I have started snoring pretty loudly in the past week or so. Pre-pregnancy, I hardly ever snored. When I did, it was only after an especially long/difficult day so I’m a bit embarrassed and feel bad for my husband who has to put up with the noise. However, I do know that snoring is a common side effect of pregnancy and that I can probably attribute it to my weight gain and increased fatigue. I can only hope that it will disappear soon after the baby is born.

I have always been proud to have a large, strong bladder. I have not had any accidents during this pregnancy and hope to keep it that way. And up until just a week ago, I have still had pretty good bladder control, especially during the night. Then all of a sudden, I had to wake up in the middle of the night for the sole purpose of needing to pee. This started about a week ago and I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since then. It was horrible timing to say the least, because my insomnia was finally starting to let up.

Remember how as the third trimester started, my first trimester symptoms began sprouting back up? And one of those symptoms included constipation? Well, we can cross that off the list because I’ve been pooping like no other in the past couple of weeks. Pre-pregnancy I only pooped every 2-3 days. Now I poop 3-4 times a day! I’ve read that loose bowels is a sign of impending labor. But seeing as how I still have a month to go, I can only imagine the explosions (“When you’re sliding into first, and your pants begin to burst…”) that will arrive as I go into labor.

They’ve gotten worse…a lot worse. Remember the replacement wedding ring I bought? I had gotten that in a full 1.5 larger size and it was a bit loose when I first received it. Well even that won’t fit anymore. My feet, ankles, and calves get so swollen by the end of the day that the skin in the area actually hurts from the stretching. I put up my feet every night, been drinking lots of water and limiting my salt intake with not much success. I guess I’ll just have to wait.

Wrist/Finger Joint Pain
Starting at about a week ago, I noticed pains in my wrist and finger joints whenever I woke up. Luckily they disappear after a few minutes of doing hand and wrist exercises (stretching, flexing, etc) but they have slowly grown more intense and painful with each day. I’m still not sure if it’s carpal tunnel syndrome (another common side effect of pregnancy) or just joint pains from extra fluid retention. But I will be sure to ask my doctor about it at my next visit.

* * * * *

According to most sources, the baby now weighs about 6 lbs and is 19 inches long. She is getting so strong — my belly regularly performs jiggles, wiggles, and Alien-esque protrusions. Sometimes I can swear that she is playing xylophone with my ribs, or that she has found a new favorite squeeze toy with my bladder.

Last night I had a dream that the baby was born, and I was dismayed to see how ugly she was. A true-life conehead, vernix everywhere, purple and brown birthmarks all over her body, only the worst features from both her parents, etc. I felt horrible about myself when I woke up — how superficial am I?

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Sep 6, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Movies, Web

Evil Movie Corporation Websites

Web designer Mikko Vartio took it upon himself to research several evil movie corporations and develop representations of what their websites would look like, modeling them after real-life corporation websites. Enjoy!


Company:  OCP
Real-Life Inspiration:  Apple
Designer’s Notes:  “OCP is the nasty corporation from Robocop, but Apple does much better job succeeding in the path of evilness. My vision of OCP site has some same resemblance of Apple’s site, but that is purely a coincidence.”


Company:  Rekall
  Total Recall
Real-Life Inspiration:  RyanAir
Designer’s Notes:  “Paul Verhoeven directed Robocop, but he also directed another fine masterpiece called Total Recall. The evil company Rekall is specialized on screwing your brain with false memories, stuff like travelling into Mars. If there is evil travelling corporation, it is definitely RyanAir – the wicked airlines with their their cheap tactics and butt-ugly websites.”


Company:  Weyland-Yutani
Real-Life Inspiration:  Toyota
Designer’s Notes:  “Weyland-Yutani should ring the bell from Alien-movies. I’ve been reading some news and looks like Toyota is doing fine job with their evil products and alien-technology.”


Company:  Skynet
Real-Life Inspiration:  Bing
Designer’s Notes:  “Skynet has been sending robots from the future since good oldTerminator-days. Everybody thinks that Google is the new real-life Skynet, but I say that the stealthy search engine Bing from Microsoft is the genuine evil dopedealer.(eg. Skynet-logo with Google-colors is way too easy).”


Company:  Cyberdyne
Real-Life Inspiration:  Microsoft
Designer’s Notes:  “When there is Skynet, there is also Cyberdyne. So, is Microsoft the Cyberdyne? Sure looks so.”


Company:  Tyrell
Real-Life Inspiration:  RealDoll
Designer’s Notes:  “Bladerunner is classic movie, where Han Solo shoots robots. While the evil corporation Tyrell produces too realistic clones, our real world equivalent RealDoll (check mainpage, NSFW) does the same with evil sexdolls.”


Via GeekTyrant.

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Sep 3, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Video Games

Super Mario Interactive Mural

A group of students from the Columbus College of Art & Design have painted the mural of the year (at least in this geek’s eyes): a 38’x16′ scene from the original Super Mario Bros game that begs for passerby interaction.

I would certainly try these poses and have them captured on film if I were in the vicinity; how about you?

Via Boing Boing.

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Sep 3, 2010  •  In Infographics, Personal, Web

Spam Infographics

This is why whenever I share infographics, including this one, I (1) upload it to my own site; and (2) never use the embed/share code that is included with the infographic.

Whenever I do use a particular site’s embed/share code — which is usually the case with videos — I go through each line carefully to make sure that it only includes information that is needed to share the video. But for everyone who does not know code, I wholeheartedly recommend that you include a rel=”nofollow” tag in the HTML, as recommended by this infographic. For example,

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Your text</a>

Via TechCrunch.

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Sep 2, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Colors

Paper Storage Swoon

Hiromura Design Office has created a magnificent storage solution for the Tokushu Tokai Paper Head Office that is every paper/craft/color lover’s wet dream. If I had all the money in the world I would have this Japanese design house design all my storage spaces.

Via Apartment Therapy.

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Sep 1, 2010  •  In Blogging, Entertainment, NYC, Personal, Twitter

Martha Stewart Twitter Tickets

Do you tweet? Do you live in the NYC area (or can make it to NYC on September 13)?

Do you ♥ Martha Stewart?

Then this post is for you. I received this email earlier today from the producers of the Martha Stewart Show

Exclusive: Martha’s Twitter Section

Be part of the very first Twitter audience section on “The Martha Stewart Show”! As part of this exclusive group, you’ll get a first look at the season premiere (9/13), be able to live-tweet throughout the show, and share your take with thousands of Martha fans around the world.

To request tickets: visit and be sure to tell us about your Twitter account and why you want to sit in the new Twitter section!

We look forward to hearing from you!

I had previously attended a taping of the Martha Stewart Show that was devoted to bloggers, and loved every minute of it! (Check out the live blog I did from that show here.)

As much as I would love to attend this taping, I am hesitant to drag my fat pregnant arse (I will be 37 weeks then) down to the Meatpacking District, wait on line, and sit uncomfortably in those tiny studio seats. So I will pass, but am happily passing this information along to my readers.

I hope that at least one person I know will be able to make it!

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Sep 1, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Cute, Star Wars

The Jedi Comeback

“The Jedi Comeback” is an adorable illustration chronicling character triumph between The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi.

Via Laughing Squid.

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Sep 1, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Entertainment, Geek, Logos/Branding

“Day Jobs” [Fictional Business Cards]

Designer Fernando Reza has created a limited edition print called “Day Jobs” which features 3.5″x2″ business cards for 21 fictional (and geeky) companies. It’s printed on cardstock, so you can choose to cut out each business card to fill your (fictional) rolodex.

I especially love the designs for the Dharma Initiative, Umbrella Corporation, Wayne Enterprises, Paper Street Soap Co., Massive Dynamic, and the Bluth Company. And I think I would like the one for Dunder Mifflin more if it were updated to (the now-defunct) Dunder Mifflin Infiniti, or Dunder Mifflin Sabre.  

What about you? Which ones are your favorites?

Via Geekosystem.

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Aug 31, 2010  •  In Baby, Comang, Personal

Our First (Clingy) Child

Lately I have been getting more and more concerned about how Comang will react to the baby.

When his previous owners brought their baby home, they told me that Comang didn’t really pay attention…if anything, he seemed to be oblivious to the new strange creature that inhabited his space.

However, I spend a lot more time with Comang than his previous owners did, and as a result he has become very attached to me. This is something that our vet noticed within just five minutes of meeting us — he pointed out that when Comang is nervous or frightened, he has the tendency to hide behind me, or try to jump into my arms.

I have no worries that Comang will be hostile to the baby. He is one of the most gentle and docile dogs I have ever come across, and he’s always played the submissive role when meeting new people. What I do fear is that Comang will react negatively to the baby being given more attention than him by becoming depressed.

I have been doing a lot of reading on how to introduce a new baby to your dog. Some of the strategies we plan to use include:

  • After the nursery is set up, let Comang explore the new sleeping and changing areas. Allow him to sniff all the baby products we will be using. Do not let him climb on the furniture.
  • Have J or a relative bring home something that smells like the baby before we are discharged from the hospital. Let Comang sniff it and get used to the new scent.
  • When we first come home from the hospital, I should come through the door first (with J waiting in the hallway with the baby) and allow Comang to greet me, and get the initial excitement out of the way. Then I will step out and watch the baby in the hallway while J does the same. THEN J will meet us back outside, and the three of us will enter together.

While all these are good advice, none of them address my concerns about Comang possibly becoming depressed after “losing” his mommy. I have been encouraging J to spend more time with him, but Comang still prefers me to him. I read that I should get a doll or a stuffed animal, swaddle it, hold it, and act as if I am actually taking care of the baby, but I would feel pretty silly doing so.

I have also been told that I should slowly start spending less time with him. But knowing that such a drastic change is upon him, I’m having a hard time doing so. I want to spend as much time possible with him, just us two, before the baby comes!

I also have a feeling that Comang knows that a big change is coming. He has been acting extra clingy and has taken to sniffing my ever-expanding belly.

Do any of my readers have any advice? What have you done to acclimate your pet to a new addition to the family?

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