Jul 22, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Home, Travel, Wishlist

My Scratch Map

My Scratch Map is a must-have for any avid traveler. Rather than using pushpins to mark the areas you’ve visited, the user scratches off the gold foil to reveal a colorful map underneath.

While I would love to get my hands on one of these to hang proudly in my office, I would be too embarrassed at the lack of color on my map (only the continental U.S., South Korea, and a couple of countries in western Europe would be scratched off). Oh, and I can’t forget the fact that I don’t have an office to hang it in.

Via Gizmodo.

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Jul 22, 2010  •  In Funny, Movies, Web

“In Your Dreams…”

This is too funny not to share!

Via The Daily What.

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Jul 22, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal, Pregnancy, Relationships

29 Weeks

(I need to really start making it a point to post these updates on time, as I am now almost 30 weeks.)

As stated in a post yesterday, I’m starting to get really uncomfortable. My lower back constantly aches. My hands and feet swell so much at nighttime that I’m starting to have dexterity issues. I have trouble breathing with the baby pressed up against my lungs. My worst symptoms of the first trimester — nausea, painful gas, constipation, and insomnia — have all returned with a vengeance. And my hips hurt so much from the separating/loosening joints and ligaments that I consistently walk with a limp. (Can’t exercise either, because of my damn hips.)

Considering how uncomfortable I am getting, and looking at how large I am starting to look in the pictures below (you can catch a glimpse of Comang in this week’s shot!), I can’t believe I have 11 whole weeks left. I really, really hope that I do not go over my due date.

J has been a doll throughout all this. He offers to give me massages and foot rubs, constantly asks me if I’m craving anything, doesn’t mind that I only cook about once a week now, and ignores the messy house. He even offers to pay for new maternity clothes, new beauty products and services — even my new expensive waxing routine — so that I won’t feel quite as unattractive.

I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive husband. But I would be lying if I were to say that the guilt has yet to set in. Last week, I felt so bad that he would slave away all day to pay for my unnecessary crap that I started going through my (small) collection of designer handbags, trying to see which ones I would be able to part with at a decent price.

Then J walked into the room. “What are you doing?”

When I explained myself, his face clouded over. “Why would you do that?” He almost looked angry. “It’s my job to work and bring home the bacon. It’s your job to stay healthy and be happy and comfortable for the sake of the baby. I don’t expect anything else from you.”

“But don’t you miss the days when I worked full-time too? Don’t you ever feel like you have a lazy wife who contributes nothing to this household?” I countered.

“No. All you need to do right now is to grow a healthy baby. DON’T FEEL BAD. DON’T FEEL GUILTY. I am happy to be able to provide for our family. You just tell me what you need and I’ll do everything I can to make you happy and comfortable.” He ended his short speech with a bear hug and a big fat kiss.

I love my husband.

The baby continues to grow stronger each day. J likes to say that she is re-enacting scenes from The Matrix in my stomach — sometimes she will attack with blindingly fast kicks and punches, and other times, with SLOOOW but powerful movements that make us wonder, ‘What the heck is she doing in there?’ 

Sometimes I even get worried that she’s moving too much, and if that is a bad thing. But when I posted my concern on Twitter all my fellow mommy friends chimed in to reassure me that it’s nothing to worry about…if anything, it’s a good thing!

According to most pregnancy websites, the baby now measures 15-17 inches long and weighs about 3 lbs. If she were to be born now, she would have more than a 90% chance of surviving without long-term complications. All she needs to do from now until delivery is to pack on the fat, keep absorbing calcium, and continue to practice breathing!

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Jul 22, 2010  •  In Cute, Geek, Science

Knitted Dissections

Who knew dissected frogs could look so cute?

I always found biology class dissections fascinating, so it comes as no surprise that I was drawn to Etsy seller CraftyHedgehog‘s collection of knitted dissections.

Cute yet morbid, the series includes frogs, rats, fetal pigs, bunnies, and alligators. Each creature even comes pinned down in its own dissection tray as seen in the pictures below!

Via Bit Rebels.

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Jul 22, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Geek

The Anatomy of Mr. Potatohead

Jason Freeny, the biofictionist behind the oh-so-fabulous Hello Kitty, Lego, and Gummi Bear anatomy illustrations, has just released his latest and greatest: Mr. Potatohead.

Be sure to check out his website for more illustrated dissections and various other goodies!

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Jul 21, 2010  •  In Geek, Video Games

Not Tetris

What if the game of Tetris followed the laws of physics? What if the blocks fell like leaves instead of in neat stacks and lines?

What if the chances of your actually winning a the game is slim to none?

Now, you can experience exactly that by playing “Not Tetris,” a game available for download here.

The only downside is that “Not Tetris” is only available for Windows machines. It’s a shame, because I would have loved to try it out.

Via The Next Web.

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Jul 21, 2010  •  In Personal, Pregnancy

I Hate Being Pregnant [Confessions]

Yesterday J asked me when I would like to take my maternity photos.

“I don’t know…next month? I don’t really care.”

Then I realized…I really do care. But for the wrong reasons. Because the truth of the matter is, I don’t want to take them. Because never have I felt more unattractive in my life. Because never have I felt more unhealthy.

Because — to be perfectly frank — I hate being pregnant and I don’t want a visual reminder of it.

A perfect representation of how attractive I feel at the moment

Now don’t get me wrong — I am still amazed at the life that is living within me, to see her growing larger and stronger, to be able to feel her moving inside of me. I am so thankful that J and I were able to conceive naturally, and that our baby seems to be healthy and doing well. And I thank God every day for giving us this blessing — this miracle — and continue to pray for a happy and healthy baby.

But that doesn’t negate the fact that I hate being pregnant. Am I a horrible mom for thinking this? For admitting to it?

And on some sense I feel like a traitor to myself. Because I tried so hard to get pregnant again. Because there was a time when all I wanted was to be pregnant. And I feel like a traitor to those who are working so hard to get pregnant, to those who would give anything to be in my shoes.

I know there are some women who LOVE being pregnant. Sadly, I am not one of them. I look forward to the day when my daughter is born, not only so that I can see her face-to-face for the first time, but because I know that I will no longer be pregnant.

Surely I can’t be the only woman who feels this way…right?


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Jul 21, 2010  •  In Funny, Geek, Web

Why Web Developers Hate IE6

Via WildAmmo.

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Jul 21, 2010  •  In Comang, Cute, Star Wars

Proof That My Dog Looks Like an Ewok When He’s in Need of a Haircut

(The spear has been masterfully added to the picture by yours truly.)

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Jul 20, 2010  •  In Cute, Geek, Photography

Pokémon Battles Scenes in Real Life [Gotta Catch ‘Em All]

I used to love Pokémon and watched it every. Single. Day. (Did I mention that I was a major NERD in high school?) Sadly, the obsession faded as I entered college but I still hold fond memories of Ash and the gang.

Flickr user alecks(zander)kwin has uploaded four photographs of what he imagines Pokémon would look like in real life. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Via Geekologie.

P.S. — Who was your favorite Pokémon character? Mine was Psyduck…not only was Misty’s Psyduck a consistent source of comic relief, everyone couldn’t help but be impressed when he finally revealed his phenomenally powerful psychic abilities.

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