Jun 8, 2010  •  In Infographics, NYC, Photography

Tourists vs Locals

I have never been one to do “tourist-y” activities, even when I am at a locale I have been dying to visit.

I’m pretty sure that my aversion to tourist-y activities comes from the combination of the fear of being mistaken for a stereotypical Japanese tourist (because apparently, all Asians look alike) and being around annoying tourists in NYC.

Now, a map is available for people like me who prefer to stay in areas that are less likely to be congested with tourists:

Created by neo-cartographer Eric Fischer, the Tourist vs Locals map is based on the frequency of photos taken over certain time periods.

The blue areas represent photos taken by people who have taken pictures in the same city over a period of month or more. The red spots are photos taken in the city for less than a month, and yellow spots are unknowns.

The best news is that Fischer has created maps of major cities across the globe. Take a look at his Locals and Tourists Photo Set on Flickr to see if he has your city mapped out as well!

Via Gothamist.

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Jun 8, 2010  •  In Blogging, Giveaways, Web

The Power of Social Media, the Invisible Line, and a Giveaway!

I am fully aware of the fact that in order for a blog to grow and become popular, I need to be proactive and “get out there.” Social media. Guest blogging. Maybe perhaps some advertising.

But honestly? I’m too lazy.

That is why I am so grateful for my internet friends who link to Geek in Heels from their sites. I love you guys — I really do!

And when power Digg/StumbleUpon/Delicious users link to my site, the traffic literally spikes through the roof…and brings with it more regular visitors and subscribers.

infographic via Smashing Apps


I always said that there is an invisible line that is to be crossed for all bloggers. A line, once crossed, will bring in organic traffic and continue to build regular visitors and subscribers.

This line is different for all. For me, it was the mark of 500 subscribers. For the longest time, it was the number I sought to reach and could never quite get there. The number continued to hover and plateau just below 500.

If you are a blogger, did/do you have an invisible line?

In my case, I was finally able to break through the invisible line with the help of Digg, StumbleUpon, and Delicious power users. To those users, I sincerely thank you!

Because there were days (okay, only two specific times) where I saw my number of subscribers go up by 100-200 overnight. And as I had predicted, the number of subscribers and regular visitors only continued to grow as soon as I passed the invisible line.

Geek in Heels now enjoys over 25,000 unique visitors a month. I know that number is small fries for most power bloggers, but I am quite proud of what I have accomplished.

While I certainly wish more visitors would comment (doesn’t every blogger?), I understand that a my posts do not always warrant comments. Just look at über-popular sites such as Boing Boing — millions of visitors a month with a strikingly disproportionate number of comments.

And since none of this would be possible without YOU, my readers…

What type of content would you like to see more of on Geek in Heels?

Is it pregnancy/babies? More geeky stuff? The sharing of random things I’ve found on the web? Personal, day-to-day musings?

And in order to get you all to really think about this question and leave pertinent feedback, I have decided to do a giveaway!

I will choose one comment for this post via a random number generator and that person will win a custom illustration!

The giveaway will end this Friday, June 11 at 3:00pm EDT. The winner will be announced as an addendum to this post, and I will contact the winner via email as well.

All comments without a valid email address will be disqualified (how else would I contact you if you won?), and only one comment is allowed per person.

Thanks in advance for your feedback, and thank you for reading Geek in Heels!

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Jun 8, 2010  •  In Funny

The Decline of Human Civilization

What?!! Okay!!!

Via Geeks are Sexy.

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Jun 8, 2010  •  In Movies, Music, Personal

Who Knew Batman Could Sing and Dance?

Before suffering laryngitis in the latest Batman franchise…

Before enthralling viewers over business cards, designer suits and eighties glamour — hence capturing the title of America’s favorite serial killer in a pre-Dexter era…

Before being rejected by one woman (Why, Jo? Whyyyy?????), only to move on to her younger sister…

Christian Bale starred in a little-known Disney musical called Newsies.

It was a crap film, only netting $2.9 million nationwide. Even Christian Bale himself admits to not liking the movie. 


(Maybe it had to do with my enormous crush on Christian Bale at the time…?)

Does anyone remember this movie? Did anyone like it, as this desperate, pimple-covered teenager did?

For fellow fans of this horrible movie, in addition to those who can’t get enough of Lady GaGa, here’s a sweet mashup of “Bad Romance” with a landmark song & dance number from Newsies:

Yes, that’s Christian Bale (badly) dancing his little butt off. It’s pretty comical to see the teenage heartthrob image that launched his career, don’t you think?

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Jun 8, 2010  •  In Android, Apple, Gadgets, Geek, Personal

The iPhone 4 (And What Phone Should I Buy My Husband?)

Today, El Steve-O donned his customary black turtleneck and jeans and wowed Apple fanboys worldwide as he introduced the iPhone 4 at the WWDC 2010.

I personally like the new hardware design — the more angled shape, the stainless steel band, and front-mounted camera — and think the white version in particular looks pretty damn sexy. Furthermore, the “Retina Display” looks mighty tempting…

However, I refuse to switch over to the iPhone until AT&T loses its current monopoly (at least in the U.S.) on the world’s most popular smartphone. I have had AT&T in the past and hated it; the 30% dropped call rate in NYC doesn’t help matters much either.

Besides, J and I are an Android couple.

Will YOU be getting the iPhone 4?

A few weeks ago, J actually asked, “Would you divorce me if I decide to get the new iPhone?”

I let out a big chuckle and replied that of course I wouldn’t divorce him — I might call him a sellout for a week or two, but I understand that my husband is a techie and if the iPhone suits his wants and needs, by all means, go for it.

“Hmm…I guess I’ll wait for WWDC and see what it has to offer.”

And you know what? After watching today’s keynote and reading up on all the iPhone 4 specs, he now says he does not want the iPhone 4. He still prefers Android to the iPhone OS (or the iOS, as Apple has just announced).

J has been working like a dog in the past few months due to a new product launch at his company. He even had to put out a few fires while on our babymoon, and has been working until 2-4am almost every night.

Thankfully, this week is THE launch week and so will be his last one working as a programming monkey slave for quite some time. And while he likes his job, I know that he only works this hard to support our growing family. All while I sit on my ass all day preparing to be a SAHM-slash-freelancer.

So I decided to sell some of my stuff to buy him a new phone (he really needs a new phone)…

…the only problem is, I can’t decide which phone.

And J is no help either, because he’s so damn picky and says I should just keep the money for myself. Aish! I WANT to buy him a new phone!

Are there any other Android fans out there?
Which phones would you recommend for my husband?

As for anyone who is interested in the iPhone 4 but can stand to wait a few months, I would advise you to wait. Because if the rumors swirling the interwebs are true, there’s something coming within the next 6 months that has AT&T worried. Worried enough to offer a very generous iPhone upgrade option for existing customers, so that they can lock them in for another 2-year contract.

Will AT&T’s exclusive hold on the iPhone finally come to an end within the next six months?

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Jun 7, 2010  •  In Food, Korean, Sports

World Cup Bento Boxes [Seoul Eats]

I may not be a big soccer fan, but my native country of South Korea is definitely excited about the World Cup. Not only are celebrities are posing for photo sessions rooting for the beloved Red Devils, the hottest musical artists (including Olympic gold medalist Yuna Kim who has surprised the public with her beautiful singing voice) have been collaborating for World Cup-themed songs and music videos that play around the clock on all media outlets.

Now, you can add World Cup Bento Boxes to the mix.

The Park Hyatt Seoul has decided to offer these meals during the World Cup to its guests. Included with the boxes are two bottles of Heineken and balloon sticks (those annoying inflatable toys that make noise when you clap them).

There are four kinds of boxes, each representing a major power-soccer region of the world.

The South American box, featuring beef empanada and galeto passarinho:

The South African box, featuring curried beef bread buns and lamb sosaties:

The European box, featuring fish and chips, cheese and cold cuts, and tomato bruschetta:

The Asian box, featuring Pork Belly Rolled in Marinated Daikon and Chicken Satay:

Unfortunately, the World Cup Bento Boxes are available via the hotel’s room service only.

Via ZenKimchi.

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Jun 7, 2010  •  In Art/Design, Home, Wishlist

Digit Magnets

I love the idea behind these magnets…

But I’m not sure if I’ll have the patience to neatly arrange them into letters to form cute, quirky messages on the fridge.

$16 ($14.40 for members) for a set of 22 magnets at the MOMA Store.

Via Beter Living Through Design.

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Jun 7, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal, Pregnancy

23 Weeks

“You’re so huge!” is a common phrase I hear these days. Just what is it about the general public (especially old ladies) that makes them think they have the right to comment on just how fat a pregnant woman is getting?

Well, I think I have given them more ammunition…

Because holy growth spurt, Batman! Take a look at how much my belly has ballooned in just a week:

My weight is gain at a hefty 23 pounds now. I had been hoping to keep it at 30 lbs for the entire pregnancy, but with 17 weeks left I have a feeling I’ll go way over.

For the first time ever, my waist size is now larger than my husband’s. Luckily, I still have 20 more pounds before I overtake him on the weight front, and I’m seriously hoping that this will never happen. After all, I have just started to feel the top of my thighs rubbing together as I walk. Sigh.

And meanwhile, the pregnancy boards are abuzz with women bragging about how they’ve only gained 3 lbs so far. Bitches.

The baby now weighs over a pound (yes, only one pound, which leaves the remaining 22 to my arms, boobs, and ass) and measures over a foot long. She is starting to get STRONG — the other night, I actually saw my belly jump — through my shirt, no less — as she delivered a particularly powerful kick.

My sister asked me the other day what baby kicks feel like. At first, it literally felt like butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Then it progressed to large bubbles popping inside my belly, and now it feels like muscle twitches and spasms. I know that as she grows larger and stronger, it will become more apparent that I have a squirming human inside of me…and that her movements might even hurt. I’m not sure how I’ll handle these, because baby girl is definitely a night owl and she’s already keeping me awake at night! Being a super-light sleeper certainly doesn’t help in pregnancy.

A few days ago, a woman in one of my pregnancy boards went into premature labor at 23 weeks. This isn’t an uncommon occurrence; I would say that we lose at least one woman per week from pregnancy complications. However, this time, the baby survived. Sure, he is severely underweight, hooked up to tons of machines and will most likely spend months in the NICU, but he’s alive.

In just one week my baby will be considered viable by the medical community. Be that as it may, I still have nightmares about losing this baby, about going into premature labor, about delivering a stillborn, and about the baby just suddenly dying in my womb without my knowing. But reading this story gave me renewed hope. She’s getting there.

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Jun 7, 2010  •  In Geek, Science

Numbers and Angles

I am an Asian and I suck at math.

There, I said it.

I’m the only Asian I know who did better on the verbal section of the SATs. (Any other Asians out there on this boat?) Even my basic arithmetic has gotten so bad — blame it on the calculators on my computer desktop, cell phone, bedside table, etc — that J does not trust me to teach simple math to our children.

So maybe some of my more mathematically-inclined readers can chime in here…

This simple theory, based on angles, seems to make a lot of sense:

Sure, there is more than one way to write certain numbers (and the way they portrayed the 7 and 9 seem a bit far-fetched). But just based on what is shown, the theory certainly seems to have merit.

So am I just gullible? Can anyone disprove this theory aside from certain numbers being written differently?

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Jun 7, 2010  •  In Geek, Video Games, Wishlist

Super Mario Playing Cards [I Want!]

Next month, Nintendo will be releasing three sets of Super Mario playing cards in Japan. The three choices consist of: 2D illustrations, 3D CGI versions, and old-school 8-bit renderings that are sure to bring back fond memories.

Why are all the cool products only released in Japan? Hopefully these will become available to the rest of us plebeians via eBay or a collectibles site.

Via Technabob

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