Jul 20, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Music

Noté Headphone Packaging

I love the clever and relevant package design for these headphones!

Designed by Corrine Pant, via Packaging of the World.

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Jul 20, 2010  •  In Funny, Infographics, Music

A History of the Beatles…

…as told by their hair.

Via The Daily What.

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Jul 19, 2010  •  In Geek, Infographics, Movies

The 5 Levels of ‘Inception’

If you haven’t watched Inception yet, GO WATCH IT NOW. It is by far the best movie I have seen in years — a mindf*ck of which keeps audiences guessing until the end, only to leave the theater with even more questions. It is The Matrix (the original) of this decade.


I admit it — I’m a nerd. As soon as we returned from the theater, I looked up the web’s interpretation of Inception and read up quite a bit on the theories regarding the movie.

What I could gather is that there are three possibilities:

  1. At the end of the movie, Cobb is still dreaming and/or in limbo.
  2. Cobb gets out at the end, and the audience is left with a happy ending.
  3. Cobb has been dreaming all along — the entire movie is a dream.

And although there are discussions brewing left and right with heated debates analyzing every little nuance of every scene, no one has yet to provide a solid interpretation of the film. There are facts that support and disprove each theory.

However, I believe that the movie ended perfectly. Christopher Noland has left it up to the audience to decide what happened, and I believe that’s where the true genius of this movie lies.

And for the infographic geek in all of us, here is Cinema Blend‘s interpretation of the 5 levels of Inception:

The optimist inside me likes to believe that Cobb got out at the end, and that he was happily reunited with his children. (Some people swear that if you listen carefully after the credits start rolling, you can hear the top topple.)

However, the idea that he was dreaming all along with Mal using inception on him to wake him up sounds pretty interesting too.

Have you watched Inception yet? What is your interpretation of the movie?

And for a more thought-provoking question…what would be your totem?

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Jul 19, 2010  •  In Apple, Art/Design, Cute, Funny, Gadgets, Geek

Fix Apple’s Boo-Boo with a Band-Aid

The Antenn-aid. As its website claims, “Apple made a boo-boo. Make it all better.”

Simply place this miniature miracle over the lower left corner of your iPhone’s sensitive area to improve signal performance. And while the seller goes through great lengths to ensure that buyers understand the Antenna-aid is for entertainment purposes only, chances are, the solution will work at least as well as tape or another type of protective covering.

Who needs Apple’s free case when you can apply an Antenn-Aid?

I do not have an iPhone 4, but if I did I would certainly cough up $4.99 for a six-pack of these beauties. Because…well, they’re cute.

Go grab your own at Etsy.

Via Mashable.

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Jul 19, 2010  •  In Funny, Geek, Infographics, Web

The Mind of a Web Developer

Via The Next Web.

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Jul 18, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Marketing/Advertising, Toys

Lego Shadow Ads [Brilliant Marketing]

Although this ad campaign is a few years old, I love the brilliance and simplicity of the ads. Seeing the simple shapes casting creative shadows, we are reminded that it is our imagination that keeps Lego blocks alive, and that we are capable of building anything.

Via Bit Rebels.

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Jul 18, 2010  •  In Geek

Geeky Scrabble Game

This may qualify for the geekiest game of Scrabble ever played:

However, I may have to subtract a few points for using “IE” twice.

Via Smashing Apps.

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Jul 18, 2010  •  In Asian, Infographics, Information, Korean

Japanese Blood Typing [Infographic]

Like Japan, Korea also has an obsession with blood typing. Celebrity profiles include blood types along with height, weight, and interests. Dating/matchmaking service questionnaires always include blood type as one of the first questions. Casual social interactions usually include the exchange of blood type information.

And my mother about had a cow when she discovered that J does not know his blood type, and has been bugging us to get it checked ASAP.

Blood typing has taken such a strong hold on society that they will prescribe diets, therapies, and even relationship advice based on your blood type! “Blood type horoscopes” are common features in media outlets, and employers may use blood type in hiring decisions.

I personally don’t take much stock in this theory for the same reasons I never check my horoscope. What’s more, my blood type personality (I am O+) couldn’t be further from the truth.

However, I thought it would be fun to include a basic blood type relationship compatibility chart below. Generally, O-types are considered the best catches. On the flip side, men are advised to stay away from AB-type women and women should avoid B-type men.

A is most compatible with A and AB. 

B is most compatible with B and AB. 

AB is most compatible with AB, B, A, and O. 

O is most compatible with O and AB.

Have you heard of the Japanese theory of blood typing? Do you believe it holds any grain of truth?

Infographic via haha.nu.

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Jul 17, 2010  •  In Geek, Toys, Video Games

Where Do Tetris Pieces Come From?

Based on a Threadless design by Eduardo San Gil,  Alex Eylar attempts to answer this geeky debate.

Via The Daily What.

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Jul 17, 2010  •  In Entertainment, Information, Movies, Personal

The Trend Toward 3-D Movies

Last night, J and I went on a “dinner and a movie” date night: a delicious meal at Red Lobster (I swear that their commercials are targeted for pregnant women!) and a late-night show of Inception (GREAT movie btw…perhaps the best I’ve seen all year!).

While sitting through the previews, we couldn’t help but take special notice at the way the Harry Potter trailer ended:

“2-D Available in Select Theaters.”

Eh? So the last two HP movies will be more widely released in 3-D…and if we want to watch it in regular 2-D format and pay considerably less money by choosing to do so, we’d need to actively seek out theaters that are offering it in the old format?

Let’s get one thing out of the way: I have never been a big fan of 3-D. The novelty was fun when I was a kid, and it became a bit more exciting as 3-D technology progressed. That being said, I have yet to watch a movie that I felt TRULY benefited from being shot/converted to 3-D format.

Besides, as I’ve stated above, 3-D movies cost a heckuva lot more. The last 3-D movie we watched was Toy Story 3, and only because the 3-D showing was at a more convenient time than the 2-D. However, both our jaws literally dropped open when the cashier said, “That will be $36, please.”

$36 for two tickets, people. If you add in items from the concession stand, that movie trip alone cost us about $50!

(I should note that this is NYC prices where everything seems to be overpriced, so the cost is probably less in other parts of the country.)

I actually feel similarly about IMAX movies. There are some IMAX films, particularly documentaries, that I believe to really benefit from being showcased in the wide-format presentation…IF they are being presented on a true IMAX screen, as is the case at many museums and early IMAX theaters. Most of the newer movie complexes that tout IMAX theaters are not true IMAX, in my opinion. And I know I’m not the only one who thinks so.

It’s no secret that Hollywood is, and has been struggling for a while now with overall ticket sales down (well, the fact that they keep releasing crappy movies may have a lot to do with that). And they seem to repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot with ill-received ideas such as $20-$30 “home theater on demand,” as well as being caught red-handed fudging profit numbers in order to save the studios extra cash.

But will embracing 3-D and IMAX really help increase profits?

What do you think? Do you enjoy 3-D and IMAX movies over the old format? Do you think that eventually, ALL movies will be released in 3-D and/or IMAX?

And because I never like to end a long post without adding a funny picture or some interesting facts, here is a nice illustration on how 3-D works, courtesy of OnlineSchools:

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