Jul 14, 2010  •  In Beauty, Personal, Pregnancy

28 Weeks (And My Waxing Experience at Bliss)

Where did the 27 Weeks update go? Yeah…um…about that…

There was no 27th Week… *waves hand in an attempt to Jedi mind-trick my readers*

Did that work? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Just blame it on the fact that I can be a moron and completely forgot to take a picture, nevermind write an update, last week. Sorry about that.

There is some debate on when the third trimester officially starts — some say at the 27th week and others say the 28th. Whatever the correct answer may be, I am now officially in my third trimester and have started my seventh month of pregnancy. And as you can see below, my tummy has grown considerably in just two weeks. (Holy mirror spots, Batman! Remind me to wipe the mirror clean before taking next week’s picture!)

I managed to take a measurement of my waist and…it’s not pretty. Before pregnancy I usually hovered between 26″-27″. My waist is a whooping 40 inches now. Seeing the actual number made me feel like crap because I know women whose waists were 40″ right before delivery.

My weight gain is now at 30 lbs too. With 2.5 months left to go, I have a feeling that my total weight gain will hover around 45 lbs. Not good. However, I made a promise to myself that I will not stress too much about my weight gain and start exercising as soon as possible after birth. I’ll be returning to my trusty Jillian Michaels and will join J on the P90x.

Last Friday we had our monthly checkup and the doc reassured me that the baby is doing perfectly fine. This was also the day I took my 1-hour glucose test (the sugar drink wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be…it tasted like flat orange Fanta), and I’m assuming that I passed because they said they would call me if anything was wrong.

The best part about last week’s appointment? We found out that the baby had moved head-down! Both my mother and I had been praying that she would flip around ever since we found out she was in breech position, so we were both overjoyed at the news.

Baby girl remains very active. Sometime starting in the last week, I have been able to feel her slow movements as opposed to just her kicks and jabs. It’s a funny feeling whenever she presses up against my belly and rolls around…I’ve been starting to play the “which body part?” game in my head every day since. This is probably my favorite part about being pregnant: being able to feel my baby moving inside of me. I’m really going to miss it once she is born.

New York is having one of the hottest summers in almost a decade. As a result, I try my best to keep indoors in the A/C as much as possible. The heat certainly isn’t helping with the swelling either. I now wear flip-flops if I’ll be out during the night (when my feet swell the most and I can no longer fit comfortably into my regular shoes), and my wedding ring JUST barely fits.

Grooming myself is starting to become a hassle as well. I had stated earlier that I’m already having trouble wiping after taking a deuce. Shaving my legs is also starting to get difficult. Luckily, J has agreed to start doing that for me when the time comes. However, shaving my bikini line has become a complete freak show. And I refuse to let J shave me down there.

So I decided to get a wax.

I have never gotten a bikini wax before (I was always content with a razor), so I was a bit nervous to say the least. In addition, everyone says that it is at least 3 times as painful when you are pregnant, so I really had to question myself if I were being crazy.

However, I just didn’t feel clean anymore and it was really bugging me.

I had heard that the special strip-free wax that Bliss uses is one of the best and least painful, so I booked an appointment at Bliss Hoboken and went in today. I had explained to the receptionist that not only is it my first time, I am also pregnant so she booked me with one of their most popular waxing specialists: Jenna.

Let me just tell you — Jenna was THE BOMB. I don’t know what possessed me, but I had decided to go for the full monty and chose the brazilian…but then started to freak out about it right before we got started. However, Jenna helped me relax, kept the conversation going to keep me distracted, and really made this first-time waxer feel comfortable. As for the pain? Sure, there was some. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had expected and I wondered to myself several times why I had never done this before. The wax was THE perfect temperature, and what they tout is really true: their special wax only sticks to your hair (not your skin) so I barely even felt the “do-overs” that were done to catch the stubborn strays.

Jenna told me that she has pregnant women come in all the time for brazilians, up to just days before their due dates (one even came in the morning of the day she was to be induced!). I am loving the waxed feeling so much that I plan on doing the same. Seriously…why haven’t I ever done this before?

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Jul 14, 2010  •  In Information, Star Wars

15 Things Your Didn’t Know About Star Wars [Infographic]

Did I ever tell you that I once did a 23-page paper on Star Wars and the effect it had on American culture? Hence, nothing on this infographic was news to me but I figured that my readers might enjoy it…

Via Geeks Are Sexy.

One fact I’m surprised they left out: during the filming of Return of the Jedi, visual effects artist Ken Ralston was so frustrated by the dwindling budget and lack of time left to finish all the spaceships required for the Battle of Endor scene that he decided to throw in some random objects to pose as ships in the background. Included in the original Return of the Jedi (not the remastered, altered version) are yogurt containers and tennis shoes, zipping by at high speeds and too small for any casual observer to notice!

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Jul 14, 2010  •  In Android, Gadgets, Geek

SwiftKey: Another Kickass Keyboard for the Android

Remember when I wrote about Swype? Since downloading what has been called “the fastest keyboard for mobile phones” my mobile life has unquestionably changed for the better. And I wasn’t the only one; I have since received many comments, emails, and tweets thanking me for writing about Swype.

So imagine my surprise to learn that there are some people who hate Swype’s gliding input system. One prime example resides right in my household. That’s right. My own husband — *gasp* — hates Swype.

Now there may be an alternative for people like J. Introducing SwiftKey, which is being touted as one of the best predictive text input methods out on the mobile market. SwiftKey has an uncanny ability to guess what your next word will be, and delves into your SMS history (if allowed) in order to “learn” how you converse.

Since SwiftKey, like Swype, is still in its beta phase, the keyboard is available for FREE to Android users running all the main releases of Android — 1.5 (Cupcake), 1.6 (Donut), 2.01 (Eclair), 2.1 (Eclair) and 2.2 (Froyo).

You can find it by searching for “SwiftKey” in the Android Market, or, if you’re reading this post from your phone, just click on this download link.

Still not convinced? Take a look at SwiftKey in action:

Via Engadget.

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Jul 14, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Marketing/Advertising

Amex Zync Blank Canvases [Clever Advertising]

I love the concept behind the “Blank Canvases” campaign for the AMEX Zync card!

By encouraging consumers to seek out blank canvases and fill these canvases with their lives (which amount to endless possibilities), the ads evoke both inspiration and emotional attachment — both of which are vital elements in great advertising campaigns.

Check out the commercials below, each featuring music from different artists.


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Jul 14, 2010  •  In Art/Design

Downloadable Papercrafts

It’s amazing that a company like Yamaha would have on their website an entire section devoted to papercrafts. Each project comes complete with pictures, a brief history of the object(s), and most importantly, FREE downloadable instructions on how to create your own.

Origami has always been a fun pastime of mine as it is cheap, meticulous, and time-consuming. (I’m pretty sure I can fold a paper crane with my eyes closed.) Most of the projects on this site seem like they would be a challenge to even a seasoned veteran. However, I think they would be a great undertaking for those who have the patience and time. All I need to do now is to choose my first project out of the dozens that are available!

Via ohdeedoh.

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Jul 14, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Home

‘365’ Knitting Clock

German designer Siren Elise Wilhelmsen has designed a clock that seeks to give a physical manifestation to the change of time through the growth of knitted material.

The circular knitting machine encased within the clock consists of 48 needles, a thread spool, a thread holder and a roll of yarn. Moving in clockwise direction, one day leads to a complete round, while a year gives users 2 meters of a complete scarf.

More photos and details can be found at Design Bloom.

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Jul 14, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Star Wars, Twitter, Web

Twaggies: Twitter Illustrated

Not unlike Missed Connections, Twaggies is a site that finds funny/interesting tweets and illustrates them to make them even more memorable.

Bit Rebels says of the site:

Twaggies is definitely one of those websites that you intend to check out for five minutes, and thirty minutes later you’re still laughing. Apparently, to get your tweet twagged (ahh.. a new Twitter word is born), you just have to follow @twaggies and then send some silly tweets that would make creative visuals.

Is it just a coincidence that the latest Twaggie features none other than the supreme Sith Darth Vader? I think not. It is a definitive sign that I must add the site to my Google Reader.

Via mental_floss.

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Jul 13, 2010  •  In Cute, Funny, Information, Web

A History of LOLcats

It’s amazing how some user-submitted images and misspelled captions can create such a worldwide phenomenon. Even if you’re not a big fan of LOLcats, you might find this illustration interesting and full of fun facts. (Click to view large.)

Via The Next Web.

P.S. — Did I ever mention that my sister’s dog Dante will be featured in the soon-to-be-published LOLcats book I Can Has Cheezburger?: Lolcats Teach U How To Take Over Teh Wurld? This is the picture that will bring Comang’s cousin to fame:

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Jul 13, 2010  •  In Baby, Cute

Adorbz of the Day

We are so dressing our daughter in geeky/gamer costumes. You just wait for our Christmas cards.

Via The Daily What.

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Jul 13, 2010  •  In Comang, Personal

Our Fixed Dog, A Horrible Night, and Small Miracles

I only got 2½ hours of sleep the night before the procedure. I have always been a sensitive sleeper (ie, not being able to sleep well the night before trips) and with growing concern for my little guy, coupled with a bad case of pregnancy-related indigestion, I simply could not rest easy.

We dropped Comang off at the animal hospital at 8:30am and were instructed to call back after 3:30pm, when he would be coming out of anesthesia. I called exactly at 3:31 and was relieved beyond a doubt to hear that the surgery had gone well. The vet wanted to keep an eye on him for another couple of hours to make sure there were no complications, and so directed me to come pick him up after 5:30pm.

I was delighted to find a bright and alert Comang at the animal hospital. Our vet (love him, btw) showed me the sutures, gave me instructions for post-op care, and once again remarked at what a well-behaved dog Comang is. After handing me a bottle of painkillers, the doc cleared us for discharge.

Immediately upon arrival at home, I tried to take Comang out on a short walk so that he could relieve himself. He refused. It seemed that the pain was starting to kick in…

As soon as we entered our condo, Comang squatted and pooped on the floor. He had never pooped in the house before, and was obviously very ashamed of it. He walked on over to the kitchen and hid behind the table. I urged him to come out — “It’s okay, buddy! I know you’re not feeling well! Don’t worry about it!” — and after a few minutes, he slowly made his way over to his mommy.

The vet had instructed me to give Comang his pain meds only after he had eaten. Comang was to be given a small meal that night so that I can start him on his painkillers…however, he REFUSED to eat. I placed all of his favorite treats in front of him, and even tried to put them in his mouth but he spat it all out.

“PLEASE eat,” I begged him. “I can’t give you your pain meds until you eat…”

Comang ignored my pleas and so I gingerly placed him on the couch. He was shivering — a combination of the aftereffects of anesthesia and pain — and looked so miserable that I didn’t know what to do. I arranged some blankets around and over him so that he would stay warm, sat myself down on the cold hard floor beside the couch and slowly petted him until his eyes started to close.

I remained in this position until J arrived 2 hours later. He came home to found his dog shivering and in pain, and his wife crying and repeated whispering “I’m so sorry” to the dog.

I was exhausted from lack of sleep (I hadn’t been able to nap that day) but I insisted on sleeping on the couch for the night, next to Comang. I didn’t want him sleeping on our bed as he usually does because the bed is higher and thus carries more potential for our little guy to hurt himself should he try to jump off.

At around 3:00am I awoke and saw that Comang was no longer beside me. I thought I heard him in the guest bedroom, so I made my way over there and flipped on the lights.

He had peed, pooped, and thrown up on the bed.

Once again he looked horribly ashamed of himself. I didn’t scold him at all, but he certainly acted like I had screamed at him and did a walk of shame to his crate. He refused to come out of the crate for the rest of the night, even through both my and J’s urging.

I didn’t want the stains to settle into the bedcovers, so I stripped everything off and started the wash. 10 minutes later, I heard a weird tut tut tut sound coming from our washer-dryer unit…then silence. I smelled smoke.

I ran over and fiddled with the dials. Nothing. It seemed our washer had died with its contents still soaking wet and soapy inside.

Frustrated, I headed over to my laptop to try to get a number for a handyman for me to call in the morning. But wait — why wasn’t my internet working? I reset the router and played around with the settings in order to get our wireless connection up and running again. I’m usually good with technology and have no trouble diagnosing connection problems, but nothing seemed to be working.

This all happened between 3:00-3:30am.

At this point I started to cry again and decided to wake up my husband. He tried to encourage Comang to come out of his crate but was unsuccessful. He took a quick look at the washer and said that we’ll get someone to fix it, or just buy a new one. He tried to fix our wireless issue but couldn’t figure it out (and he is the guy that all our friends go to whenever they have issues with their internet!)…

“I’ll take care of everything in the morning. GO TO SLEEP,” he told me.

I fell asleep praying to God that He will bring with the morning sun a renewed, better day for our family.

A few hours later, I awoke to the sound of Comang scratching at the side of the guest bed. I took this as a sign that he needed to pee, so I decided to take him on a walk.

He wasn’t nearly as energetic as he usually is, but he seemed A LOT better than the night before. He looked happy to be outside and to be able to relieve himself; I couldn’t help but smile through my fatigue.

As soon as we returned I tried feeding him again…and he ate! It was only a little bit, but he did and I praised him like he had just found the cure for cancer. I immediately gave him a painkiller afterwards and I felt better knowing that his pain will subside soon.

I headed over to the washer to check if the water from the bedcovers had drained somewhat. I had figured that I could take them to a coin-operated laundromat later in the day to get everything washed and dried. However, something told me to try turning it on again…

…AND IT WORKED! I was able to finish the wash cycle without a problem!

Not only that, but our wireless connection had managed mysteriously fix itself too.

I have no idea what happened in the 4 hours between our discovering the problems and waking up to find everything working fine. I know that I didn’t imagine the smell of smoke from the washer, because J smelled it too. And as far as our internet, we didn’t do anything additional to it aside from just going to sleep. All I can do is chalk it up to small miracles. Praise God!

Comang looks to be doing A LOT better. The only thing of concern at the moment is that he seems a bit miffed at me. “Mommy, this was YOUR idea. Daddy was against it the whole time. And you’re the one who always brings me to the mean vet. I’m so mad at you right now…”

Comang continues to give me dirty looks and doesn’t seem nearly as cuddly towards me as he usually is. And this morning, as J left for work, the little guy seemed simply devastated to see his daddy go. “Don’t leave me alone with mommy! Mommy’s mean to me!” And as J bent down to tie his shoes Comang firmly planted himself between J’s legs as if to say, “Ha! You can’t tie your shoes now! You have to stay!”

Our dog has never acted like this before. Usually he could care less as J leaves for work because he knows I’ll still be around. Sigh.

It certainly was a rough night and I’m glad that it’s over. And while it may seem like mere coincidences and/or inevitable events to some people, I’m fully convinced that God did answer my prayer. Now if only I can get Comang to like me again…

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