Jun 17, 2010  •  In Pregnancy, Science

Kegels Alone May Not Be Beneficial

“Don’t forget to do your kegels!” is one mantra that every pregnant woman hears.

However, just how effective are kegel exercises?

As much as fellow moms and moms-to-be tell me how beneficial they are, I have heard and read many accounts of women who have regularly done kegels throughout their pregnancies only to suffer from horrible incontinence after birth.

I also know of women who have never done kegels and continue to have perfect post-partum urinary control.

image source

Yesterday, I read that kegels may not always prevent incontinence. In fact, a biomedical scientist named Katy Bowman believes that doing too many kegels may cause pelvic floor disorder (which leads to incontinence)! Instead, Bowman recommends exercises such as squats to help strengthen the pelvic floor.

Click on over to Mama Sweat for the full interview with Katy Bowman, and be sure to check out the follow-up interview too.

While I won’t go on ahead to immediately dismiss the recommendations of highly-respected medical sources such as the Mayo Clinic and the American Academy of Pediatrics, I can’t help but wonder if Bowman’s claims have a ring of truth. After all, the pubococcygeus muscles (which kegels aim to strengthen) alone cannot attribute to urinary control. Wouldn’t the gluts and other core muscles also help prevent pelvic floor dysfunction?

A quick search on PubMed shows a review paper titled “Pelvic floor exercises during and after pregnancy: a systematic review of their role in preventing pelvic floor dysfunction” which states:

RESULTS: Antepartum PFEs, when used with biofeedback and taught by trained health care personnel, using a conservative model, does not result in significant short-term (3 months) decrease in postpartum urinary incontinence, or pelvic floor strength. Postpartum PFEs, when performed with a vaginal device providing resistance or feedback, appear to decrease postpartum urinary incontinence and to increase strength. Reminder and motivational systems to perform “Kegel” exercises are ineffective in preventing postpartum urinary incontinence. Postpartum PFEs do not consistently reduce the incidence of anal incontinence.

According to this paper, kegels are not helpful when done before delivery; only when done after, and only when you have something physical to squeeze.

Based on these findings, I’m inclined to believe that while kegels during pregnancy may be beneficial, they will not aid in post-partum incontinence unless combined with pelvic floor exercises. In addition, I should continue to do kegels after giving birth to help my body get back into its pre-pregnancy shape.

Can any moms chime in? Do you think kegels helped you in preventing urinary incontinence post-delivery?

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Jun 16, 2010  •  In Apple, Funny, Geek

What It’s Like to Own an Apple Product

I 100%, most positively concur.

(Click to view large)

Via the ever-so fabulous Oatmeal.

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Jun 16, 2010  •  In Cute, Photography, Toys

Wall-E Sets Out to Properly Celebrate Father’s Day

I am loving this series of photos which depict the Pixar character Wall-E on a quest to find his true father.

Via GeekSugar.

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Jun 16, 2010  •  In Comang

Après Vet

Comang had his annual appointment with the vet today. The doctor gave us a clean bill of health and praised my little guy many times over for his good behavior.

I was so proud of my little man — he didn’t even flinch as the vet administered the rabies and distemper shots!

Did you know that a Chihuahua and a Great Dane get the same dosage of the rabies vaccine? And since Comang is a small dog (he weighs about 15 lbs), the vet warned me that he might act lethargic or sleepy from the shots.

The doc’s prediction proved correct. As soon as we got home I gave Comang a Milkbone for being such a good sport…which he proceeded to gobble down in record time and promptly pass out.

Comang continued to sleep, reposition himself, and sleep some more, occasionally letting out a sigh to display his discomfort. Here’s a shot I took just now:

proof that I can take decent pictures when I’m not too lazy to use the DSLR

I feel so bad for the little guy! I can only imagine how I’ll feel when it comes time to give my children their vaccinations.

The good news is that the vet declared Comang the healthiest (and best-behaved) dog he’s seen all day. I’m proud of you, munchkin! Hang in there just a bit longer and you’ll feel better soon!

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Jun 16, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Geek, Korean

Kim Jong Il Gets the Pokemon Treatment

This painting of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il overseeing a Pikachu ICBM nuclear war is impossible not to share…

Via Boing Boing.

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Jun 16, 2010  •  In Twitter, Web

Twitter Wars [A Fun Waste of Time]

DotWar is a Flash-based game that lets you pit one Twitter icon against another in a brutal, all-out war.

I quickly decided to sic my Twitter icon on J’s, expecting my little guys to kick some major butt (operating under the false assumption that I would win since I have more followers).

Alas it was not meant to be! J’s icon quickly dispersed to follow a “divide and conquer” strategy, virtually rendering my icon defenseless.

I repeated the war and even tried playing on manual mode, only to see the same dismal results. Sob.

I only hope that some of my readers will have greater success in DotWars.

Via Gizmodo.

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Jun 15, 2010  •  In Books, Web

Classic Books Retitled to Boost Web Traffic

Mike Lacher of McSweeney’s Internet Tendency has a list of great works of literature that have been retitled for SEO purposes. I’ll tackle the first — can you figure out the rest?

7 Awesome Ways Barnyard Animals Are Like Communism – “Animal Farm”

The 11 Stupidest Things Phonies Do To Ruin The World

8 Surprising Ways West Egg Is Exemplary Of The Hollowness Of The American Dream

6 Shockingly Evil Things The Turn-Of-The-Century Meatpacking Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

5 Insane Ways London Could Become a Dystopia (And How It’s Not That Far From Reality)

1 Weird Thing Caddy Smells Like

I personally do not take much stock in SEO, so just reading these overly descriptive, list-centric titles makes me gag. However, you can’t help but admit that they sure sound intriguing!

Via kottke.org.

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Jun 15, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal, Pregnancy

24 Weeks

My heart skipped a beat when I woke up yesterday morning. I had reached a new milestone. My baby is now considered viable by the American medical community.

And how can she not? Baby girl is growing larger and stronger every day. I can now see my belly do “jumps” as she hiccups. She reacts to sounds and light. She keeps me awake at night (yep, she’s definitely a night owl) with her incessant tumblings.

The best part? She dances in my stomach whenever I play the piano.   My SIL — a musical genius who has a PhD from Juilliard — says that our baby cannot not be musical seeing as both J and I have both have had extensive classical music training. And so far, just from the baby’s reactions to my playing the piano, the statement seems to ring true.

Look how big I’m getting! Although the baby is measuring average now, I have a feeling that she’ll grow to be above average in the next three months. Both J and I were big babies at birth — J was over 7.5 lbs, and I was 8.35 lbs! I have no idea how my mother, a tiny Asian woman who stands at a mere 4’10”, managed to push me out without any complications.

My friends have been telling me that they love reading all the “things they never tell you until you’re pregnant” stories and anecdotes on this blog. So here’s another one…

Did you have braces as a teenager? If so, then there’s a chance that your teeth will attempt to shift back to their original positions when you become pregnant.

I had horribly crooked teeth as a kid. My two front teeth stuck out and I had a large gap between them. My bottom teeth were just crooked every which way. Luckily, I found a wonderful orthodontist who straightened them into a perfect paste-on smile in just 1.5 years, without pulling out any teeth.

Well, I have become one of the few pregnant women whose teeth have begun to shift back to their pre-braces positions (thanks, hormones!). Before getting pregnant, I had perfectly-aligned teeth. Take a look now:

The gap between my two front teeth is returning. My bottom teeth have become a big ol’ mess again.

Luckily, the shifting seems to have stopped…for now (knock on wood). Most people — including J — do not notice until I point out the change. And honestly, they don’t bother me too much.

That being said, I might think about getting Invisalign or something similar if the problem gets worse. But that’s only if the gap between my two front teeth returns to Michael Strahan proportions. I would rather save the money for braces for my children, should they need them.

Other than that, the pregnancy has been smooth sailing. These days, I’m trying my best to enjoy the last few weeks of the second trimester before the dreaded third trimester begins.

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Jun 15, 2010  •  In Entertainment, Funny, Korean

Stephen Colbert vs Rain, Continued

Last night Stephen Colbert continued his rivalry with Korean pop star Rain in a segment called “Who’s Not Honoring Me Now?” Watch the hilarious clip below:

And for nostalgia’s sake, let’s recap Stephen’s feud with Rain…

Stephen loses Time’s 100 Most Influential People to Rain:

Rain shows up at the studio for an after hours dance-off with Stephen:

And last but certainly not the least, Stephen creates his own Korean R&B video, called “He’s Singing in Korean”:


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Jun 15, 2010  •  In Funny, NYC, Web


When the MTA decided to merge the “V” with the “M” line, they indubitably placed new signs to replace the old…with hilarious results:

My first thought while reading this delicious piece was: how could anyone not have noticed this?

The MTA has responded swiftly — the labels for the subway lines will be re-arranged so that they will appear on two lines.

Hence my second thought: you know an internet meme has made it big when the nation’s largest public transportation system is forced to work around it.

Via Gothamist.

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