Aug 31, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Photography, Shopping, Wishlist

Aperture T-Shirt

At first glance this shirt seems to portray a simple geometric design. However, upon closer observation — and perhaps immediately to photographers — the design mimics the heart of a shutterbug: the eye of the aperture.

At $18, it is totally wearable and would make a great gift for any photographer.

Via Fashionably Geek.

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Aug 30, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Cute, Photography

Pet Cloud

I love this series of photos by Michale Casker featuring a girl and her pet cloud. Be sure to click on through for more photos!

Via Laughing Squid.

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Aug 29, 2010  •  In Cute

Adorbz of the Day


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Aug 28, 2010  •  In Blogging, Entertainment, Personal

Do You Boycott?

Ever since I started writing more about my religious views on this site, I have gotten more than a few comments and nasty emails stating that they will no longer read my blog because they disagree with my stance on certain issues.

I don’t have much of a problem with readers who choose to unsubscribe — they are certainly free to do as they wish! In addition, my main objective in blogging is to write and share my thoughts with the world. Although my readership is important to me, losing readers here and there will not hurt me financially (it’s not like I make money from this site anyway), nor will it discourage me from blogging.

That being said, what I would like to know from my former readers is: do you choose to boycott every website, business, institution, etc that does not 100% agree with your viewpoints? Because as you can see, my religious and personal views are not the only things I write about on this blog…if anything, they only comprise a small minority of my posts.

Personally, I read TONS of sites that do not always align with my views. I also watch TV shows and movies that advocate and glamorize non-Christian ways of life, and even sometimes openly mock Christianity.

However, I do not boycott these websites, television shows, or movies based on their viewpoints. Do I stay away from media that is strongly anti-Christian or against my core values? Yes. But if the majority of what they say is entertaining and/or even useful, I continue to read, watch, and by doing so — support — them.

Let’s take it a step further.

I remember when the BP oil spill was still making headlines and everyone I knew seemed to be proudly proclaiming that they would boycott all BP gas stations. Then I began to read more than a few accounts of gas station owners — the small business owners who had chosen to work under the BP brand before the whole spectacle began — who implored the public not to picket, vandalize, or boycott their places of business. According to them, the boycott of BP gas stations was hurting the small business owners far worse than BP corporate itself. And while switching to another gas company might be an option, it would cost tens of thousands of dollars to obtain the license, re-brand and re-structure. Nevermind the business that would be lost during the transition!

A vandalized BP sign that took 3 days and $1,500 to clean (source)

A more recent example can be found in Target’s donation to the Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, who opposes same-sex marriage. The boycott movement began as soon as the new broke, and I believe it is still underway. Nevermind Target’s official statement on the issue (which is that they chose to make the donation based on the candidate’s pro-business stance). Despite the fact that Target does not discriminate against the hiring of gay employees, nor the fact that it has regularly supported gay rights in the past, many in the American public have been quick to protest and boycott the discount retailer.

I did not participate in either of these protests. And now that I think about it, I cannot remember a single instance in my life where I felt the need to boycott a retailer or a place of business based on their, or their employee(s)’s conduct. Even if I disagreed with their practices, I always felt that (1) I would be hurting someone else in the process; and (2) no cause has been THAT important to me.

(The only exception to this rule would be if a business’ sole or primary purpose were against my religious or moral beliefs.)

On the flipside, I do not consciously choose to support and patronize certain businesses because they align with my values either.

Surely I cannot be the only one? Do any of my readers feel this way? Or are you the type to openly protest issues or practices you believe to be wrong by boycotting? If so, do you choose to distance yourself from everything (including websites, television shows, and movies) with which you disagree?

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Aug 27, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

34 Weeks (Weight Concerns)

I was all set to do a regular 34 week update, but got a bit discouraged after this morning’s OB appointment where the doctor lectured me about my weight gain and asked me exactly what I have been eating.  

I know that my eating habits can be better, but I haven’t been eating any differently since the beginning of the pregnancy. As such, I can’t attribute anything to the rapid weight gain in the past month aside from my body just doing whatever the heck it wants to do. My blood pressure is fine (it has hovered in the 100/60-range for the majority of the pregnancy and today it was 96/56), all my bloodwork has been normal, and aside from some swelling, there is nothing to indicate that I am in danger of complications such as gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia. And while I would love to exercise, my hip pains just make it impossible at this point.

image source


I know that every pregnant woman has concerns about weight gain at some point or another — whether it be from gaining too much or too little. However, it really depresses me to step on the scale to see that I have gained about 40 lbs so far. If you take into account the fact that I never lost the 10 lbs from the pregnancy I miscarried before getting pregnant again, that is a total of 50 lbs from my normal weight. Oy vey.

All I can hope for is that my hip pains will disappear soon after delivery and that I can start exercising off the excess weight as soon as possible. I also plan on breastfeeding, which should help me shed some pounds. In addition, I have had J promise me to help whip my butt back into shape. 30 Day Shred and P90x — here I come!

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Aug 27, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Colors, Education, Science

Educational Chemistry Crayons

Want your child to get a head start on chemistry? Try these Educational Chemistry Crayons from Etsy seller QueInteresante:

Children play and draw with crayons practically every day, so why not make the experience more educational? This listing is for a set of 48 Crayola crayons with labels so that while children are coloring, they are also exposed to the names of chemicals that will make those colors! So instead of thinking “I want green” they will think “I want Barium Nitrate Ba(NO3)2 Flame” and then when they take chemistry in high school and their teacher sets some gas on fire and it makes a green color and they ask the class what chemical it was your student will know it was Barium! Genius!

To be completely honest I hardly ever paid attention to color names when using Crayons as a child, and I’m not sure that other children do, either. However, the geek in me loves this idea and may even implement it in the future.

Via Laughing Squid.

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Aug 27, 2010  •  In Funny, Music, Personal

Heard a Song (1990 vs 2010)

This chart, found over at Geeks are Sexy, sure brings back some fond memories…

Who knows how many great songs I’ve missed out on over the years because the radio DJ never mentioned the artist, or the song name? And when you ask your friends (“It goes something like duh-nuh-nuuuuuhhhh, da-duh!”) they have no idea what you’re talking about because who can really identify a song from two bars of poorly-remembered melody?

I also remember how I used to sit by the radio, one finger hovering over the “record” button in order to record my favorite tunes on a blank cassette. I got so good at recording songs off the radio that you could hardly identify the ghetto method in which they were obtained. Was recording radio songs onto cassette tapes the first generation of pirating music?

Then there were mix tapes. I was the queen of mix tapes! I made mixes based on mood, messages, genre, beat, tempo…you name it. When I first read High Fidelity I vigorously nodded my head along with Rob’s detailed exposition on the art of making a good mix tape. Mix tapes were slowly replaced by mix CDs, and now, MP3 playlists. I always thought that mix CDs did not have the same heart as mix tapes, and MP3 playlists are not even comparable.

What about you? Does looking at this chart bring back any memories?

P.S. — If I could add one amendment to the chart, it would be the identification of said song with applications/programs such as Shazam. I have Shazam on my trusty Moto Droid and have used it numerous times to identify and discover new songs.

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Aug 26, 2010  •  In Funny, Sports

A Slap in the Face

Via Up Next in Sports.

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Aug 26, 2010  •  In Cute, Web

Kitten Nom Nom Nom

This is the cutest video I’ve seen in weeks!

I’m currently dog-sitting my sister’s dog Dante, and when I played this video for the first time both Dante and Comang ran over to investigate. I wish I had a camera on hand to capture their confused looks as they stared at the computer screen, but I was too late.

Via Well That’s Adorable.

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Aug 26, 2010  •  In Logos/Branding, Marketing/Advertising, Personal

Brand Associations [Unbranding]

Last night I read about a new marketing trend called “unbranding,” where luxury houses allegedly send out their competitor’s products to keep their own brands from being associated with celebrities who don’t match their brands’ carefully-crafted images.

Unsurprisingly, they used Jersey Shore‘s Snooki as an example; Snooki was originally known to have carried around a Coach bag everywhere but now seems to have gone on to various other designer brands. Not because she is earning more money and able to afford these new purses, nor because publicists and PR staff are sending her free swag to hawk, but because luxury houses are sending her each others’ bags in an attempt to disassociate themselves from the train wreck!

I don’t think I have ever become more loyal, or distanced myself from a particular brand due to celebrity associations. To me, it is more about the design and the quality. Sure, there are some brands to which I am more partial just based on their names, but there is usually a good reason their brands are associated with luxury: their superior products speak for themselves.

The funny thing is that I have found myself placing negative connotations to certain brands as of late. But not because of celebrities or pop culture. Rather, because of spam comments.

Yes, you read that right: spam comments. Because in the past month or so I have been getting tons of spam comments from people pushing (probably counterfeit) luxury brand items — more specifically, from Louis Vuitton and Christian Louboutin. As a result, I have noticed that whenever these two brand names come up, I cringe inside.

I am well aware that Louis Vuitton or Christian Louboutin has no control over these comments. But the fact of the matter is that these spammers have ruined these brands for this blogger, at least for the time being.

I can think of another example which dates all the way back to high school: a girl who used to bully me had a penchant for Prada bags. Because of this girl, I now associate Prada with painful high school memories and have no desire to own a single Prada item.

Again, Prada has had no control over this situation. It is merely due to my own personal experience that I choose to distance myself from this brand.

What about you? Are there certain brands that you are fiercely loyal to, or tend to stay clear of, due to personal experiences? Are you ever swayed by the products that celebrities use?

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