I’m loving the idea behind these ads for Pilot’s Extra-Fine ballpoint pens!
See Flavorwire for more from this series by Grey Agency of Barcelona.
Via Boing Boing.
I’m loving the idea behind these ads for Pilot’s Extra-Fine ballpoint pens!
See Flavorwire for more from this series by Grey Agency of Barcelona.
Via Boing Boing.
I am an appreciator of good design.
I heart blueprints and other similar planning documents/drawings.
Hence, I love these iPhone 4 CAD drawings!
The dimensions of the iPhone 4 are available to the public (download link) as a service to case manufacturers. The designers at Core77 has taken it a step further by overlaying it over actual product photos to create these beautiful CAD drawings.
Thanks for all the hard work — these drawings themselves are works of art!
On our drive back home from Atlantic City, I asked J which 5 celebrities would be on his “freebies list.”
(Just in case you don’t know what a freebies list is, Urban Dictionary defines it as “A list of 5 celebrities who, should the opportunity arise, one is allowed to sleep with without it being considered as cheating by your significant other.”)
J couldn’t think of one right away, so he asked me who is on mine. I could only think of two right away (Jon Hamm and John Krasinski), so we ended up spending a good portion of the trip discussing our lists.
Here is who I ultimately chose (in no particular order):
As you can see, I tend to gravitate toward men with dark features and a streak of bad-boy charm. Ryan Reynolds is the odd one out as he is too clean-cut and a bit too “pretty boy” for my tastes, but his mocking humor (or at least in the characters he plays) won me over.
Here is J’s freebies list, again in no particular order:
J clearly has a thing for voluptuous bombshells. The odd one out would be Sasha Grey (yes, I am well aware that she is an adult film actress), whom J chose “because she’s one of the hottest pornstars right now and every guy I know wants her.”
Obviously our lists are just for fun and we had a good time discussing these celebrities with no jealousy or hostility. We even joked that because we both took so long finalizing our lists, we should print them out, laminate them and carry them in our wallets like Ross did in Friends.
I’m not sure what I would ever do if I ever did run into anyone on my list — I’d probably just clam up and hide. J would most likely try to strike up a conversation with the women on his list, but I know that he would never take it any further.
Do you have a freebies list? Have you shared it openly with your significant other? Who is on your list?
My pregnancy-induced swelling has reached a point where it has become difficult to take off my wedding ring set at the end of the day.
(I’m not sure why, but I’m always fine at the beginning of the day, only to end up with fat stumpy feet and kielbasa-like fingers come nightfall. Can someone shed some light on this?)
I do not always wear my wedding ring set when I am in the house, but I always wear them when I am out. And yes, i wear both my engagement ring and my wedding band. So the very few times that I’ve forgotten to wear my set has left my fingers feeling naked in public. And there’s the self-conscious part of me wanting to not look like a knocked-up teenager.
I have read that some women buy a cheap ring in a larger size to wear during pregnancy for this exact reason.
Have you, or do you know of someone who has gone this route during pregnancy?
After doing some research on the ‘net, I’ve found a sterling silver, cubic zirconia ring that could be a dead ringer for my wedding ring set:
The only difference is that this ring is one ring while my set consists of two rings. (You can see my engagement ring here. My wedding band is the same exact width and style of the band of my engagement ring.)
However, the fact remains that this “placeholder” ring would cost $42. That’s 42 Dollar Menu items right there, y’all!
One part of me says I’m being silly — why should I spend extra money to let the world know that I’m married for what will most likely be (knock on wood) a few short months? Some have suggested that I put my rings on a chain to wear around my neck, but I would be too paranoid about the chain snapping off.
What would you do? Just forgo wearing rings for the last months of the pregnancy? Buy the $42 “placeholder” ring?
Although I thoroughly suck at science, I received a chemistry kit as a present one birthday some twenty years ago and loved it for years on end.
J owned multiple chemistry kits as a child and also has fond memories of mixing strange compounds together and “blowing sh*t up.”
We fully intend on gifting our children with chemistry sets when they reach the proper maturity level, but I have become discouraged at the types of kits that are available at toy stores these days. No actual chemicals? Nothing sharp or breakable? Glass beakers and test tubes that have been replaced by shatter-proof plastic? Nothing that has the potential to create sizzling/smoking/foul-smelling reactions?
Where’s the fun in that?
That’s why I let out a chuckle and a sigh when I saw this cartoon at SMBC over the weekend:
Did anyone else own chemistry sets as a child? Do you miss the old days of being able to play with potentially harmful (but perfectly safe when handled properly) toys without government bans or the fear of the mommy police coming after you?
For what it’s worth, I’m glad to see that there still exist some chemistry kits, like the Thames & Kosmos CHEM C3000, that come relatively close to what we had as children.
Heck YEAH Sephiroth is feared by anyone with a heartbeat!
How does your favorite video game boss compare? And can you believe this chart was sponsored by Term Life Insurance?
Via NeatoGeek.
Whenever I see Comang in his comfy pose, paws twitching and snores galore, I often wonder if he is dreaming, and if so, what about?
And when my daughter is born, I know that I will wonder the same about her.
Obviously I am not the only mother who tries to imagine what her baby is dreaming. Adele Enersen decided to take it one step further and capture her daughter’s imaginary dreams through photography. “This is my maternity leave hobby. While my baby is taking her nap, I try to imagine her dream and capture it.”
Here are a few of my favorites from the first page…
Via Laughing Squid.
J and I are spending our weekend here…
And seeing this man perform live tonight…
Living just 2.5 hours from Atlantic City, my parents used to drag me and my sister here all the time when we were little. Being bored out of my mind on countless occasions has led to my distaste for “America’s favorite playground” and casinos in general.
So believe it or not, this is my first time visiting AC in over 15 years!
I’m pretty excited at the idea of experiencing all the kitschy delights that the 4-mile long boardwalk has to offer. I look forward to playing Skeeball for cheap prizes. I relish the thought of indulging in saltwater taffy and all-you-can-eat buffets. And who knows? I might even purchase one of those cheesy airbrushed shirts à la Robin in How I Met Your Mother.
Posting will remain light this weekend as all entries been scheduled in advance (including this one). I hope everyone has a great weekend!
I have never been a fan of yoga — I’ve never had the patience for it as I much prefer high-impact exercises that literally kick my butt into shape.
However, Star Wars Yoga is something I may be able to get behind…
Created by Matthew Latkiewicz, Star Wars Yoga has been garnering much attention since its inception last year. According to Wired UK,
Contemplating the names of yoga poses led Matthew Latkiewicz, a lifelong Star Wars nerd, to create his own Lucasfilm-themed postures. He posted pics of himself performing some of them, including the TIE Fighter, and the Half I Am Your Father, to his blog, framed as missives to Lucas from the marketing dept. “I loved the idea of someone pitching him branded yoga,” he says. “There’s mysticism to the films — a lot of Jedi/yogi overlap — so it sounds plausible. Which makes it even funnier.” His yoga is based on the original trilogy but Latkiewicz says he might create some prequel-inspired poses. “I’d call one ‘The Disappointed Fanboy’.”
(Hehe, love that last line!)
If the clever names don’t entice you, some the facial expressions are alone worth a look!
Via The Official Star Wars Blog.