As you can probably tell from the title of this post, this will be a short compilation of stories and pictures I’ve already shared on my personal Facebook account. So if you’ve seen this already, I apologize…but my kids are so stinkin’ cute that the stories are guaranteed to put a smile on your face this weary Monday morning! 🙂
Cuteness Overload #1:
A couple of weeks ago, Aerin bit Claire’s arm — hard enough to leave red indentations which inevitably transformed into teeth-shaped bruises. 🙁 To be fair, Claire had been taunting Aerin by holding out her arms and telling her to chomp down, only to pull away at the last second…but this time, she wasn’t fast enough.
Needless to say, Claire started bawling uncontrollably from the pain, and Aerin — who almost always cries when she sees that her big sister is upset — followed suit. I made Aerin apologize (“Sowee, unnie.”) and I explained to Claire that her sister is still too little to understand potentially dangerous games like that.
I think Aerin continued to feel bad about the incident, because she was extra affectionate toward Claire (sitting right next to her and tentatively following her around the house) for the rest of the afternoon, and even gave Claire’s booboo a kiss. When she saw that Claire was sulking again, she brought me the TV remote and asked, “Aww-troll?” (Paw Patrol, which is Claire’s favorite show).

Fun with Photo Booth

They have taken over my bed.

At the Bronx Zoo.
Cuteness Overload #2:
Aerin brings me a pair of sparkly shoes…
Aerin: “Umma! Shoe! Help me!”
Me: “Okay…sit first.”
Aerin immediately sits.
Claire: “GOOD BOY!”
Me: “No, you don’t say ‘Good boy’ to your sister or other people. You say ‘Good boy’ to dogs like Dante.”
Both girls giggle at what I say.
Claire: “Okay, umma! Ruff! I’m a dog!”
Aerin walks over to her big sister, pats her on the head, and says, “GOOD BOY!”
Moar Pix:

In the fobby PJs I got for them from Korea

More Photo Booth fun

Future geek in training
Cuteness Overload #3:
For the past month or so, C&A have NEEDED me to lie in bed with them in order to fall asleep. A typical bedtime scenario:
Girls: *whisper, whisper, giggle, whisper*
Me: “Shh! Good night!”
Claire: “Ow! Umma, Aerin is hitting me!”
Me: “Aerin, don’t hit your sister.”
Silence. Aerin suddenly gets up and starts jumping around the bed.
Claire: “Shh! Unnie is tired!”
Me: “Aerin, LIE DOWN and go to sleep!”
Aerin lies down and both girls stay silent for about a minute. Then I hear whispering again.
Claire: *giggles* “Aerin, you’re so silly!”
Aerin: “No, silly CLAIRE!”
Me: “You’re BOTH silly! Go to sleep!”
Another minute of silence. Then Aerin starts to softly sing, “♫Good night…♫” And Claire & I both join in. “♫Good night, good night…don’t let the frostbite bite…♫” (This is the song Kristoff sings to Sven in Frozen.)